We Were Once Human
We Were Once Human



@SMii7Y Says:
Free download here: use my code “OnceHumanS7” till 9am PDT August 1st to redeem special awards!
@Kito-san13 Says:
11:05 bro redefined salted steak
@mjanderson5722 Says:
6:08 smitty looks like a grown up version of the kid from ice age one 😂
@Vict0reeaH Says:
U know its gona be a good video when a character looks like a goblin
@sickeditzzzzz Says:
play gtfo
@ryanvandokkum4210 Says:
wait till smii7y finding out about the 4th boss its gonna give ihim night mares
@ronaldvoelker2205 Says:
bro their characters made me laugh for so long
@SeleahMintz Says:
is it on xbox
@SOVEX1 Says:
once human was so good except for the fact you had to wait a long time till you can progress again when you were to fast that was what made me stop playing it
@danzdor Says:
human? i was human once
@Doom_z_ Says:
idk how to put it, but I found the game to be very Chinese
@jetstreamsam1105 Says:
5:32 YOU WHAT?
@aidanwhittaker2411 Says:
Isn’t this that Chinese Malware game
@TewTurnz Says:
what if you guys play Monkey raft on roblox it be funny to watch cuz its also a survival game with funny mechanics
@TannysOnly Says:
games trash and never works doesnt even like top load into the actual game L game and L youtuber for advertising trash
@steaky6523 Says:
4:42 mf looks like a rug rats character
@VideoGamesMusicMe Says:
I straight lost it when I saw yummis character. Looks like a tweaker I have seen around.
@Onyx-ri9bq Says:
Any time I watch a smii7y video I expect that because of what I know I’m about to watch
@Eitinsky Says:
5:24 for sure, their characters are disaster lmao it's so hilarious
@Ratty_Ray Says:
4:57 i-i got a bubble in my throat 6:02 omg dude
@littlemissidcig Says:
@CommanderShepard777 Says:
man i wish they would play more of this game
@imnothim07 Says:
Matt got the fee fi foe fum build
@IvaraWan Says:
6:00 to get a jump scare
@protector_of_wolves6559 Says:
6 minutes in and I'm already crying
@ekremarslan2583 Says:
we need a part 2
@JinruiKirai Says:
nah why does yumis character look like backpack kid😭😭😭
@rarrarrarrarrarrawr4854 Says:
Why does blarg’s character look kinda like Adam Sandler from the front????
@Mini_Sentry_Gaming Says:
6:50 mmmm mustard gas
@katsumisu1013 Says:
@MrSzoSs Says:
the characters you've made were indeed, once human
@Gynosexual Says:
It's a pity I don't have friends to play such fun cooperative games
@NegaZxyz Says:
Man can you imagine their characters running at you at night in the game? Pure nightmare fuel.
@Josuexgato Says:
They're making a mobile version, holy shit
@SkullpunkArt Says:
This video makes me look less autistic by comparison
@sdivine13 Says:
Raw meat and seawater? Sushi?
@itstherealsharkattackyep7627 Says:
Yumi looks like my sleep paralysis demon 😆
@sixsniperpro8235 Says:
This game looks so fun to bad it’s only on pc an soon to be mobile but yet we don’t have nothing for console ofc🤦‍♂️
@renzmaui Says:
@renzmaui Says:
i'm playing this game alone and never knew it would be this funny with a friend hahaha
@CoffeyTempest Says:
Thanks to this i started to play this game... and I can't stop now -,- Thanks SMii7Y -,-
@Xylaax Says:
smii7y just made an island boy
@KavinDavis-v1f Says:
Why are you guys so funny idk if it’s bc I didn’t sleep or something else but I always laugh 😂
@doubbleUinC Says:
1:05 4k Ultra HD tentacle hentai
@borplorp Says:
unironically the bests sponsorship ive ever seen
@aidanbergschneider7809 Says:
Smi77ys character looked like he was having an allergic reaction to Benadryl
@kevinyunseokim8194 Says:
they start playing the game at 6:32
@RealCapoPlayz Says:
This is act
@Otis-up1bc Says:
I literally just threw up 😂 because I drank 1 liter of milk
@nedukkiee Says:

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