The History of Button Mashing
The History of Button Mashing



@username11346 Says:
Jesus loves you and always will
@iamD2 Says:
I can do it even faster, i use 4 fingers.
@cypherusuh Says:
If you go back even further, the pioneer is a guy called Takahase Meijin (stage name), he's one of the first who can tap 16 input/s back in NES era using just 1 finger
@AI_and_I_Lyrics Says:
Good work mate! If only you were doing something that was valued by the world in any way.. Oh well.
@spiraleddays1870 Says:
The jitter method is better tho
@NoodleNut81 Says:
If we are talking about all input devices whizkid05 is the best spammer in history
@_-Tux-_ Says:
@natekinch Says:
Godman looks exactly how I pictured him
@GustavRex Says:
Good on you for giving proper credit!:)
@philinegro Says:
I love the gaming community
@tomahawkbomb358 Says:
Did anyone even think it was you?
@andrewman6637 Says:
I invented the moon walk mike Jackson was just a little better than me at it so I gave up
@fugly_fetus Says:
This feels like the gamer equivalent of a master swordsman writing and passing out manuals to their pupils lol
@matthew4718 Says:
Why is god man looking like god woman
@d_1044 Says:
“The godfather of mashing isn’t me” oh Lud. I appreciate your bravery in even assuming we thought that
@depthstrider14 Says:
Botton mashing and screen tapping is actually a talent. I discovered double thumbs myself and am very shocked it's a technique other discovered aswell, and use.
@kawuedango Says:
does anyone know the soundtrack he’s using in the background?
@harryharrison2010 Says:
This is how I did it as a kid. International track and field. 100m race was a joke.
@TheBman57 Says:
It did not change the way people played tetris what are you talking about
@Duckman-b3b Says:
I hope you don't mind syphilis
@mintysmithmrsmithfromtheLCA Says:
You defend pedophiles
@nobadvibes7809 Says:
If someone can get good at something, someone else can get better
@djreezy0000 Says:
I was mashing the N64 controller like that since the 90s... gameboy too.
@jordanwathen2950 Says:
When kids say here's a history lesson 😢
@SuperNobody64 Says:
Having to move your hands and controller and do these techniques just to beat your friends in a party game seems unsportsmanlike.
@JustSomeDude66 Says:
The first picture he shows is a jojo reference
@themannwithaplan Says:
Hmm this makes me wonder... I can hit 210 without practice but I mash different than both lud and the other dude. Maybe I should practice a bit...
Silver box.. I am better. But i will let u have ur fame.
@foxhounds6326 Says:
Nice summoning salt spoof
@transphobe47 Says:
@scenczyk1429 Says:
Funnily enough i used to hold the N64 controller in the same way
@WoofWoofNibba Says:
the real challenge is still using only one thumb and how i can only explain as turning on vibration in your whole arm i consider it cheating using more than 1 finger
@sykabnn9 Says:
Godman looks like Chris ( the new version of Chris )
@xklien Says:
I could probably break that record
@MrNotSpecified01 Says:
Who the hell is calling Ludwid of all people the grandfather of mashing????
@Loyd-e7g Says:
Whats really funny is if you game alot you get what is known as gamer thumb or really arthritis.
@exvirty1 Says:
This vid has 1 share lol
@anthonydavis5288 Says:
Very cool
@blikboijohnson4968 Says:
This is nothing new this has been done for over 30yrs 😂😂 I also used to do this on the snes and ps1 back in the day with games like track and field as well lols
@jello_ace07 Says:
Silverboxer was the fighting rooster(viral hit) of mashing
@sinopale0606 Says:
I remember thinking i was one of the best at Domination in Mario Party 4 until i saw those vids of ppl maxing the score ! I felt a bit pityful with my score of 104 (at the time, now im at 116)
@oDeoxys_ Says:
We knew you weren't shit
@lucasandret9968 Says:
I could easily be at this guy at mashing
@Orthoyt Says:
The Whizkid05 in qiestion
@FlyHec Says:
Hec MASH!!! My rolling with 7 or 8 fingers is good for over 30 a second. My 2 finger is good for 26, maybe 27 a second. And I've been able to do these since the 80s and still can do it.
@CaughtSlackin_ Says:
Nope false
@TheBreadedOne-z8l Says:
"The student, Becomes the master." Ahh lore💀
@ketagoplayz Says:
Atleast you were the first person to break 200 stand proud Ludwig Edit:nice video
@NeevKul Says:
wait until gd players hear about this
@JustAltron Says:
Wait so that guy, who doesn’t play Tetris created rolling (aka a strategy used specifically for tetris) before any tetris player did? Wow

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