<<@banksiajoo8598 says : ludwig i dont know if you remember but in 2022 at LCS finals you sat next to me when QT was playing on stage and i explained some of league to you gl on your games i hope i helped>> <<@Sh3rr1ff says : I would hate to play support in any team with Conner in OW2. He seems to always think they never do enough healing when the numbers usually say otherwise.>> <<@MrGamer325 says : Dude got in my lobby 5:24:30>> <<@_Cerb_ says : 5:53:57 is prolly the most "its over gg- HOLY SHIT WHAT" moment of this challenge>> <<@CapnWarpBeard says : 6:44:50 6:57:20>> <<@tastemakerguidie says : now show zelda you can behave in lamb truck>> <<@tastemakerguidie says : salt water in the panda express restroom isn't that GR8>> <<@tastemakerguidie says : gracias>> <<@tastemakerguidie says : don't cliche the menu>> <<@tastemakerguidie says : what's the menu there today at panda>> <<@urosvesic9520 says : Stream snipers suck so much ass. What went wrong in your life, and you are now acting like this? This goes for both helpful and enemy snipers. they should also hide chess when in q. It is such a fun game when ppl are not giving them victory every time they play.>> <<@flexforthetube says : Them on League is so frustrating because all they do is blame the team rather than actually think about the match. They need to dial back the ego and stop acting so desperate.>> <<@followerofthechurchofsumi3868 says : honestly there is a world he can just play a ranged mid and perma farm never dying and getting farm is pretty easy problem is being useful afterwards>> <<@Mrhotwheelz53 says : 6:45:00 Lud is so unbelievably and unbearably bad at league it is comedical at this point.>> <<@mochizu9892 says : Lud, you need to just keep pushing your waves in iron. You don't need to freeze. It's better to just push it because you can back early, you can roam, if enemy team roam he will lose minion. Its better to just push and push rather than hold your wave.>> <<@yukiov.4162 says : there's no way lud 've been grinding league playing like this, he doesn't know when to trade, when to back off, items, nothing>> <<@Bubbalubagus says : It's so funny to hear Connor talk about league how he does then find out he's bronze>> <<@austinmelot1904 says : LoL addicts need to chill in Chat. Every 10 mins, Someone is begging them to either start with League or just all out abandon the current order to play League. I get being a big fan of a game. But it looks SO desperate and cringe to cry for it so often.💀>> <<@hawosyo says : Did Ludwig get the coaching sessioin from Caedrel yet?>> <<@nightflyer94 says : Lud looks like he doesn't even play League>> <<@highwayjonny471 says : Deadlock for League>> <<@GreyFoxGaming. says : Your so ass at league 😂>> <<@austinrecker141 says : the members only VODs do NOT appear in Live tab for non members!!>> <<@Its_shakur says : It’s so weird to hear an excuse for any loss as “there was a stream sniper” Just lock in…>> <<@valerivalov9834 says : i dont know what you guys thinking keeping fortnite last its the hardest to win statistically and you never get to play it as it stays last and you guys are rusty you should put fortnite and league maybe early for a bit>> <<@GooseOose says : I didn’t expect lud to be so ass at brawlhala>> <<@AceTrainerLupi says : Connor is so patient. Also Yorick would probably work better than Garen, enemy would have to send 2+ people to deal with split push, but it's another champion Lud would have to learn. Also also, whoever in chat said League is all about teammates - there are people who can climb to Master with 95-100% WR from fresh account and they literally play as duo, so, in theory, they're guaranteed at least one teammate that will cooperate with them, being each other. The worst part of League considering this challenge is the fact that games can drag for up to 50 minutes and Lud refuses to learn the game, just tries to brute force through it (which is fair, I guess, if he just plays it for a challenge and doesn't want to play League again after), so all the time he walks in circles, getting mentally checked out and waits for the game to win itself and sometimes listening to CDawg's calls.>> <<@Zipper_XD says : >> <<@GDBEZ says : Them losing at league at the end is a ball don't lie moment of scamming multiple games before during that run. Also trying to find if someone is a stream sniper when you lose is baby shit>> <<@KGanza says : The best streams of the week>> <<@bryndt6647 says : Wow they actually did it. They actually finished the challenge>> <<@Khalid_XMC says : Bro i can win 10 bronze games in a row like nothing even if a teamate straight up afks idk how connor got to diamond before he needs to understand to just play a hyper carry like yi>> <<@number1nicocollinsfan says : Take brawlhalla out 💀>> <<@hailon_rias7341 says : Ludwig needs to stop using a controller for halo>> <<@justinmartinez9901 says : That was a 4v4 game>> <<@nguyengiabao2176 says : Lud I know u wont read this but I think you should start to practice and watch your own replay to understand what u did wrong and what is correct. You need to at least be decent at overwatch and league, understand enough ur limits and roles before starting the next god gamer. If not u will just make the same mistake over and over again and dont know why, you got this bro. I believe!>> <<@jaceisonline says : Yoooo atrioc?!?!>> <<@maxor3175 says : What are the rules in like. Playing a ranked gamemode vs a casual gamemode. I saw they played League ranked and Overwatch qp.>> <<@JeppersGaming says : more like league of poopoo pee pee>> <<@antonytjp says : Hi Ludwig.. I’m a new fan from New Zealand.. love your content ❤>> <<@alexchavez6779 says : Damn finished 7 min ago>> <<@Pumpurrnickel says : 6:45:00 Lud rage.>> <<@maarten699 says : Literally just missed it>> <<@Potato_the_tater says : Potato>> <<@Feisty123 says : :D>> <<@Adbob1 says : :(>> <<@RileyJorgensen-r5t says : Hi>> <<@rihay1637 says : D:>> <<@AnnBoye says : First comment by 3 seconds let's go>>