Titus Receives The Laurels Of Victory Scene - Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2
Titus Receives The Laurels Of Victory Scene - Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2



@mathiasbartl903 Says:
A couple of bolt rounds won't do squat to a greater demon.
@gasterproject Says:
1:21 Несмотря на то, что в оффициальных субтитрах пишется что это сказал Калгар, но актёр озвучки другой, как и тембр голоса. Даже в Русской озвучки другой голос. Это Император, а Тит святой. Буквально.
@ionescuandrei1245 Says:
Not a 40k fan. What I am seeing is batshit insane. I Love it.
@KurisuFenrisWolf Says:
So we gonna get back to dealing with that Hive Fleet now? .... No? .... Okay then.
@willy.b.b3427 Says:
Anyone else hoping for gadriel to lay the smackdown on leandros at some point?
@spyro563 Says:
Calgar: "There is a mission . It will take you away from the 2nd Company for a time." On the planet Sortiarius a certain Red Cyclop: "Why do I hear boss music?" Titus: "Get in the box!"
@remembernovember9059 Says:
I really loved that horn sound that played when Leandros' face was revealed.
@Gods-bad-boy Says:
Leandros is such a little teachers pet and snitch. But the teacher doesn't like him
@trixus4768 Says:
I would love to give this game a 10/10 but once again, we didn't got a chance to punch Leandros... 9/10 it is😂
@Commander-vf1lk Says:
Lol, gave him a useless helmet that he wouldn’t be wearing for the next space marine game after these past 2 games (except the prologue on 2). 😂
@BanishedSilentShadow3318 Says:
I wonder what sort of task Leandros wants Titan to do? Cause it seems he really wants to know why Titus isn't affected by the corruption, so maybe this task is likely Warp related
@picklegamin Says:
So do you get the change the look of titus later then too? Or is it locked to the main campaign skin?
@dragonblitz445 Says:
1:25 the emperor’s finest lives
@sixpacksae Says:
@drinaldi2000 Says:
Mood kindred!
@MobiusPrime2028 Says:
I like to think that when the door of the thunderhawk was shut, Titus would turn to Calgar and ask “Can I beat the shit outta that snitch now?”
@nathanr950 Says:
Bro Calgars voice is perfect, if someone sounded like that and screamed get up, I would be up so fast
@reaperking2121 Says:
Captain Titus Def one of the emperor chosen angles . That voice that told him to rise was certainly no Marneus Calgar
@Вертобрёд Says:
Ждём сюжет за хаос
@adamabraham9996 Says:
Papa Calgar just straight tanking a greater daemon
@Dakkonblackblade1 Says:
Now we only need some Dark Angels in the mix for SM 3
@korrde Says:
If there's DLC, a sequel or a spin-off I think Leandros is going to turn traitor. He has too much suspicion and distrust of his fellow Ultramarines. In order to "prove" Heresy, he's going to turn heretical.
@danielwoodcruz4450 Says:
Someday i whant to visit my biológical granfather grave and forgive his discusting drunk soul and stupidy to his daughter and wife
@4rc4n3f0rg3 Says:
I'm starting to think that Leandros is the heretic because he keeps acucusing Titus despite all evidence saying Titus is not a heretic.
Leandros needs to fall to chaos and you get to cut him down like the traitor he is.
@kami2048 Says:
Did they just encounter a Lord of Change and not one of them died ??
@gamerdad9051 Says:
Space Marine 3: Chapter Master Titus
@jomonkey2758 Says:
*looks over at every librarian ever* OH ARE THEEEEY HERETICS?!
@DJSlipstream1 Says:
Leandros, the Ultimate Karen of the 40, 000k Universe
@40letranhuutin68 Says:
“ Rise, son of Gullimen “ ,the emperor has always protected Titus and us, the player ! FOR THE EMPEROR !!!!!!!
@ergihazizaj390 Says:
Yall didn’t pay attention to the game or the first 1 because they keep hinting Titus is corrupted and so is Leandro’s
@aeN_Ice Says:
Leandros you son of a heretic!
@metal_fusion Says:
Hopefully Space Marines 3 includes Necrons etc
@Freefall343 Says:
Greyknight !!!!?
@harrisonsmith1774 Says:
0:36 most badass line, holy
@gray7352 Says:
Titus: Literally dying for destroying a pure warp artifact Calgar: Brother get up there are things in need of fist. Titus: You right
@m.d.f3797 Says:
The guy has been around for more than 200 years. He was a hero in Space Marine 1. Died for the Imperium as a Death Watch. Was revived and became a hero again in Space Marine 2, and all he gets is a glorified badge of honor on his helmet? Calgar could at least reinstate back his former captain rank, too. It is obvious he is a great leader with great tactical and strategical intuition. Calgar saw it first hand, too. At least acknowledged that. But one thing is certain, Titus is extremely stoic. The guy literally doesn't even show any emotion or any kind of reaction from all the bullshit that was thrown his way. Even when he was awarded the honor of the Laurel of Victory, all he did was just look at it with a blank face.
@randolphbienmateo8174 Says:
Glad he's a primaris that he can endure the potent warp energies , if not he'll do the same thing to the traitor sorcerer, being disintegrated from existence
@paultay6167 Says:
Even after a hundred years Leandros learnt little to nothing. Maybe Chaplains weren't meant to learnt anything new as judge and jury.
@sunshineskystar Says:
Why is calgar seems smaller than he is usually depicted?
@lilianbeck9349 Says:
That ride in the thunderhawk must have been the weirdest ride in history
@TheWarmaker01 Says:
3:40 when leandros was standing behind the group while Titus was being awarded the Laurels and the group shouts "courage and honour", sweeps away, I think) cause he's so butt hurt over being wrong about Titus
@mikeylejan8849 Says:
For the Emperor!
@nil981 Says:
A great story for an otherwise mediocre game.
@martinhansen6802 Says:
Who is that fine looking fella behind Calgar? 3:45
@graysnake8585 Says:
We march from Macragge!
@sleepyninj66 Says:
was that the emperor saying "rise son of Guilliman"?
@doubt3430 Says:
Ooo Still the same battle fleet gothic models I can vibe with that
@egilala9847 Says:
This definitely some kind of illusion
@G_Signer Says:
Chaos = always very salty and overdramatic, typical loser traits

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