<<@LittleFoe23 says : Winter overstand>> <<@JacksonZazenski says : Memau>> <<@LillaBogdán-q9y says : I want Alex ín the opsions>> <<@AdrianAyala-ok8zk says : Who fruit>> <<@mraim999 says : Poser>> <<@freddiecooper-hefferon6303 says : Over definitely>> <<@Tobduk says : Why is volx mewing>> <<@NavishDutt says : Winter is the best>> <<@Barra-hunter says : Overstrand>> <<@Hayden-yt21 says : What about Alex and worthy they are unreal aswell>> <<@DavidNathanielFenol-gj2oh says : Where the hell is Vin?>> <<@MrVihreefani says : Wolx>> <<@GUILLERMO_HEHEHE1 says : Vindooly got his own category he too good>> <<@EnthusiasticSkateboard-ts4lv says : I'll pick Jacque bcz she seems like she has a life>> <<@ethanyoder says : Fortnite hits different winter times>> <<@MichiganProdzzIsHim says : I pick Alex even though he is not a option>> <<@jacobroberts6725 says : Volx got nothing on me>> <<@JarrettMilloway says : Volx>> <<@TheRealChiChi0429 says : Looter If He Was Here>> <<@RayArmstrong-i1m says : Loser fruit>> <<@TwixtyRL says : Mau being lower than lufu is diabolical>> <<@izzd1882 says : Over>> <<@FallenFNN says : i’m choosing vin>> <<@SlashieDD says : Where's Lazar🎉>> <<@EnanMonk says : Over just sipping his coffee 😂. ( I choose pwr overstated or pwr chanzes>> <<@Overdex_rl says : Not volx being zesty 💀>> <<@nikolavankovic says : volx>> <<@LoganWelgraven says : Winter❤❤❤❤>> <<@thamsonprince4650 says : Volx>> <<@Leonardo-l7g8e says : Over and also Loserfruit>> <<@YusufsalimYT says : volx>> <<@EnriqueKruger says : Alex>> <<@mr_bubbly says : Volx>> <<@Babyclixty-t2e says : Volx>> <<@cezarinarosca4822 says : Volx>> <<@cezarinarosca4822 says : Volc>> <<@NoahWindsor-vw1rx says : Over>> <<@blacklezsearth7279 says : I choose over>> <<@razijabotic1355 says : where is vin):>> <<@mattiasandersson8716 says : I pick loserfruit>> <<@ugljesaavramovic6018 says : Lacht and alex>> <<@Emmanuel-gc4be says : Over>> <<@spinonfn says : Volx😂>> <<@OmarAbozaid-fk5mw says : VOLX>> <<@LiamBorden says : Lufu>> <<@terrenceuci9806 says : Wait, Lachy below Lufu wasn’t something I expected>> <<@EmilisKausys says : Loserfruit>> <<@Yippyio says : Loser fruit(plat is not bad for a girl💀)>> <<@Yippyio says : Loser fruit(plat is not bad for a girl💀)>> <<@Yorrichix099 says : Vin : I have exited the universe>>