are you a grower or a shower?
are you a grower or a shower?



@CopperStone10 Says:
In that case, I'm a shower
@Beautiful_Lankmeister Says:
Monsters' university is a banger tho
@maggie6977 Says:
Dam this guy really a nl simp 4 real (same)
@GabCom888 Says:
Alt f4 "dude im 28 years old" Finally someone that didn't get tricked 😅
@Local_Hitman Says:
Monsters Inc topic reminds me of Casually Explained Is She Into Me
@Robyn_iz_Here Says:
Covenrty ? Of all places
@stevenstaley1964 Says:
I knew a shower. Being as large as it was, he was also a grower
@rdawg_the_slayr2786 Says:
Why is this the funniest Lud has ever been
@thehomiejw6714 Says:
Why is zeus so zesty
@xykros Says:
That's a wimpy ass Zeus
@Ginfeldi Says:
i too can be like Newton y'know without the genius part
@SquareFruits-rk2rz Says:
Grower or shower it will always need a blower
@ineedjuuce6414 Says:
4 heavy rocks…. We really will use anything but the metric system
@cbarker8580 Says:
12 stone is 240 lbs btw
@Frosty_Gaming100 Says:
@aniversum_02 Says:
Newton found the laws of gravity but still couldn't pull any girls
@MxDiagnosis Says:
Isaac Newton didn't have a wife but he did have a lifelong roommate with which he totally wasn't gay with
@crdt2779 Says:
motion means money not getting laid
@Ink8000 Says:
He had a kid ?
@albinsvensson9821 Says:
Bro is not hansumfella
@alexshaynisa Says:
nah bros getting smited for sure
@robo01010 Says:
bro did NOT turn anything down
@ryanm6004 Says:
Newton was believed to be totally aro/ace. Unfortunately for us ace ppl, he was also reportedly a massive asshole
@charlieboyle2041 Says:
Lud these are good
@slop_me Says:
I actually know someone who is a shower and I legit was like oh your hard no... No they really were soft and when not soft basically nothing changed lol 😂
@SuppositoryPerc Says:
Ludwig turning down the girl for monsters uni was straight alfa energy
@TheHollowedArtist Says:
I remember going to see Big Hero 6 with a girl and near the end she starts going in on my thigh. Had to stop that cuz I’m sitting here crying over Baymax saving Hiro. This shit is emotional, it’s no time for touching
@karmasource Says:
Bro thinks he is handsome fella
@staticshockk Says:
Coventry of all places
@JackieMoon510 Says:
That would have been the only girl you would have got 😢😭
@DgafDotCom Says:
Bros talking about Isaac Newton not getting any meanwhile bro would rather watch monsters University instead of getting sum. This is that same guy that thinks he's super cool and badass but in reality everyone sees him as a major loser 😂😂
@StanVanCauwenbergh Says:
The first one cracked me up bro😂😂😂
@JeekyWeeky Says:
Did this mf rly just use stone as an eu measurement?
@guapdoctor1176 Says:
Buddy’s pushin 30 💀
@jovunmahal6798 Says:
Did he just mention coventry ????
@I_Eat_Apple Says:
Bro why tf do people count weight in stones 😭, it doesnt make any sense just f*cking say pounds or kg
@damns Says:
You are not hansumfella you keep stealing content from everyone
@voidmatic Says:
"press alt+f4? dude I'm 28 years old" lmaoo
@tnk4me4 Says:
Newton had a "roommate" take with that what you will.
@VampyricDoge14 Says:
Zeus sounds like a fuck boi. Accurate, actually.
@TheIpwnkyle Says:
That is the worst laugh a man can have
@acquaintedfowl1767 Says:
the monsters uni one is so rad
@m1che_ Says:
Sissyphussuhh 💅
@neurotic3015 Says:
Bro thinks he’s Hansumfella or something
@nenijudit6359 Says:
Man wtf in 13 and 173cm 😂😂😂
@bjorndb06 Says:
Hansumfella ahh short
@Profanaties Says:
U ain’t 6ft lil man
@TheChosend Says:
Did anyone else hear spiderman when he said "WHY DID I DO THAT" 😂😂😂I
@guilhermelemos6912 Says:
holy shit thats one of the funniest shorts ive ever watched
@skullinthejar Says:
Best Zeus voice I ever heard

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