WARHAMMER Warrior Priest Kills Army Of Chaos Warriors Fight Scene (2023) 4K ULTRA HD

WARHAMMER Warrior Priest Kills Army Of Chaos Warriors Fight Scene (2023) 4K ULTRA HD


Warhammer 40K Battle Scene - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz4XfhktPBI WARHAMMER Warrior Priest Kills Army Of Chaos Warriors Fight Scene (2023) 4K ULTRA HD New Clips 2023! Subscribe To Gameclips To Catch Up All The Best Clips. Gameclips always brings you the best full game movies with a focus on the story cinematic aspect of the video games. On this channel you will find the best cinematic moments and clips from the best video games with added educational narrative storylines to the videos. You will also find full edited let's play walkthroughs and guides to the latest and best new games coming out.




@kifizm4062 Says:
@chrisjansen1943 Says:
No warrior priests killing army of chaos warriors here. Lie video.
@Sledge_Speaker Says:
This is why sometimes honor gets in the way, should have just formed a fucking defense line not charge straight to a bunch of heavily 8ft tall cult knights. But not gonna lie this is kind of epic but I still aint fond what those empire soldiers just did
@chookee1080 Says:
Remember most of these dudes are just regular guys, they didn't need dubious magic from a strange woman lying in pond selling her bath water and yet they still took most out most of those chaos warriors
@BlueSkyCountry Says:
This definitely had to have been inspired by the real story of the Battle of Teutoburg Forest, between the Roman army and the Saxons. One of the most crushing defeats for Imperial Rome, but also marked the beginning of Rome's scorched earth campaign against the Saxons.
@annormal1414 Says:
How do you know that this and 40k are essentially the kin universes? Imperial soldiers are outnumbered and outmatched by dudes twice their size, surrounded on all sides. An then they just charge, for their god, their emperor and their pride. BASED.
@carlosmatiasvilca7355 Says:
Why was goblins in the chaos army?
@catedoge3206 Says:
There is no escape from chaos. But that you are all trapped with me. RAAAAAAHHHHHHH
@LomieAspirina Says:
No guns?
@robert-de-calvary Says:
Bless all my brothers in Christ enjoying this trailer. Jesus Conquers!
@JackDespero Says:
To be honest, it doesn't seem like a fair battle point wise.
@putoseko7836 Says:
animations 10/10 gameplay 2/10
@joseph291 Says:
For some it takes violence to change the world. For others it takes longer.
@joseph291 Says:
The hardest edge is only kept sharp by the one who wields it.
@joseph291 Says:
I always thought his head should have exploded. I guess he hit him on the back?
@JesseCuster Says:
Those Empire dudes should've formed up and used their rank bonus.
@rc2672 Says:
There is nothing more enraging than looking at a pathetic black screen. I don't care how good the rest of it was.
@adamcorbett5289 Says:
Am i the only person who thinks warhammer and its whole world and such is extremely gay?
@teddycush55 Says:
I love him singing
@teddycush55 Says:
I love the faith he has saves him so cool
@TaichouOwlf Says:
Is this elf a waystalker ?
@TaichouOwlf Says:
Bloodthirster joined the chat
@XZumex Says:
@gootubesucks9390 Says:
chaos is a punk bish so is skaven
@Hanz19457 Says:
Why are the visors up? It probaly wont change much if you get one shot anywear,but still PUT YOUR VISORS DOWN!
@kyos8462 Says:
Miss that game😢. WH total war is fun mostly but lacking something. Shadow of the horned rat an dark omen got me into warhammer as a kid. Mark of choas was huge for me
@MrAppleOrchard Says:
they probably should have held formation...just saying.
@Ima184mm Says:
The game was suck but cinematic is the legend
@hitbu9471 Says:
He’s literally me
@KabertaKneeGr0wCxntman Says:
i still dont get this shlt was this warhammer 40k? because in the past iddnt 40k series have like a fantasy spin off called just "warhammer" i twas on walmart shelves and everything wtf man so confusing and poitnelss
@rxonmymind8362 Says:
Need. Bigger. Hammer.
@gris186 Says:
2023? Lol no, this is from 2006 but it was just so far ahead of time with the graphics
@jordanerickson701 Says:
Literal dumbest thing you could do with a group of pikemen is break formation and charge
@90sanime52 Says:
@scroogemcduck2589 Says:
Henry better get a contract and dive deep into warhammer. where would he even start tho
@adsfwef1331 Says:
The priest gear protects everything but his head, that's called faith.
@ienybu759 Says:
That's why you wear a helmet
@parkla4098 Says:
Chaos warriors double the size of humans! Loved WH fantasy
@giacomoromano8842 Says:
Considering how thick that mist is and how it kind of disappears, i smell witchcraft afoot. Imperial soldiers thrive on formations, veterancy, tactics and support, while chaos warriors excel in individual might, brute strength and superior quality of equipment. It's not a surprise the imperials got butchered like that in such a situation, very well placed tactical ambush for the Warriors.
@giacomoromano8842 Says:
Damn weird to see a elf sacrificing himself to save a priest of all people... like, they see themselves as superior to everyone, and Sigmar as a made up human God half the time, and yet this chad push the priest away instead of jumping to safety.
@FR11 Says:
congrats of 4 million!! leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeegoo
@FreeAllenWrench Says:
Jordan Priesterson is right. we have to deal with the choas in this world and our lives.
@Antiseem Says:
This video made me pick Warrior Priest as my class in warhammer online :D
@matthewheather6911 Says:
"Only in death does duty end"
@mathewweeks9069 Says:
Awesome video and I'm big fan of warhammer
@leeprochazka5420 Says:
One of my favorite games.
@doublestakked1041 Says:
When Kerillian joins my games pretty much guarantees that im gonna die... Trying to save the elf
@christmasham4312 Says:
Whoa that was col
@user-se4cn2en9d Says:
why they dont use boltguns?
@robertenglish3921 Says:
holyfug Ineedonethemchic

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