Space Marine 2: Leuze Absolutely Humiliates Chaos God Scene
Space Marine 2: Leuze Absolutely Humiliates Chaos God Scene



@victorc8855 Says:
Reminder that Leuze did everything correctly and only died because his dumbass accidentally flipped the thingy the wrong way
@francishwlee Says:
Trazyn was probably watching this whole thing go down and rofl'ing
@AleksanderK12 Says:
1:31 - Me and the boys when a witch(cute goth girl) tries to hex me(date me) but I'm strongest soldier of God(an autist) who can't be spelled(I lack social abilities)
@hito-sama Says:
@ero9841 Says:
Why do i here tts
@khukri_wielderxxx1962 Says:
Never underestimate the hubris of a Chaos Space Marine of the Thousand Suns. Or a Necron device
@sorcerous8401 Says:
The rest of the scene goes a bit differently. The sorcerer was planting the ideas for Leuze all his life to build this machine cause he thought it could stop chaos from spreading. But turns out he actually built a machiene that summons chaos on an massive scale, and he was unknowingly doing the bidding for the sorcerer all his life
@jiado6893 Says:
Leuze dooming people while focused on helping them is MUCH money re interesting than if he was just a traitor. Or just gleefully cackling.
@thenoticerofthe13 Says:
music at the end ?
@Lightscribe225 Says:
Look the guy may be riding a disc of tzeentch, but he's no god
@ilkkasavolainen5878 Says:
He's a man, not a god!
@Broomer52 Says:
That’s just a sorcerer
@soupcake3092 Says:
Wanted to reach through my screen and shake leuze when he went to reverse the polarity of the blackstone while it was actually working.
@owenjones8796 Says:
ew warhammer
@10fps98 Says:
I love that later Imurah commits to the bit so hard he literally disintegrates himself for the sake of an entrance
@tisiachelikii Says:
«Nagash was weak! Witness true power!» Wait that's a wrong line.
@wutais Says:
“Dont flip what’s not broken” if it were a saying.
@MorganSeveret Says:
Which fricking pest turn off lights from MY stasis chambers!!! - Necron Lord probably. Titus:👉
@abilawaandamari8366 Says:
Least overpowered Necron technology
@paugss203 Says:
Caos god ?? jajajajajaj is only a psiquic
@RaixsOreh Says:
For those still confused: Blackstone can indeed cancel out the warp, but it can also be used to amplify it. Leuze was tricked by Imurah into building a device that could utilize blackstone to do both at a much greater power. So at the start it was actually working properly already. The only mistake was that leuze was probably tricked by imurah into thinking flipping the miniature pole thing was going to strengethen the anti warp power, not amplify the warp.
@markusplotz2259 Says:
Imurah a Chaos God? Braindead? He's not even stronger than a Custodes...
@joaovitorreisdasilva9573 Says:
You just know the mechanicus research on blackstone is not going to end well.
@stepanserdyuk4589 Says:
No one even thanks the Necrons
@jonathanprisbrey9473 Says:
There actually is a degree of uncertainty about what the trick even was the pylons did work they did banish chaos they would just weren't aligned correctly. Turning them around changed it from a boosting the warp to banishing the warp. There could be several reasons for this maybe the actual trick was to shut down the Aurora project. Because if they believed it be all a trick from chaos they might smash the technology and declare it a dead end, fabricated by chaos when it was actually a real thing that could have worked. Maybe someone had it in for the sorcerer and gave him faulty info, Chaos is highly disorganized with a ton of infighting. Maybe chaos believed that they couldn't turn it off or if they couldn't destroy it that you might as well try to benefit from the machine being turned on by fiddling with the dials a little bit and getting a bit of power and chaos for a bit. Or maybe the chaos wave caused by the pylons on the wrong setting blasting all the civilians of the planet with a big dose of corruption creating a vector for chaos cults in the future. And finally maybe they hoped that they could create a massive chaos invasion seize the planet and the pylons, denying the imperium warp banishing technology and seizing a powerful asset along with a planet.
@Obs3ver Says:
1:40 me after turning off my Wi-Fi to get rid of the 3X10(15) ads the mobile game wants me to watch:
@randomdude8202 Says:
Necron pylons, the thing the techpriest work on, can actually cut warp powers, or enchant them. So they do work. There is no deception, only an error.
@Hitoshuratdn Says:
Honestly this is just another W for the Necrons.
@wessidegaming2023 Says:
He humiliates Imurah
@harouki Says:
Chaos sorcerer fools tech priest and uploader with 9000IQ plan and acting
@TheJECNova Says:
Feel this is deserved... "Don't worry, Imurah. Every man eventually has... Performance issues, not uncommon in older men!"
@unknownbenefactor8029 Says:
If Leuze VA comes back to voice Necron character it would be really good lol. Imagine him voice Trazyn the infinite or Overlord Amakun
@cygnusereve4779 Says:
Imagine, your methodical plan to take over the world, weighs on the position of a small rock.
@TheOneStooge Says:
Bro, I can't believe he humiliated Warhammer 40,000 character Chaos God like that!!!
@Ally.Cat.252 Says:
Why does the techpriest have a Chilean/Brazilian accent instead of a mechanical sounding one…😂
@Sovdag7773 Says:
First of all, Leuze fell into that “Chaos god’s” trap perfectly, which made him stronger and then Imurah killed Leuze. Secondly, that is not a chaos god, the only Chaos gods are Nurgle, Tzeench, etc., Imurah is just a very powerful Tzeench worshipper.
@tarn1135 Says:
Never trust a Martian Spaniard.
@captaintristan1176 Says:
I’m pretty sure if imurah was working for Khorne he would be so pissed at him and would just constantly just stab him in the face. Bc of how imurah just humiliated himself infront of the emperor.
@tylerstewart3181 Says:
Not a chaos God...not even close. This guy is a pawn on a chessboard. Tzeentch himself is NOT to be fucked with
@siechamontillado Says:
Don't think Leuze ended up humiliating that Chaos sorcerer - quite the opposite - turns out Leuze was the leuzer in the battle!
@captaintristan1176 Says:
The emperor would be proud
@stariu6901 Says:
@unknown13-gi5rq Says:
Jesus loves you all repent of your sins and accept jesus as savior before its its too late tomorrow not promised for anyone he's the only way to heaven
@deralbtraumritter8573 Says:
Of course he sounds like a Not Zee Scientist Doctor…
@CutthroatLife Says:
Honest to god thought going into this level that the man was about to wake up a dynasty of skellies
@fjLKA Says:
"Scream in desperation for me Rubrics!!"
@SaladSaladTrash29 Says:
Wait Imurah ir whatever he is called is Tzeentch or just one of his creeps?
@TheRealRealMClovin Says:
Isn’t rather chaos humuliates Lueze as he was just a pawn and tricked into doing what chaos wanted all along.
@slimqq7694 Says:
1:51 Thats dreadnought right? But its looks like more like Nurgles. Captain please.
@umngyr Says:
and then he exploded.

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