


@luiji0129 Says:
what is the first song of the stream called?
@okayamyy Says:
whats the song at 30:30
@iquillizer33 Says:
I know the guy who stole his dragon
@stephanhirschi7480 Says:
Maybe you could get coached by some pro player, could be a fun video
@soybacon8215 Says:
Him not listening to good advice makes me laugh so much
@BenP-i1g Says:
Quick cast was such a bad idea. And I said it over and over. He needs to learn the mechanics before qc.
@benjaminrickdonaldson Says:
diaphragm diaframe tomato tomato
@TheVirtuosoe Says:
Luddy jungle difficult play the other roles to first understand some laning then you can influence them better with the jungle. Glhf😊
@ChonkyMonkey1 Says:
Guess this was the last ever league stream
@SleepyBoat-do7xd Says:
Try naafari top, I think she fits your playstyle
@dakota5569 Says:
The thing ludwig needs to understand is at 2:51:10 When he is looking for a kill, really he should be preventing the wave crash ( take the free farm too ), and delaying the enemies back. You give your top lanner so much relief by watching over his tower and denying the enemy, You can also freely farm with the minions under tower, you don't have to stick around long, and maybe you do get a kill. Kills are really just a worthy as the time the opponent looses, never a need to force it. And the worst thing about death is the time loss. These smaller things that you can do to help out your team are some of the biggest things to winning low elo. Just like a top lanner split pushing during dragon to force an enemy response or guarantee at least a tower for the dragon. Also Mid tower above all ( outside towers falling isn't so bad as you can farm more safely, but mid tower looses a lot of jungle security) , care for your adc above top, both top and adc can usually carry. Let supports die always Also remember minions give vision, don't back in plain sight if you can help it
@oscarlundin4612 Says:
this music is hella shit sorry mate
@Drivinefire Says:
"...I think its because im playing with a bunch of troglodytes" So is the enemy team. Everyone gets trolls, feeders and toxic teammates. League is a game about statistics, all that matters is how big of a gold gap you can create. Stop thinking solo queue is a team effort and instead focus on your personal development through mastering the fundamentals, it's no coecidence that the n°1 advice for climbing is better farm. Numbers = wins and emotions = losses. Might not be fun but hey that's how you get consistent results. So my advice is don't focus on the game's outcome or your teammates' performance, instead look for opportunities to improve your lead, even if you were the MVP. Also it's important to learn when to stop because you're not playing at 100% when you're tilted. Good luck champ!
@winchestermonroe5694 Says:
Skipped to a random time, he was dead, kept skipping ahead in short increments and he was on a different death timer 6 in a row
@PapaMAD Says:
You would have so much more fun playing nocturn and karthus
@heresjonny432 Says:
..skips to the end to see if this league shit is over yet
@andreicroitoru9015 Says:
ngl i hope they nerf amumu just for him to try other champions, i would lose my mind to play this champ only because of winrate and nothing else. he might have more fun with other champions playstyle, and especially other role than jungle
@eccentricbass3730 Says:
What’s stopping Lud from making new accounts until his placement gets him close to plat?
@redman7412 Says:
Im gonna be honest with you Lud...ur ass.
@anoukk_ Says:
People who only play for the lp: 🫨
@jonr4164 Says:
61-53 shld not be bronze 2, this game is completely fked in 2024
@Smash0360 Says:
I found the issue. your macro sense and battle sense are abysmal. the amount of fights you run from that you win free, or fights you all in on where you had no shot is wild. you need to get a better sense of your own champs limits. Also if your strat is to turbo afk farm why would you rush a defensive item. you don't snowball a game if you're rushing defense lol
@matesch4739 Says:
If ludwig would buy a new account he could get to gold easily
@MiphonPhyphorGarash Says:
Did not expect slime to bring the good vibes! Fun duo to watch
@spockola Says:
Why does anyone play this game, let alone marathon failure stream it? Let Tyler1 have this one, buddy.
@Kisfresh2def Says:
He is so cringe on some of the plays still 😭
@anoukk_ Says:
I want him to reach plat as a mumu onetrick
@5EOKJ1N Says:
i love enemy players like ludwig who do NAWT care about wards, i love how they always walk past them and give me that sweet vision score everytime lmaoo
@Welendork Says:
Lud needs to try Khazix
@100levelz Says:
thumbs down for the dance at the beginning
@JMPT Says:
Super Nice Stream 🖤
@mixuzi4042 Says:
If you hate it so much, why do you play jungle? It might be the best role to climb from shit elo, but also requires some masochistic tendencies that i don't think you have
@Itsspencerman Says:
Whats the name of the song at the start?
@xmaslieder Says:
Chat consisting of 95% sackbeaters
@isolate9920 Says:
in my opinion lud needs to expand his champion pool to choose from rather than just amumu fiddle he should also try hypercarry champs that can 1v9 cause amumu and fiddle really cant do that i main diana pretty good at it but diana can barely 1v9
@kardrasa Says:
Disgusting league o legends game. To be fair you should play something you can carry with. A diana would work or a different role like a top
@yashu3144 Says:
Hey Lud have you considered just buying a new 30 lvl account? You are better now than when you were at beggining the climb, if you do placements again you might start from silver
@JamieHau Says:
Day 11 of asking ludwig to speedrun cookieclicker 100% on competitive ruleset
@GetAtUsENT Says:
At any elo in this game, you must play selfishly and try to carry the game yourself as a jungler, or you will get flamed
@calypso4882 Says:
3:30 did bro just say CNN is left wing??? I get what hes trying to say, but that just isnt true.
@Mfporte Says:
Get those towers boy
@eugenetwicecubed Says:
I don't know if Lud is ever going to see this, but I will leave a piece of advice that helped me not be mad at any competitive game, really. Yes, losing a game hurts and I get dissapointed also, however the thing I always focus on is what I call "doing the thing." I play League and I play lots of Amumu. My favourite thing to do on him is hitting a good ass ult (like 3 man or something) or cancelling someone's spell with my Q. "The thing" on Amumu is CC and when I CC an enemy and I can see that this messed with their plans, boy am I happy. Even if I lose the game, if I had lots of these moments, I feel good. I also play support Janna and there "my thing" is disengaging the fight with my tornado or flashing behind the enemy to push them with my ult into my team. You could say that this gameplay is the "Feels Good Man" gameplay. Since I adopted the strategy, I've had way less tilt in my games and generally became a better player at whatever game I'm playing, be it League, Dota or Overwatch. Stay winning, Lud!!
@Sway22 Says:
He just needs to play a champion that can carry. Amumu is too dependant on teammates and you will not have good ones in bronze.
@yoshiking123 Says:
Somebody help a brother out I want the song at 2:48:40
@djaevle7958 Says:
I watch all luds league vods....and I love it. If he became a full time amumu league bronze player, I would watch happily. 🤷‍♂️ you do you lud, don't worry about us.
@beetlejones278 Says:
6:07 but you're Ludwig from video games
@pp-wt6ng Says:
Watching lud play makes me think hes better suited to dota than league
@JamesDavisMakes Says:
I thought I haven't heard any Porter Robinson songs but this made me realize I have a couple songs from Worlds in my Likes playlist haha, just never knew the person behind them until now
@Dibyansu Says:
He should play with syk,x and buddha
@skyler3295 Says:
Lmao i skipped at 4h 7m and i wasn't surprised

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