<<@jdstudios1912 says : I want to see guilliman slap about leandors for being such a dumb ass and completley missing the point of the codex astartes>> <<@lewischerry3552 says : I hope Titus gets to cave his skull in in Space Marine 3>> <<@iuel42 says : Can't believe he accused him of being a heretic scene, of all the things.. :(>> <<@sqwid12 says : When seeing this scene, i got the feeling that the reveal should have happened a lot earlier. I feel like SM2 was missing a really big character antagonist in terms of the writing, and perhaps Titus having to balance the accusations of Leandros and clear his name while managing the Xenos and Heretics could have been a lot more compelling if Leandros was actively trying to stop him from reaching the mcguffin device.>> <<@thorbaldthebloodthirsty2671 says : Fucking Leandros...>> <<@snakeeater6738 says : Fuck Leandros. All my homies hate Leandros>> <<@happytadaa says : Leandros is up there with Erebus for being a little Shithead imho>> <<@winningjubbly9712 says : Oh dear. Leandros is a bit of a tosser, isn't he?>> <<@GregoryStevens42069 says : Is there a lore reason Leandros' service studs are gold?>> <<@hancansolo3569 says : Lost his neck, kept his suspicions>> <<@st0neofthebone says : Loved this scene purely because of the Black Templar marines.>> <<@wolveric0 says : Remember guys, Leandros acted out of fear based on what he though was right fallowing the codex, the real villain in Titus story is inquisitor Thrax who keep him in stasis for a century taking him out of it just to torture him, Titus was not supposed to be kept for that long, not the others also falsely imprisoned by Thrax, Leandros is perfect for the Chaplain position, he fallows the codex astartes mindlessly, thing that you can not always do in the heat of battle.>> <<@luckystroke126 says : Say what you want about Leandros, but he is still astartes and as such more powerfull both mind and body than anybody in this comment section. He was young, naive and very dogmatic when he betryed Titus. Chaos is incidious theat in 40k and suspicion saves worlds. I can understand where he came from but hes worst mistake was to not keep this in chapter and getting inqusition involved. Ironically he is now the person he shouldve have reported to.>> <<@ziggydo says : I love how he's talking about how the codex leaves no room for doubt and there are BLACK TEMPLARS behind him>> <<@mayhem502 says : If Calgar or Guilliman don't humble Leandros in the next game I'm going to be fucking mad. Somebody needs to put him in his place>> <<@wintertrooper7918 says : Such great LGBT+ representation! Pride game of the year>> <<@frostmagemarii says : My only issue with this scene is that the Black Templars would not be escorting an inquisitor. It'd be the red scorpions if anything.>> <<@MuchKoku says : Leandros is the textbook example of that ass-licking weasel that exists in every office, who sucks his way to a position of power for the express purpose of getting head pats from the management.>> <<@tucker579 says : Leandro looks like cheeks>> <<@bonehead156 says : Won the trust of the chapter master? He's always had it.>> <<@Sprottel_SFM says : Friendly reminder that titus, his squadmates and lord calgar himself have been inside the immaterium itself, or at least a bubble of it not to mention titus held the power shard AGAIN Leandros would be frothing if he heard about this>> <<@lunarlegion7157 says : After Leandros spoke titas should have said. “I can’t hear you over my laurels of victory, now get over yourself before I cast fist on you.>> <<@ponchik3244 says : I'm pretty sure he will be heretic. Unless he already are.>> <<@changer_of_ways_999 says : If Titus was a Space Wolf, none of this would have been a problem. Freaking blueberries, man.>> <<@cybrknight70 says : Looking forward to the well deserved bitch slap Liandros has coming for him.