Space Marines Sassed by Tech-Priest - Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2
Space Marines Sassed by Tech-Priest - Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2



@AFGuidesHD Says:
"Assessment Equals Inordinate Ignorance" 🤣
@hhjhj393 Says:
I still love the Warhammer Mechanicus game where they all spoke in like techno sounds.
@MitchellMeyer702 Says:
0:03 When the wife is nagging you about missing a dinner reservation while you’re thoroughly engrossed in the game.
@BPBegha Says:
Nozick made me realise something. Admechs don't really "speak" to each other, only communicating through binary speech. Being forced to use his "organic" voice is quite repulsive to him.
@tobster9567 Says:
he sounded a bit like one the dark crystal skeksis at the beginning there
@Fishpasta4 Says:
The physical embodiment of 'destroyed by facts and logic'.
@matthewmason7792 Says:
Honestly this is kinda why I hate the Mechanicus. Like I know that the imperium is a corrupt place filled with religious dogma and assholes but these toaster fuckers take it a step too far. We have them belittle and insult Astartes for no reason. From Hellsreach to this guy it’s just on sight for no good reason at all, they’re greedy wanting to hoard the more useful tech and weapons for themselves at all costs even at the expense of the very planets they’re fighting to protect and to top it all off if anyone decides to get against them and bring out the weapons and tech that could help they throw their weight around and throw a hissy fit threatening to kill and go to war with even Astartes chapters. Their inconsiderate, narcissistic assholes even for the imperium that waste more time hoarding and praying to a fax machine to get it to work.
@gplr1882 Says:
One of the many things why i love the techpriests. Doesn't take shit from anyone no matter how powerful.
@liamrodriguez6269 Says:
He was able to understand Necron technology and apparently even replicate it. No wonder he was so confident. Hopefully another adherent will be able to continue their work after the events of the game.
@ТехносолдатАркос Says:
Toasterfucker was one line away from receiving a bolter round.
@MrWooaa Says:
I like the heat shimmer from the power packs at 1:08
@giannicolamatteo8155 Says:
Sounds like hes a few windows updates short compared to hadron, dude sounds like he running windows 98 while hadrons got windows 7 minus cortana
@minderbart1 Says:
access denied
@PixzL. Says:
magos feels like the equivalent to HK-47
@matthewmatthew981 Says:
*binharic squawk*
@thegamesresearcher Says:
"This frivolous inefficency is unacceptable"... So is playing with Drogan's "power source"... AGAIN!!! this is the third time that accursed rock causes a Chaos incursion!
@Mono-r1u Says:
he sounds like skektech from the dark crystal netflix series
@nunoosorio3832 Says:
who's the Voice Actor for this guy?
@Shot5hells Says:
I love the vast difference between a relatively unimportant tech priest like Hadron who is like… nearly a normal person, and this fucking guy who looks 400 years old and sounds like a gremlin
@anarchohelenism Says:
He called me “1001111000111101011110111” What an ahole!
@hassandabo6288 Says:
“Statement Error. Insults? I engage in pure analysis”
@gp-1542 Says:
Christ Metal bastard might as well asked for iron hands
@blackoutninja Says:
There’s no sass quite like Mechanicus Sass
@treywaggoner8219 Says:
Mf wants his toasters
@Stickweasel91 Says:
The level of sass people are willing to let you get away with scales with how necessary you are.
@curie1420 Says:
the toaster fondler thinks he is safe from the wrathe of being randomly branded as a heretic
@stormtempterf8058 Says:
It sounds like Mars augmented Cobra Commander, lol
@macdeath69 Says:
some say Adeptae Administratum are ever worse.
@Scoot-te7eq Says:
"Disappointingly slow for an Astartes." 🤣🤣🤣 This line had me crying 😂😂😂
@emmanuelcalla4899 Says:
Please understand this is an Archmagos. They, as many PhD holders, are prideful and inconsiderate of their lower ranked colleagues. There are some exceptions line Arch Magos Dominis Faustinius from the game "Mechanicus" who, willingly, kept his emotional part of the brain active to others concerns and sugesstions or opinions keeping up a filter for negative emotions and negative commentaries. He, as an Archmagos, cared for his troops, disregarded others personal objectives and was centered on his directives not favoring one over the others. Many Archmagos didn't like him cause he gave helping hands to younger Magos on their projects and researchs instead of prioritizing his own path to Machinehood.
@sapphirewingthefurrycritic985 Says:
Dang girl, tell us what you don't like about them.
@mr.g1672 Says:
"Spare me the insults" *Error: Fucks to give not found*
@leosa6540 Says:
There was a point in the game I was sure he said a curse word, but got muffled in the binary 😂😂😂
@Cocytus127 Says:
That last quote from the tech priest makes sense. For them to speak "like an organic" compared to how they speak amongst themselves in Lingua-technis or binary would be like you or I trying to communicate with a dog by getting down on all fours and sniffing his ass.
@the_furry_inside_your_walls639 Says:
Remember, Hadron from Darktide is one of the nicer, more human-like Tech Priests... Nozick is pretty much what most of them are like.
@theycallmechiefpiggum Says:
"Assessment: Bread has reached optimal thermal capacity. Conclusion: Toast is ready."
@samuelphanoto4565 Says:
But still theres no greater magos than the roster we see on mechanicus. Especially Magos Faustinius
@SeminarioMAE Says:
will this game be lgbtq+ friendly?
@Scaevola9449 Says:
finally a lore accurate magos outside of mechanicus
@sonsofisstvan1675 Says:
Why bro got so much flesh
@JBrander Says:
and at the end, he become roasted servitor on a stick.
@gameslacker2711 Says:
Nozick: Insults? I'm just spittin' straight facts my brother!
@cartonrobot6404 Says:
Nozick found dead Me and bro : oh... thats...... wtf is that canister *(titus faint)* ohhhhh warp xhit again
@gimmeyourrights8292 Says:
Titus: I've had more pleasant conversations with Orks. Nozick: <>
@Ghostx357 Says:
seriusly haldron was really nice for a techpriest
@qaulthir4894 Says:
. SPACE MARINE 2 - Uses music from Darktide. lol
@BlackPsionic Says:
Oh hey, I have that Tech Priest model!
@mamons_2339 Says:
They are just bunch of perfectionist fuckers and turns out merging your body with a computer makes you always on speed.
@richardtaillon1616 Says:
A magos without sass is like a toaster that can't fit bagels
@dannyboi5887 Says:
I absolutely love how robotic his speech pattern is despite his voice still sounding mostly organic.

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