<<@ryannurburgring says : Stop playing this stupid game>> <<@sirhawkjames says : nothing like waking up at 3:30am to ludwig legit raging at league. YOU FELL OFF MAN. jk. good night.>> <<@fibeo4060 says : Ludwig should have a somewhat better player (mid gold/high gold/maybe even low plat) spectate him while he plays and sometimes chime in to give feedback, could be a funny interaction and break the tention (lower the chance of getting tilted). This would make ranking up also a goal to be able to duo with that player, and they coul play some normals without Ludwig getting outright carried but still learning a decent amount. Getting coaching from really good players is always cool, but it isn't Ludwig's goal to become a diamond or higher rank player, so learning from someone who is close to his goal much more fun and give some way to trial and error which is what makes league fun for everyone who just started. People who figured out the game and are high level players kind of suck out the fun that is fucking around in the game with friends.>> <<@EarthResearch says : VACCCINTED>> <<@fynnschmidt3199 says : I think you misspelled "suck" in the title <3>> <<@tokemond4309 says : What a sad b word just unlike it>> <<@JaCrispySSB says : Oh you’re grinding for league… since it was for silver I figured you’d be playing rivals haha>> <<@apeekintime says : Getting dragon while you lose two towers, one a nexus tower, and an inhib is not worth. Pretty bad trade>> <<@apeekintime says : 3:35:00 Lud getting toxic.>> <<@apeekintime says : Lud won't read this but so often he just doesn't use smite on camps... smiting a camp heals you - the renekton fight at around 2:45 would have been completely different he if smites the camp and gets the health. Instead he slow farms. Very often he refuses to stop killing a camp and get involved in fights right next to him which is very troll. The amount of missed Q's also went up as the games went on. Amumu is one of those champs that seems super low skill but is often all about picking moments. When you go in, you are usually in (unless there is a camp, that you didn't farm, to use as an escape). Often it is better to blow flash to get even closer on a bandage toss. Should also bandage, space, ult, space, bandage to maximize CC against their most problematic champion. The Yone was pretty troll. Smolder and Yone late game scale is pretty insane and you had a 4 carry comp since the "support" was farmed.>> <<@kahootkrummi8242 says : How can you be playing right now?? Is it like a creator only or old clips>> <<@Arguing101 says : Ashe ults were goated that first game>> <<@Occprod says : 👍>> <<@Loldrui says : Bro is up against a full ap team and buys armour boots……>> <<@pizzacat69 says : does this guy even know what potions do>> <<@VixeyTeh says : 3:51:07 Ludwig tells people who do NOT have access to members-only streams where to find VODs of members-only streams... on the members-only stream... 🤔 ... 🤦‍♀️>> <<@RealJeremias says : Bronze is crazy 😂>> <<@user-.--.- says : whos running odds on lud's success? i wanna bet against him reaching gold by the deadline>> <<@austindefillippes3064 says : Bro learn how to build. Armor boot and sun fire into 3 ap 😢>> <<@MWKRider says : Not gonna lie though as much as urgot was being a little bitch in that last game, y’all kinda griefed the game as a whole letting them push past inhib while doing dragon. Basically let them have an easy in to base and gave them ability to snowball.>> <<@Derek_1274 says : Like grinding with ur penis? Do you read these comments? Meow :3>> <<@hazyrays994 says : it's not cowardly to turn off chat, it's called having self respect>> <<@LilCxhpo says : Ego of a Challenger player statements and macro of a bronze player>> <<@knaak296 says : real talk luddy, shut off game chat. its the worst part of the game. it can only serve to hurt you, anything that anyone needs to say can be said in pings>> <<@raafpauwels2517 says : 1:07:52 What an ult, lud actually goated for this>> <<@cup-noodle-love says : He learned all the lingo.... brain = cooked>> <<@blarbblarb4187 says : try aloisnL if you eant to get good fundamentals>> <<@anoukk_ says : Looking at these games makes me realize most of league is just babysitting the emotions of your team mates>> <<@spicedmemes1472 says : Im sorry "GRINDING" to silver?>> <<@45HIo7 says : goatwig>> <<@GotwaldTheFifth says : You can sell boots there for item because you got move speed of cloud soul. especially when you get cloud soul you can sell boots for 6th item>> <<@thevideogamer02 says : hope you get better bro>> <<@Bluewind131 says : Honestly feel bad for that urgoy, whole team abandoned him top and allowed snowball... Should've help him keep inhib>> <<@Hamlet0727 says : League Week was supposed to be a month, yea bro aint making even gold>> <<@SamuelUhrine says : As a certified gold ur not making it out of silver>> <<@duck809 says : I see the improvements but Amumu just isn't the style for you my guy>> <<@Miggus7362 says : Maybe take a day for just norms and try other junglers, like bel veth. I really think you need a carry jungler in pool that isnt fiddlestick with his nieche playstyle.>> <<@arifbykr4552 says : Bro that urgot is the reason why I always play with mute all>> <<@elsajean2864 says : As long as he keeps playing amumu...>> <<@Cassidy19877 says : Ludwig I hope you do recover please take care of yourself drink lots of water get rest please :)>> <<@smikey69 says : anyone else have like that one kid from elementary school that would walk around with a wrist splint months after their injury because they wanted people to ask if they were okay. ya>> <<@animeeq says : Please stop playing this hog shit game. Lud you are killing your nervous system. Its not worth it>> <<@marcus2259 says : Not gonna lie, the only strat to to reach gold. Is to spam the most aggressive build in any champ. That's why Smurfs like doing oneshot builds in gold. You can win any role any champ. gold players lose their mind when someone can one shot someone.>> <<@emincrz says : get well soon mf😢😢>> <<@MirakoMoore says : Anyone got the song from the beginning of the vod?>> <<@kirienitram says : 03:19 you probably played well because you weren't sniped>> <<@kaktusek560 says : I'll be honest, even though you do lose some games, I think this is the fastest I have seen anyone improve this much in the game. Keep it up man!>> <<@xer1000 says : bro please just check out Broken By Concept>> <<@ausreir says : I can definitely see the improvements. Keep it up.>> <<@ShazZy- says : who put ludwig on league ? whoever did is the biggest ludwig hater>>