>> <<@d1egomon194 says : He’s ugly as a rotten egg>> <<@harozuken says : It might just be because I do not know the lore but HOW WAS LIANDROS NOT PUNISHED!!! Lets look at the facts Titus while yes played fast and loose with the rules only did so for the betterment of his fellow man, and when he was exposed to chaos he had a resistance to it but ULTIMATELY WAS LOYAL TO THE EMPOROR AND HIS MEN. instead of being monitored and his resistance examined for the good of the imperium he was falsely accused of being a follower of chaos and condemned to 200 years as a traitor. After 50ish years someone should have said at least "hey this guy has shown no signs of disloyalty why is he even here, who accused him and why?" Honestly this just sets a bad precident of Be heritic --> suspicions rising --> accuse guy ---> continue being chaos. And now Leandros decades later is STILL hounding Titus even after being proven wrong over and over without a single moment of evidence of actual chaos worship/ warp bullshittery.>> <<@commiedeer says : "If you ever falter for a moment..." Don't worry Leandros, I'm sure that when you inevitably fall to chaos, Titus will not hesitate to dump an entire bolter magazine into your head. And on that note, is it just me or does he look like absolute hell despite having one of the few remotely cushy positions in a space marine chapter? Why do I see him and Titus going to meet Big Bobby G (as I'm sure that's what this is building up to,) Leandros professing his love for the Codex Astartes, and Guilliman handling him the same way his father handled Logar?>> <<@SirGunny says : Dude has been a hater for 200 years>> <<@sput_7098 says : Rat!>> <<@demetrioreyes1959 says : Would have loved to have Mark Strong come back to voice Titus in SPM 2>> <<@TheDirtysouthfan says : People here talking shit like loyalists becoming corrupted and turning to chaos isn't a thing in Warhammer 40k. The only option is to be suspicious of anyone and everyone. Even if Leandros is wrong, his mistrust is an asset>> <<@TheMadYetti says : ngl, this inquisitor is scary, and if you know what Inquisition can do...>> <<@therocketeer3622 says : This is the 40k equivalent of finding out that really annoying kid from high school became a cop when he pulls you over and writes you a ticket for going 3 miles over the speed limit.>> <<@temporarychannel4339 says : The inquisitor 's voice acting and lines are so badass>> <<@vagabond4576 says : Leandros looks actually the one thats slowly turning tainted by chaos. Mind you those enemies of the warp can also try to be convincing as well.>> <<@figgypudding6277 says : I actually laughed when leandros popped up, like what does this pussy think hes gonna do to titus.>> <<@ScottMcMaster-er4xj says : Leandros is such a d-bag.>> <<@chaoticneutralgiraffe5514 says : All of this after saving his ass, being betrayed and calling him a failure? For real you soab!?>> <<@cassius2179 says : Leandros the 2nd biggest bitch boy in the 40k universe If Titus had stood his ground following the threats of the Inquisitor, then Leandros too, would have been slaughtered under suspicion of corruption for he still was under Titus command. Dude straight up takes one for the team, not even the team the ENTIRE CHAPTER - and still even after 200 years and clearing his name, Leandros is still too full of pride and arrogance to admit he was wrong. While I agree it's fitting that he ends up becoming a Chaplain, he still a bitch boy.>> <<@SlimPug says : why did they push that man's hairline back so far for the 2nd game ? 😂>> <<@briansacco3181 says : Leandros is like every politician in 2024>> <<@PBurns-ng3gw says : THE CODEX ASTARTES DOES NOT SUPPORT YOUR HAIRLINE, LEANDROS. CALGAR SHALL HEAR OF THIS.>> <<@manawa3832 says : leandros is a nerd but titus failed to address the valid concerns of his companions and left them no alternative but doubt and suspicion>> <<@Gotfrid22714 says : Leandros in the beginning: Face the judgement of your brothers and earn a true absolution Titus saves everyone, kills demons and shit Leandros in the end: The stain of accusation never goes away what a lying bitch>> <<@Zazer-tu9sv says : yeeeesh the years have not been kind Leandodo>> <<@captainp367 says : When I saw him in at the end of space marine 2....I was like " BITCHHHHHHHHHH!!!! ">> <<@MrPopo-nn7kp says : Haha gotta have the waman included>> <<@iceydicey77 says : I rly hope somone in the next game tells leandros he is a hypocrite and went against the codex as well when snitching to the inquisition instead of reporting to a chaplain or his chapter master>> <<@instantrameng0d36 says : WELL WELL WELL>>