Titus Tells His Brothers His Penance Scene - Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2
Titus Tells His Brothers His Penance Scene - Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2



@Ace_52 Says:
Bruh talasa aint need yo help😂
@karankenZ Says:
Meanwhile , on the other side of the map: Valius: Straban , that weapon of yours is the pride of the armory Straban: Agreed Valius: good talk
@darkroninmarvel Says:
2:06 Does anyone know the track name?
@sedlyholmes3722 Says:
Henry Cavill Glen Powell and Terry Crews
@connor9024 Says:
I agree with gadriel I killed that hive tyrant I wish there were 6 of us, not 3 lol
@eldritchmorgasm4018 Says:
Haven't played it, but is there an explaination of why Big Balls Titus is imune to Chaos corruption since the 1st game? Is he maybe an avatar to a possibly returning Emperor?
@NealX_Gaming Says:
I forgot how self-important these roided-up dudebros were. This is making me want to boot up Dark Crusade and start a Tau campaign just so I can watch the Spehs Mehrines die by the bucketload running into my guns.
@louiskalinggo1721 Says:
Titus, acting more like a Raven Guard than an Ultramarine
@IAmNumber4000 Says:
"You have made it so, through suspicion and intrigue" Such a sassy line
@manhunter433 Says:
Titus' loyalty is to the Emperor, his Chapter and Brothers. I don't blame him for being hesitant in devolging the details of his Deathwatch service. The 2nd Company Captain and the Chaplain regard Titus with some level of hostility or suspicion on him being brought back to the Chapter.
@mikewaterfield3599 Says:
Ahh yes, penance for not falling to chaotic corruption. Very grim dark.
@therest9281 Says:
Crazy he got punished to be a deathwatch but still got almost all his body part intact and those deathwatch are basically go in suicide missions
@mamons_2339 Says:
The thing is, Titus feel responsible if in the future his subordinates got tainted because of his ability to resist warp power. The Inquisitor broke him in every way.
@MatoVuc Says:
you know what would be pretty damn cool. If they put their helmets back on when they finished the cutscene. Those things exist for a reason...
@charlessprovieri5981 Says:
Anyone else hoping that in space marine 3 Titus has been chosen to serve amongst the grey knights?
@jeanlamarc8563 Says:
He may have been demoted but he did get the best brothers in his return
@hernanuliana9111 Says:
Leandros paranoia was justified. This is 40k universe, corruption is everywhere and paranoia is necessary to a point. Titus was exposed to powerful chaos artifacts and had minimal effect in him without explanation. In a universe where primarchs can be corrupted by chaos Why not a normal space marine? I think this measure who prey in one loyal Astarte probably save incontable others from be double cross by agents of Chaos. The love for the character Titus cannot blind to this grimdark situation, he says "I'm loyal and I rather die than be a traitor" who is exactly a traitor will say before blew up his chapter headquarters. I like the Leandro's character it's perfectly fitting the setting.
@Scaevola9449 Says:
Total Leandros Death
@sgb5584 Says:
Jesus Christ has died and risen again so that everyone that believes in Him might be saved. We are to repent of our sins and believe in Him so that we may have salvation after death. Read the New Testament of the Bible for more information.
@Xelatheshep Says:
Is it just me of does Chairon have a oh shit face in 1:20?
@PorktatoesSSRB Says:
Seriously Titus should've be honest with Gadriel and Chairon since telling them nothing would only sow doubt in their minds,which the chaos forces would take advantage of
@Joseph-mw2rl Says:
I get why gadriel was suspicious, and titus does too, considering he didn't whoop his ass after the astropath incident. Dude with 200+ years of service is only a lieutenant and suddenly appearing to lead you, and being secretive as hell
@vitcermak7737 Says:
Titus needs to learn to share valuable information with his subordinates. Telling the sargeant "I've slain a demon with such class that of my troopers pooped his pants and called mom" would make the situation much clearer for him.
@royalanempire2965 Says:
I love Titus statement. "I would die for these colors." He is loyal, forever loyal to his chapter to his family to his brothers. He would rather die than be corrupted.
@randomcenturion7264 Says:
100 years robbed from him because of Leandros’ paranoia. I hope his “Promotion” was brutal Training.
@MokbulHossain-is7ww Says:
@janakasanjaya6926 Says:
Nice armour

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