The Empire Retaliates After Death Star Destruction - Space Battle of Fondor - Star Wars Battlefront

The Empire Retaliates After Death Star Destruction - Space Battle of Fondor - Star Wars Battlefront


The Empire Retaliates After Death Star Destruction - Space Battle of Fondor - Star Wars Battlefront 2




@jimliu2560 Says:
@0:12. But the emperor is NOT dead…!
@MotorcycleCheetah Says:
3:56 She looked away from the road to answer a text.
@SHARK-vi9tx Says:
bro wheres the health bar?is she darth vader?and im sure she didnt have beskar armor. she tank like thousand blaster when shes at the rebel ship
@Prail333 Says:
Those corvettes would pop that tie in one shot. Her mowing down an entire cruisers crew solo is also laughable.
@aaronpung Says:
It looks better in first person. You should try it.
@bigbitehood1353 Says:
7:11 non-force assisted leap... and HOW DOES SHE GET BACK IN???? why not just extend a ladder or a rope? Why? WHY??? HOW???? 12:43
@MafiaAlexander Says:
funny thing is according to disney the emperor isnt dead, unless he has a lower net worth than the same plot that was already repeated like twice at that point.
@chadgdry3938 Says:
so... you can play as the bad guy.
@ChristoFerrus Says:
that auto aim tho
@adam1979NSmcc Says:
THIS should've been an actual movie. IDEN is an amazing character, as are all the supporting characters
@paulocarvalho7877 Says:
Why don't they use those graphics to make the characters in the animated series? The look far more realistic in that game.
@mickeyminime7556 Says:
"Commander Versio, This is Moff Wraith, the rebel iron cannons have...." *dies* "......Never mind"
@RylanVG Says:
It looks way too easy, and the tie fighters look way too slow.
@hokage1997 Says:
why couldnt the sequels use palps as the hologram instead of him as a clone
@stunsisacul Says:
3:56, typical female pilot.
@harleyb7880 Says:
3:58 Iden...are you there?😂
@kbforme Says:
What happens when that bomb goes off? It's anyone's guess really. There is a very small chance it might explode. What moron writes this garbage?
@EliPorterMahn Says:
This game couldve been great if they doubled down on the Simulator elements and had seperate campaigns to choose from instead of forcing you into the perspective of both playbale characters
@maxigenous Says:
another shameful scenario completely destroying the cannon of starships. fcuk you modern game developers and your lazy writing.
@jb7287 Says:
@pauldicato5727 Says:
What game is this, what platform is it available on?
@antoniomaietta1116 Says:
Perché la ribbelione deve vincere sempre.addiritura con facilità chi me lo spiega
@greyfells2829 Says:
This is when i stopped playing. Dumbest strategy ever. Destroying a loyal source of resources and manpower because empire-bad.
@15gloriousminutes Says:
3:59 roll credits
@bengonzales1182 Says:
How did they get graphics that good to run so smoothly. Even on my old PC with a GTX 1070, it looked and ran like a dream with everything maxed.
@spaceace1006 Says:
You would think that safety rails would be installed around those sunken work stations!
@i.warrenhastings2526 Says:
I was going to watch this, but the second she said "hope", as though any believable organization could be so earnestly evil, that they actually snigger as they kill their enemies for being too goody-goody. "Their primary driver is HOPE!? What a bunch of maroons!! Let's definitely kill them all for thinking they deserve not to despair at their futures!". The empire is supposed to be a propaganda machine, not just cartoonish space Nazis, twirling their mustaches as they murder babies for fun.
@Troy-nc5br Says:
The first deathstar blown up The second death star blown up Darth Vader killed The emperor killed And they're still talking crap Some people just don't know when they're beat
@gabedelgado186 Says:
i like that 3sec tent
@Theeighthdoctor1996 Says:
The flying controls on this game are fucking shit
@julianorodriguesdelima8826 Says:
Alguém pode me ajudar como eu faço dentro do aplicativo qual item ou tópico para eu comecar avaliar as músicas e ganhar
@fartingforkeeps Says:
The Empire has always been the real "good guys" of the Star Wars universe. Now that Disney has ruined the franchise and turned it into a woke garbage heap, that's even more true.
@user-vt7hy4lo7l Says:
❤❤❤ سيادة المقدم المختار نور نجم سهيل 🎉ثورة علم المفوض المندوب السامي العام لمنظمة ءامن الاءمم المتحدة ولمكتب الطلبة العرب والمحكمة الجناءية الدولية لمكافحة الاءرهاب لمنع الحرب العالمية السلاح والتسلح ليعم السلام ليتم الزيارة لي بين البشر والكاءنات الفضاءية لتقدم الحضارة البشرية ليعم الامن والاءمان والحماية ولم الشمل والجنسية والسلام والنور الدولي عام مسا النور حبيبتي الرءيس ملكتي حبيبتي مسا النور الموسيقا والتعليم والفضاء والصناعة والتجارة والزراعة والصناعة والاءنترنت والتكنلوجيا والاءقتصاد والمواصلات والاءعلام ومراكب السفن الفضاءية والطب البشري و الرياضة والكهرباء و الماء والتاريخ ولتكييف مناخ جو الطبيعة براوجواوبحرا رمز المحبة النور والسلام والنور الدولي عام مسا النور حبيبتي الرءيس الشهيدالمجاهد المجهول الملك الملكة حبيبتي مسا النور النور 🎉😢❤ ❤❤
She needs a tie defender
@larrylambert1220 Says:
As I enter middle age, I find myself sympathizing more towards the Empire.
@mahuba2553 Says:
damn id let her destroy my ship any day now
@lucase.garcia8026 Says:
Since the imperial shoots well, well... it's rare.
@mattgerrish908 Says:
This campaign would have been a lot more fun if Iden did not defect to the Rebel Alliance/New Republic. Her and her father could have been the ultimate father-daughter Duo that the Emperor entrusted to carry out Operation Cinder to destroy the Empire so the first order could be reborn from it from the ashes.
@manu987nc7 Says:
What the......the emperor Damn next time I'll watch those cinematic.
@Alex-dd4sc Says:
Mommy iden
@MrTrenttness Says:
The overt political overtones are so ham-fisted.
@istoppedcaring6209 Says:
i absolutely hate the dialogue "what is the source of their belief" 'chuckles hope pfft" ..... the imperials wouldn't considder themselves evil but this is some blatantly evil empire dialogue
@Nephalem2002 Says:
People crying over “WAHHH BAD EMPIRE” “GOOD REBELLION” crap are missing the point. The Empire is at its core, Evil. Regardless of whatever facade was put on, it is an evil entity.
@thegrandup4678 Says:
Remember, no republican
@grainofsalt4934 Says:
@wilfredomercado1736 Says:
Disculpen pero que los MC-80 Liberty no tenian escudos ??
@galaxyonthehorizon Says:
"SOMEHOW" PALPATIEN SURVIVED!!!!! Well this game just got ruined
@Ephisus Says:
I'm as cynical as they come, but the set pieces are pretty cool.
@commanderfreakkz5688 Says:
At 12.1 time of the video how does she time that so perfect?
@vkkoorchester666 Says:
Fondor is a condiment by Maggi

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