<<@AlucardArukado999 says : Mileena (deception) feat. Scorpion & Shujinko vs. Nitara (dark) feat. Sonya & Motaro Fatal Blow 2:49 Fatality 3:45 Brutality 1:57>> <<@trentwillams7805 says : Now this battle Mileena vs Nitara is becoming one of my favorite battles in Mortal Kombat 😀😊>> <<@jossethj.d.covaleda5689 says : Hello Friend Sam. good fight of 'Deception' Mileena Vs Nitara. those Mileena clothes are cool. good gameplay and good FATALITY at the end. good combination with the KAMEOS: Scorpion and Shujinko. jijiji. just great. WUI. suggestion 1- Mortal Kombat 1 - 'Order of Darkness' Liu Kang Vs 'Klassic' Noob Saibot. 2- Mortal Kombat 1 - 'Empress' Tanya Vs 'Empress' Li Mei. 3- Mortal Kombat 11 - 'Klassic' Kitana Vs Shao Kahn. Keep Shining Friend Sam.>> <<@shingo_999 says : Mileena vs Nitara 1:58 Brutality 2:49 Fatal Blow 3:45 Fatality>> <<@yeekwaiyong4800 says : Idea: MK3 Noob Saibot VS Deception Mileena>> <<@ДенисКомаров-х8д says : Fatality from Kill Bill.>> <<@ultronlovescivilwar1376 says : That mileena skin just too🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️‍🔥🔥 It's the best>> <<@BrentWelch-z8i says : Mileena: They call me the man-eater. Nitara: Why eat a man when you can bleed them slowly.>> <<@geraldbrown2893 says : Mileena👸🏻🟣🔪: No Vaeternians Are Welcomed To My Empire Nitara🧛🏻‍♀️🦇: Outworld Will Fear The Vaeturnus' Hunger Mileena👸🏻🟣🔪: It Is You And They Should Fear The Empress' Wrath>> <<@nicolasrodriguez9617 says : This fight and video is: 'Deception' Mileena with: Raphael's ninja 🥷Turtle🐢 🔴🔻🔺️🟥 sais and Elektra's( Marvel) 🔴🔻🔺️🟥 sais too 🆚️ Nitara the vampire 🧛‍♀️ queen 👸👑>> <<@patvision2345 says : Brutality and Fatality, outstanding>> <<@pikachuyang6170 says : Have you unlocked the animalities yet?>> <<@wickdaline8668 says : Nitara: What will you do to get Tanya back? Mileena: You have her, Nitara?!>> <<@wickdaline8668 says : Mileena: I won't weep when your race dies. Nitara: Wanna know what other empress told me that?>> <<@BlazerK1914 says : Battle of Carnivorous Beauties💕>> <<@daishonclary2001 says : Did you play gta v on pc Sam?>> <<@nicolasjarque787 says : Excelente gameplay 😎👍🏻👩🏻‍💼👅💜 podrías grabar "Khaos" Mileena (Janet Cage) VS. "MK9" Smoke (Jax)?>> <<@saryhars6241 says : Mileena💗 Nitara🧡>> <<@garrettriddle4139 says : Mileena VS Nitara. Tarkatan VS Vampire.>> <<@Vegeta-n8j says : ❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@jaimeantoniomangune5793 says : nice gameplay>> <<@ritchiebarbier729 says : Good fight. 👍🏼>> <<@fatalwaffle1715 says : Awesome Video Bro! Please do Khaos Takeda (Sub Zero Kameo) vs Deception Mileena (Khameleon Kameo) at Khaoseum (Main Event).>> <<@carlosyairrodz7338 says : Mileena vs nitara>>