<<@Acekid02 says : I still think Dawn of war was one of the best 40k games yet>> <<@l33tpie says : Brother you forgot the dow2 intro>> <<@mrsquidlyface4216 says : The voice actor for big boyscout got the tone down, that is one hell of a grimdark speech/quote>> <<@Marhsallpiotr says : lol>> <<@nethmadhananjaya7197 says : Where is from second clip>> <<@growlusnotneeded3251 says : So where did that firepower come from in that 1st dreadnaught destruction?>> <<@curtisellington1465 says : Gonzalez Carol Perez Karen Lee Angela>> <<@КощейКощеев-ь8ф says : Астартес расфигачил оркаф>> <<@madhur8537 says : don't know wtf is happening here😑>> <<@Blahto_realToto says : 12:20 it's unfortunate that this brother didn't make it to the rock xD. He would have joined them to the final battle>> <<@michaelhband says : 👍👍👍>> <<@asamanatananana says : This is what I wanted when playing Space Marine 2, instead we got some of the crappiest most boring combat I've seen in a long time.>> <<@ashlogia5576 says : one Titus can obliterate Orcs Legion>> <<@sajukkhar2 says : And where is the most badass dreadnought quote I have come to destroy you>> <<@ОлегПосрллоанп says : За альянс !😊>> <<@eldritchmorgasm4018 says : Dreadnaught: 😏 "I cast... KNOCK KNOCK!" Throws big rock on big monster's forehead. Michael Bay: 😅 "Finaly some realism, even a rock can explode like it's a bomb!">> <<@MrNintoku says : 7:37 Someone turn this into a background, a laptop cover etc. It is so epic>> <<@pathofdecay says : I can't get enough of this>> <<@Schergie says : Evergreen ❤👍>> <<@ckennedy1973 says : Glory to the holy Emperor of mankind>> <<@a.r.h9919 says : 0:33 aaaaaaaaaaaaaa>> <<@timgadjiev7183 says : For the emperor !>> <<@ProSimex84 says : Bro, put your helmet on>> <<@higheyrie6176 says : Dawn of war opening always get my eyes welling up.>> <<@DGneoseeker1 says : Horus? In what game did he actually make an appearance? Or series? Whatever it is.>> <<@leszekjaszczak1150 says : Worst tactics ever.>> <<@MrKrinkelz says : rock type moves are indeed super effective against flying types>> <<@benjiboy111111 says : This was the bomb when it first came out.>> <<@pewpewpew5892 says : Space Marine Casualty Rates are too high to be considered special forces. If they're that expendable, they're basically up-armored Imperial Guardsman.>> <<@adrianvargas4073 says : Space marines 🥲>> <<@WolfeSaber9933 says : If Calgar even gets put into a dreadnought, the only type that can support him would be a model from the Custodians, them Golden Boys.>> <<@Pongzkie1974 says : "Even in death I serve the Emperuh!!">> <<@bigballzmcdrawz2921 says : "In the name of the Emperor, I cast you down!">> <<@usuariopromedio963 says : Lead me to the slaughter!!!!! So o badass>> <<@luckythomas6229 says : This is fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥>> <<@DeSpaceFairy says : These angy metal boxes are so cute moving on their stompy legs. UwU>> <<@Blueleeofficialcomedian says : First to comment ❤❤❤❤❤❤😂>> <<@anionleader says : So THAT'S where Sly Marbo's AAAAAAA came from.>> <<@colinw6501 says : Even in death, I still serve>>