its insane how good ludwig is, he plays thousands of games and always plays at peak performance. ik he silver but this isnt silver gameplay as a jngl he will be plat easy
@boss2868 Says:
Aircoots the Legend that never died.
@f3rnando.99 Says:
Bro I am really happy you are enjoying the game. It's stuff like 10:05 you have to improve look Varus showed up on the map you should have immediately gone mid and punished him but you were paying too much attention to Kench
@huandrew3874 Says:
ludwig just duo'd with his GF 4 games in a row so he can blame it on her if he doesn't hit plat in the end
@ceboww Says:
Lud I am begging you, when you know you dont understand a champion like Illaoi or Swaine please just go read what they do in between games.
@cry9438 Says:
We've ALL been there. It's nice to see someone having passion for the game that we had love-hate relationship with.
@isaka2248 Says:
@jebbush2135 Says:
Almost gets hit by ezreal ult twice 49:27
@mrclean5146 Says:
Brotha change ur thumbnail lol
@Jazerade Says:
There are times when crashing the wave is't necessary, Shen's death left a ramped up wave for teemo that, had it not been pushed, would've killed many more friendly minions while staying on Teemo's side. The nuance in the decision making is whether or not Teemo wants an immediate back after the kill which most likey he wouldn't because you to the first blood kill gold, crashing the wave wasn't BAD but it wasn't the correct play.
@nahboh1897 Says:
A 30 year old hits silver.
@Rogueslasher Says:
Bro said silver scraps what’s that, I can’t.
@xxMilakasiaxx Says:
I think jarvan would be the perfect champ for him
@carlosorlando4787 Says:
@teaganlaureano7254 Says:
Came looking for a response about what L*gan P*ul said about you
@peachesncreme-sw7lg Says:
@DiegoSanchez12 Says:
Omg he made silver 😮
@drakeusmaximus2459 Says:
Your playing nerfed with amount of time spent doing nothing. Kill enemies then farm if your bot is fucking shit up. If your top is getting ganked you should be ganking bot then clearing bot jungle/getting a free kill on thier mid when they try to be a hero if your mid is better. If mid is also bad then just keep ganking bot until you win the game. This should get you to diamond.
@mattmetsker Says:
Stanz is a plat player at heart let’s not forget
@Goku__ Says:
More than Lud winning, I was blindsided by Acerola in the chat
@PapaMAD Says:
Allways get objectives, secure victory!!! fundamentals, league is a game of objectives! Still Congratulations on making it to silver
@tdburton94 Says:
Am I crazy? Can someone tell him to lock his fps. The jitter is bad
@JMPT Says:
Super Nice Stream ⚔️
@johnniefry7247 Says:
Gotta be honest, I miss the amumu
@FrenchFriends4ever Says:
Gf is a fish tank 😂
@meo8258 Says:
I gotta admit i was a ludwig fiddle doubter. But he really improved in this game
@abdulkhaliqali2258 Says:
Nice headset
@mergentaro Says:
seeing lud geek out over hitting silver is so cute! can't wait to see him tackle some silver lobbies
@elmerbenjegard8311 Says:
just clear your camps when they are up pls
@dochan2 Says:
good job silver dubbin
Zhonyas is banging on fiddles always
@olehaugan9555 Says:
Fk yeah dude
@crollo_songs Says:
hes mechanics and intuition might be horrible but the decision making is getting better very fast
@SenJuRion Says:
I smell a league of legends tournament soon....
@T0NI_ Says:
Did he forget to turn on members only? I'm definitely not complaining
@SweetDaveFont Says:
Anyone know the song when he is locking in at 24:31?
@sloesty Says:
People shitting on Lud, but he is genuinely improving. That was silver play right there. However, plat? I know its easier now that emerald exist but he is miles off rn.
I take it back. That whole section from 25:00 to 27:30 was absolutely plat level. Hell, my teammates in plat don't show that kind of awreness as junglers.
@Fundalf_the_greyt Says:
Lud got the tech! 24:20
@sord4436 Says:
his settings are awfull like make that UI smaller
@othmanessid5400 Says:
God bless you, you are actually good
@redice6879 Says:
Okay that clear was clean AF
@GotwaldTheFifth Says:
honestly Iam a believer. If 80% blind whatley that fell out off window and suffered bleeding into brain can hit dia 4 in 50 games. I believe ludwig can hit platinum. It has to be possbile
@RockwellDoomstead Says:
He really got seen as fiddle over a wall by tahm in the first 20 seconds, and their team just walks up so he can ult them. I really gotta try playing silver
@GotwaldTheFifth Says:
You can help them with dragon if its on timer like that one even if its not soul. Its not really game winning play but you had to wait your teammates respawning and fighting dragons in jungle together is better than having them farm alone and getting caught before homies arrive.
@ALEX19960609 Says:
No, don't stoop to his level. Let T1 mald in peace
@DawnBadtzMaruLudwigVonKoopafan Says:
Ludwig could you get a tattoo on your hip please please please 🙏 UwU
@skhiinco274 Says:
if you are already one-hitting the enemys carrys, there is no need to go more damage, just get some defensive stats so you dont give them gold to create a comeback
@eatoke Says:
a new era is upon us
@jamesfanning5611 Says:
who else playing with they fiddlestick right now?
@Dorothy-i2n Says:
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