<<@AustinOblivion says : Amumu = Gaara>> <<@bigboykirby2 says : it is more annoying that he doesn't know who the charters are>> <<@Snoui says : 59:25 does ludwig think egyptians are black or something just because they're in africa..?>> <<@dexter-vw8ps says : ur sick for skipping the star guardian lore...>> <<@milkaDZN says : Now I know why Tyler1 actually hates that guy......Kidding but funny how Lud don't know any champ xD>> <<@tysonatua6671 says : STAR GUARDIAN CINEMATIC TIMESTAMPS ( He basically skipped them but they here if you want to watch him skip them): Burning Bright - 1:29:04 A New Horizon - 1:54:04 Light and Shadow - 2:43:11 Everything Goes On - 3:34:14 Bronze 1 gameplay - 4:23:26>> <<@lemottien8040 says : This is actually so mid at least try pretending you care about the things you react to lmao>> <<@Cremlindor says : Whoever said to skip the Shurima cinematics needs to be perma banned>> <<@redguy4636 says : Al fin Mr. X entiende lo que se siente ver una película mediocre de Marvel con los fanboys aplaudiendo y gritando en la audiencia. *coff coff* Spiderman No Way Home *coff coff*>> <<@Vinny-H says : I want your shirt>> <<@BarkatheMoon says : How can you play so much league and not know half the characters.>> <<@asdasd2179 says : bro skipped so much peak and had the audacity to complain, production of all these is in the billions>> <<@swindel5883 says : This is so weird... i just watched all the cinematics yesterday and now this is in the recommended for me :D>> <<@MatheusSilva-cf4jw says : blud spent more time looking at chat than watching the videos lmao>> <<@pundah7084 says : Lmao this triggered so many people>> <<@michi6486 says : These world trailers are so weird on one hand great animation and banger songs on the other hand all these korean players look like mega nerds who would start hyperventilating if they climb too many stairs. also they have all the same haircuts and glasses. It kinda makes it all look ridiculous...>> <<@PyroZero_ says : Never been so disappointed by a fuckin reaction vid 💀 How do you fuck up the bare minimum of just paying attention>> <<@Doominator10 says : -*Sees watching every league cinematic* -*Checks comments* -*Most the comments says he skips a bunch of the videos* -*Is dissapointed*>> <<@pepe0999 says : Bro skips everything>> <<@Angel-db6px says : Chat I’m 23 minutes in, does he actually watch lore cinematic videos or just random ones?>> <<@harmoen says : 17:55 "that's uh um ahhhhhhhhh fuck. it's on the tip of my tongue. Rectum">> <<@spartythespart says : I was so HEATED when he skipped the braum video but then i realized hes just skipping 90% of vids>> <<@spartythespart says : i cant believe i watched this entire video from start to end and i dont even watch ludwig>> <<@spalex9271 says : I honestly think he should have done this in multiple streams , he looks like he wants to end it as fast as possible for half the video>> <<@mif4731 says : Change that title you fraud, you skipped the best ones.>> <<@Gonzifyy says : ryze in every og cinematic cause one of the founder name is ryze the other is tryndamere>> <<@worthrain2731 says : I love the airbender analogy here>> <<@biglong321 says : 39:09 "I like more story driven cinematics then music video cinematics" Proceeds to skip almost every story driven video>> <<@wolfroarxx6055 says : What lud missed about the annie story is: its all the stepmother's fault, bc if she did not want to live with a child that has a demon bear.. she could have just not fuck*d her father. Rlly its that easy, she put herself in that situation and then blamed the child for something she couldnt control and didnt even stopped to think that yeah she lost a daughter but Annie lost a sister and her father. OH and her mother. Edit: nah the chat refusing the reality that Zeus gapped Bin is craaaazy copium, Zeus is the most useful toplaner in the world, no discussion there. He can be 0/5 and still embarrass your team->> <<@omars9986 says : Egyptians are mostly white, why is no one aware?>> <<@SancheezyU says : 2 a week or two for years... and then we get at most 2 valo agents per year. Godmanit>> <<@voiroy1880 says : Ludwig : *learns varus is 2 gay people Ludwig 2 seconds later : "I hate varus">> <<@psiiqual2364 says : what is that thumbnail hahaha>> <<@iamcage187 says : 1:42:-4 Fiddle is a demon, he is from everywhere and can be multiple places at once.>> <<@goukenslay7555 says : if only he watched the Worlds collide finals video and the cyberone with master yi, fior and lucian vs zed>> <<@LiangJessie says : The excitement of you screaming Blitzcrank had me questioning whether or not I messed up my champs with hooks.>> <<@Coach333 says : Ryze is basically Tom Cruise>> <<@ainssama527 says : bro i always thought lud was smart for he is so succesful but man did he prove me wrong in this video he just hate farming us at this point man>> <<@xeih6940 says : Anyone who builds zhonya or recommends it for fiddle is straight up iron or even worse and they prolly only play aram, just needed to get that out there.>> <<@ponasjeralvilho1839 says : For anyone wondering, this video doesn't worth to be watched. Ludwig skips the Champion Teasers, so little to no lore is going to be presented to him...>> <<@cup-noodle-love says : Riot horribly mistreats and underpays artists :/>> <<@cathsaigh2197 says : I'm guessing DLC can't be nominated for GOTY because you need to have the game to play it. You can't just get the DLC, you have to have Elden Ring.>> <<@nugking2021 says : Lud bro you spent half this vid looking at Jake besides looking at the video and then wonder why you missed half the details>> <<@recommended1782 says : lud needs to react to league teasers and memories and moments>> <<@cathsaigh2197 says : If you skip skin promotion vids that's ~3/4 of the League vids worth watching.>> <<@Cripplified says : I'm convinced Ludwig just doesn't want to be good at league. He gets so close to understanding something, then just forgets it 5 minutes later.>> <<@puffcap_ says : the kindred one is actually peak tho>> <<@sRtAoIrNm says : We need the lore deep dive stream ASAP>> <<@unholynetta says : my god this was a horrible reaction>> <<@dro5903 says : Wasnt fiddle your main the first time?>>