<<@m0isodd says : 0:08 bro thought he was cute He was>> <<@kehnxii says : Chat is such a BABY!!! It’s a little flicker. Like he knows. Just deal>> <<@LeviFranks-pr6mm says : Hi>> <<@RoksonsSC2 says : I have to say that i TRULY think that lud is in atleast gold or plat territory WHEN you consider how he plays early game. He has that shit down to a TEA. (With smaller ”normal” mistakes and misjudgements). But he has to improve his later game teamfighting and generall macro skills.>> <<@BenP-i1g says : At 3:33:56 he says “I don’t think I need to farm”…. my brother, you are level 18 and full build………>> <<@TheBakerZen says : Logan only responds to meaningless offhand comments when he has a chance to plug his shitty brands. So, he will not be leaving a comment on this stream.>> <<@Orville-Tootenbacher says : Don’t say oh 5 when saying the score noob. Higher number is always first>> <<@bashtin_zz says : on the way to iron with this one>> <<@aersirma says : The locked cam in fights has gatta be a crime. Can’t dodge anything if you can’t even see it>> <<@VixeyTeh says : The Zany Sidekick is BACK!>> <<@finestcustard5647 says : Guys he’s definitely getting better at the game. This is hype.>> <<@viligerm6592 says : Watch every Despicable me and minions movie>> <<@bakergames6275 says : Lud did leak an arcane tidbit in this stream>> <<@barstools1013 says : The fall of ludwig's content really needs to be studied>> <<@NobodyDuex says : 24:20 point and counterpoint lud 🤣>> <<@mathewhernandez1429 says : Nah lud ain’t a fake fan. Baseball is my favorite sport and I’m glad shohei made a fan out of lud. You’re a fan of whatever made you like the sport and the dodgers did it for lud>> <<@FrenchFriends4ever says : So cute 😍>> <<@soren9780 says : Zero chance you see this Lud and its unsolicited advice but imo 2:10:43 this game you really need to think about who is your wincon and how they want to play fights. Amumu is a facilitator but as you saw, even if you burn everything on jhin he wont die without someone else on him. I think "generally teamfights were bad" was correct and that your team never target selected the same enemy.>> <<@junaidsmith7188 says : WATCH PVP CIVILISATION ALREADY>> <<@Roman-Noodlez says : 0:43 That’s W Rizz right there>> <<@JamieHau says : Day 5 of asking Ludwig to speedrun cookieclicker 100% on competitive ruleset>> <<@weedtaco1443 says : 18:30 pretty good impression>> <<@queen-patches233 says : the number you texted was to ppl like me who googled it for you and texted you a concise answer. got paid like $5 a question that i answered. ezpz>> <<@andregoncalves5963 says : 4:18:00 Not even that. You lost LP. You are already losing more per loss than you gain per win>> <<@Greedexile says : it saddens me everyday that i've been missing ludwig streams in 2 weeks. please change your sched>> <<@Jxn76 says : I became a member just to watch his league stream and I missed it…….>> <<@JMPT says : Spooky Nice Stream 💛♥️💚>> <<@MrBrutaLLicA says : I'm only here for the League pro plays>> <<@chrisbotha7433 says : Hafu is a sweaty gamer she don't sell her short>> <<@ZacktheWize says : 1:37:22 league gameplay starts>> <<@TerminallyBricked says : Happy Halloween !>> <<@hiritishchidambaramn9115 says : 2:38 Hii Lud, the issue with the camera could be due to interference from other nearby cables. Make sure that there aren't any cables in close proximity to your camera cable. Love your streams btw😁>> <<@dieface6581 says : Thinks hes gold level?>> <<@Mt9el says : I’ve been watching every league stream he’s put out and I STILL don’t understand how this game works>> <<@cathat4813 says : now get good at deadlock and see if you can handle that lmao>> <<@GeoshotMC says : >> <<@ogBohica says : if only our mid didnt go AP cho - Garen good ganks but I lost a lot of cs from them. Didnt know it was you till i hovered and saw air coots recognized it from Caedrel XDD>> <<@liambouchard7513 says : Why isn't there the live chat in the recording?>> <<@Enclaved501 says : swear if he scamming us again and its someone else playing for him some games>> <<@rtaylor2682 says : Damn I really am the real hero thanks for that lud>> <<@sanzanasyed says : Anyone know the song playing at 3:03:40 ? Can't seem to find it on his Porter Approved playlist. 😢>> <<@niralpeters says : Dam! I caught some of it. Guy could hit Gold>> <<@Jbswe says : Remember when Ludwig said he’d beat hollow knight and sekiro by the end of the summer? Too busy playing trash games like league lmao>> <<@alancalvillo6756 says : Happy Halloween, Ludwig>> <<@Ccvikings2009 says : Dude…. 1 minute Kate?!>> <<@Bruh-00000 says : Bro I just joined dawg>> <<@3rd_vr says : 0:17 0:17 0:17 0:17 0:17 0:18 0:18 0:18 0:18 0:18 0:19 0:19 0:19 0:19 0:19 0:20 0:20>> <<@therealwelfin says : Streamed 12 seconds ago… pain 💀>> <<@JEFFISCOOL6 says : yurrrr>> <<@sahir7006 says : Bruh just joined>>