Space Marine 2 All Chaplain Scenes - Warhammer 40K
Space Marine 2 All Chaplain Scenes - Warhammer 40K



@gregzy789_gaming4 Says:
The campaign has been so good and it now all makes sense why he has been so harsh on Captain Titus throughout the campaign. I hope more campaign is added onto this game. 🙌🏻
@azraelknightquest5754 Says:
There are parts where it makes one wonder if Leandros is possibly redeeming himself somewhat. When Leandros seemed to encourage Titus to prove himself on the promise of absolution and acknowledged the service in the Death Watch. When he encouraged Titus not to taint his second chance. When he chewed out the Sergeant for his attempt to stop Titus. And yet, at the end he shows that same type of attitude. But it is also said it is rare for a Chaplain to reveal his features but should instead keep his helm on to be "a symbol not a person" to his Space Marines. If the character of Leandros is to be redeemed, it will take a lot. Leandros pissed off a lot of fans in Space Marine. And here in Space Marines II, he has not yet redeemed himself in the eyes of many Warhammer40k fans.
@CodeRed001 Says:
This ending legit pissed me off. I knew the Chaplin was going to be Leandros, but I really thought by the end he would have expressed his regret. I though the would have become a Chaplin because he wanted to repent for his actions against Titus or that he told Calgar what he did and Calgar gave the order to bring Titus back. The fact that he is not only still just as untrustworthy and the fact that Titus didn't start going off on his ass about how he no longer has the right to judge him was so annoying. I hope if they make a Space Marine 3 that either Calgar or Titus one puts this jerk in his place. I hope Guilliman himself walks up to Leandros and starts spouting about how the codex was not absolute and the Emperor isn't a god and how much of a loon he is. I bet he would totally break and turn to chaos.
@cristhianmlr Says:
I fell to Khorne when I he revealed himself
@frbrbrgrblgrr7777 Says:
Space Marine 3. Leandros falters and Titus puts him down. Calling it now.
@isaacbarron7167 Says:
@dankuspanku4650 Says:
fucking Leandros
@TheBigExclusive Says:
Shouldn't Leandros be suspicious of his entire chapter now? They were all exposed to the Warp during the final battle of the game.
@Salmontres Says:
when i grow up, i wanna be a snitching cum stain like leandros too!
@ygorschuma3059 Says:
I loved the Chaplain's approach to Titus' squad at their third meeting: - He berates Chairon because he wants to hear Titus' response and wants to hear his side of the story. - He then addresses Gadriel side of the story, after Titus response, he berates Gadriel for trying to harm his commanding officer. - At the end he addresses the whole squad about the consequences of their actions, not just Titus', and threatens to watch them, just for them to keep in line.
@Briselance Says:
Bearded Baldy has a Scottish accent. I like it.
@cdunlap0008 Says:
I like how it sets up another entry. Leandros can get bent
@Briselance Says:
01:11 Then that Cadian lady lieutenant is most-likely dead or retired, by now. 😔
@antonkovalenko364 Says:
Leandros - still a disappointment to Rawbooty after all these years.
@CalebKerr123 Says:
I didnt think that chaplains removed their helmets under any circumstances or am I wrong?
@Kyjohnson1500 Says:
Everyone: Oh, cool, the chaplains coming with us *Tis I, Leandros😑 Everyone: 😒
@brodobroggins Says:
Leandros a little snitching bitch
@Corusame Says:
@CaptainVentanus Says:
Whiny little b*tch. I would have trade the entire gameplay for the chance of punching his stupid face in. Still the a**-hole he was in the first game, my dream of a redemption arc for Leandros is now lost.
@Jinseual Says:
I can barely remember people I've met 25 years ago and this guy immediately recognizes him after 200 years.
@Riken Says:
Leandrous is pretty nice compared to Grimaldus.
@MyraTalisen Says:
If you go back and see the chaplain scenes after the reveal, Leandros is going be much less hateable.
@Raddosseuss Says:
@Corusame Says:
I know the natural reaction of many is one of hate towards Leandros but I'd like to think this means a new start for the both of them. 200 years is a long time and I'm sure Leandros has seen and done much just like Titus has, its also a long time to reflect on the past. If we get a Space Marine 3 I'd really like the relationship between the two of them to be explored further. Maybe even with them forming a true bond of brotherhood whilst fighting together against insurmountable odds. I think it would be pretty epic, who knows Leandros might actually turn out likeable 😄
@Lesquidliestone Says:
I mean honestly, think about how much character development we see Titus go through in the span of one game. Leandros has had, what, 200 years to grow as a person? He seems to take his position as chaplain seriously, and was even glad to see Titus back on his feet post-surgery. He got a little pissy when chaos got involved, but it's understandable.
@josephnavarro2168 Says:
I honestly love what this game did with both Titus and leandros. Titus learned that he should be more open with his brothers and it was his lack of communication with leandros and going “we’ll talk about it later” or “we can worry about it later” wasn’t the best way to handle it. And leandros, likely after receiving punishment for turning Titus in to the inquisition, seems to have embraced his role in keeping the chapter clean. He’s one of the ones who gave Titus his second chance and although Titus has proved himself, it wouldn’t surprise me if Leandros holds the philosophy that everyone needs someone to keep them honest. And he’s the one who will keep Titus honest, no matter how many honors Titus holds
@zubzerostuff Says:
i hope leandros never dies and stays mad forever
@elvispelvis5891 Says:
are black marines canon?
