<<@CerealEater.jr. says : Headbutt game is at its peak.>> <<@SpiritAnimal-zi1rh says : Hanzo Hasashi vs Revenant Liu Kang Takeda vs D'Vorah>> <<@andywong6477 says : Doesnt MK 11 have character variations as well but revised?>> <<@nicolasjarque787 says : Excelente gameplay 😎👍🏻🤖💙❄️>> <<@KaiHolland-oo7bs says : Another request can you do Liu Kang vs dark emperor Liu Kang mortal kombat X>> <<@AlucardArukado999 says : Triborg (Sub-Zero) vs. Scorpion (injustice) X-ray 3:44 Brutality 1:52, 4:10>> <<@wickdaline8668 says : Scorpion: Is Sektor still in charge? Triborg: We are all Sektor. Scorpion: Then you'll all be extinguished.>> <<@wickdaline8668 says : Triborg: Shirai Ryu dog. Scorpion: Lin Kuei scum. Triborg: You must be eliminated.>> <<@TmwMurda says : I still love the mkx videos never stop watching them>> <<@nicolasrodriguez9617 says : My favorites part are when chooise to Triborg Cyber Sub Zero and Injustice Scorpion, the diaologues, too when Triborg Cyber Sub Zero make 2️⃣ times brutaluties and x ray to Injustice Scorpion. This fight and video is: Triborg Cyber 🤖 Sub Zero 🥶🧊🆚️ 'Injustice' Scorpion 🥷🦂🔥⚔⛓>> <<@fede170493 says : Yeah! More MKX.>> <<@pjtheviacomcbsfanguy2490 says : Twice the brutality, spectacular>> <<@Vegeta-n8j says : 💯❤️>> <<@geraldbrown2893 says : Triborg(Cyber Sub-Zero)🤖🧊❄️: You Will Become One Of Us Scorpion🥷🏻🦂🔥: I Rather Die Than Becoming Your Slave Triborg(Cyber Sub-Zero)🤖🧊❄️: Then We Will Take You By Force>> <<@raingameplays7907 says : Suggestions: alien vs revenant sub zero smoke vs revenant kitana>> <<@ИванИванов-х4с4ю says : 10 mk лайк!>> <<@hoseinghasempoor5226 says : Good video ❤❤❤>> <<@Gravy000 says : I love how you still make Mortal Kombat X videos>> <<@АкылАлтынОразбаевы says : It doesn't matter that Sub Zero is cyborg or triborg, Scorpion and Sub Zero are sworn enemies>> <<@MrLopez-256 says : Can we get an Injustice 2 video? 😁>> <<@HydreigonJ89 says : Scorpion: You follow Cyrax and Sketor now? Cyber Sub Zero: It was my own decision Scorpion: That decision shall cost you.>> <<@asmaanassar3060 says : Oh I love how you do these mods 0:05>>