<<@Macheako says : it looks like a team of librarians 📚>> <<@gogetassj9643 says : Canal en decadencia>> <<@gogetassj9643 says : Canal en decadencia>> <<@DiegoCostaCardoso says : The game is good. I'm having tons of fun. Loving the characters and their stories.>> <<@johnell3053 says : Dragon Age: The Message>> <<@Infernal460 says : I trust none of you. Il just take Mabari hound, thankyou.>> <<@pixoloanimation8895 says : They copied ME3 ending 😂😂>> <<@sanguinius3938 says : gay black elves and weird robotic dialogue, i'm glad i didn't buy this and i bought Space Marine 2 instead>> <<@ericcollins1497 says : A shame they had to butcher the game pushing wokeness and reducing party size to 3 , among other problems. Bioware and anyone at EA who pushed for woke shit should be ashamed for butchering a series for that>> <<@notme3603 says : I know this is supose to be the climax and all but Jesus Christ why does the dialogue sounds so Robotic Forced even like the characters are dead ai speakers, how the fuck is this a climax the most emotion im sensing is my own disgust>> <<@francocruz75 says : The game looks really cool honestly wow>> <<@francocruz75 says : Ill come for her any time>>