@Thaumaturge2251 Says:
Leandros is such a fascinating character to me, I get the vibe he's stand by you against the most horrifying thing the galaxy can throw and not falter and even take a bullet for you, but condemn you as a heretic in the same breath and blam you for stepping a toe slightly over the line.
@atticusleeds3957 Says:
Leandros undermining Titus in front of his subordinates is dangerous and irresponsible. Even if his suspicions are justified, he should have taken Titus aside and spoken to him privately. His undermining of Titus' men's faith in him nearly cost them the mission. Gadriel believed the possessed psyker when she accused Titus of heresy and attacked him, and if Chairon didn't have such a sharp eye for Chaos, they might have all died then and there.
@Isomeria450 Says:
Imagine SM1 ending went like this: Lea: Lord Inquisitor, my Captain is immune to Chaos taint, this means he is a heretic. LI: VERY interesting, hm... do you have any last words? Lea *to Titus*: Speak up, traitor! LI: Oh, no, no, no. I think there was some misunderstanding here. I was adressing to you, young Leandros.
@thijshagenbeek6554 Says:
Think of Leandros what you will, Yes he was wrong, no doubt. But he was made a Chaplain exactly because he is watchfull over his brothers. If Titus was corrupted then he could have corrupted a whole company of Ultramarines. A moment of laxity spawns a lifetime of heresy afterall. As a Chaplain, Leandros can use his utter steadfast conviction in the Codex and the Chapter to do what he does best, armour the souls of his brothers, and watch for any sign of heresy. He was wrong with Titus, but being proven wrong does not mean your suspicion was incorrect. For better or worse, the Emperors black as a Chaplain is exactly what Leandros should bear. He is perfect for the role. Yes, Leandros says he will be watching Titus closely. A Chaplains duty is to watch *All* brothers in his company closely. It is their very duty, Leandros would give his life as readily for the chapter as any other Ultramarine. Or order any brothers arrest if he suspects or sees the signs of heresy, Wether it be Titus, Gadriel, or any other.
@Karloss00 Says:
How do you get the last cutscene? I finished the campaign and I'm doing operations at the moment. Was I meant to get that cutscene after those?
@jonpapi_2247 Says:
I need that helmet EXPEDITIOUSLY.
@wintertrooper7918 Says:
Its crazy how people develop their own crazy conspiracy fantasies surrounding one guy like he's some kind supervilllain The truth is however thst none of your crazy fantasies are real he is not some chaos marine he is not a heretic he's not against titus he doesnt hate him he's not jealous of him or anything Get over it
@kenyonwells5857 Says:
Leandtos is the ultimate blue falcon and deserved worse
@BoşnakPanda Says:
Leandros you big fat nerd
@Iorvethh Says:
The biggest rat is the chaplin. Not all Chaplins are rats ,but Leandros is. He is the worst of them.
@vexxama Says:
“So I was wrong for a century and bad mouthed my superior, but I’ll act above it all and say I’ll kill him if he puts a toe out of line, while saying he still needs to prove himself when I never proved what I said”
@cynicalpsycho5574 Says:
Absolutely no consequences for betraying a brother to the Inquisition instead of his own chapters Chaplin is ABSOLUTE HORSESHIT!!!
@generalirons9789 Says:
MOTHERFU- THAT’S LEANDROS? Come here boy, I’m going to give you a chainsword enema.
@briancathey498 Says:
by the way i thought once you served in the deathwatch you got to wear the shoulder armour forever.
@briancathey498 Says:
and what of leandros ? he falsely accused a brother of the stain of chaos and his victim was tortured by the inquisition and he was forced to serve in the deathwatch for over a hundred years, no instead of them looking at him as well with him being the one with the corrupted taint , they promote the prick to chaplin , yeah the imperiums on its way out
@stevencuellarart9495 Says:
If I was Titus I would’ve punch Leandros teeth out of his mouth. I can’t believe after a whole century, he still making Titus’s life miserable. We need a third game.
@CrabinATopHat Says:
Fuck Leandros All my brothers hate leandros
@moppingblood Says:
Revealing that the coolest character in the campaign is the one guy everyone hates is the most petty shit I've ever seen a dev do in my life 😭
@Sarymbo Says:
Calling it now. Leandros will fall to Chaos and be the final boss in Space Marine 3
@nickstonehenge Says:
That snitch from scool that became a cop
@omegon2540 Says:
I knew he was suspicious but leandros!
@buttslamify Says:
I didn’t see hate for Titus here. Important to note the level of suspicion that naturally occurs in Astartes regarding heresy. As a chaplain in universe he’s doing his job. Also important to note though, by reporting him to the inquisition before he wasn’t doing his job, you report to the chapter master if I remember correctly. Will be really interesting to see what they do with the relationship. Took me a second to get used to the combat but the game was excellent.

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