<<@ColeMeCrazy says : What was Chairon's suspicion on these guardsmen on 0:50 & 0:56? On 1:27, his eyes were supposed to be purple due to Cadians being exposed to the Eye of Terror.>> <<@RPGHSGAMING says : Guys guys i think Chairon is on to something,Pls focus on his eyes pupils,notice it turn from red orange to normal pupils after titus counsel with him! Khorne berserk influence much?hatred for the World Bearer from Calth? hmmm..they're on to something !>> <<@krenesh2420 says : If I remember correctly, ultras have a geneseed flaw that sometimes leads them to being too aggressive. Am I correct?>> <<@superfrycook6360 says : What’s next? Noise Marines or Khorne Berserkers?>> <<@shuliu8436 says : I thought he was under the influence of khorne lol>> <<@mordredpendragon1235 says : Me: Of course the guy wearing a helmet dies>> <<@phillipanthonyiidelossanto441 says : Since he's from Calth, it would have made sense that he hated the Word Bearers more than the Thousand Sons.>> <<@datemasamune2904 says : Now they're the Dozen Sons>> <<@angelofthedead1886 says : If Titus and gang ventures through sewer sections, i wouldn’t be surprised if they encounter a dozens of zombies and plague marines.>> <<@fjLKA says : *Several melta shots* Thousand Sons: That all you got? Titus: Screw it, I'll just pull your head off>> <<@griffionwyvrus9063 says : Losing logic when seeing a guardsman dying, are we sure he isn't a Salamander?>> <<@karlttkk4298 says : we are going to see him face some word bearers at some point. thats gonna be really crazy>> <<@pandaqute3185 says : p>> <<@Steve-em4tb says : Technically, they're not "traitors" because Rubric Marines weren't given a choice whether to join Chaos or not thanks to Ahriman's stupidity. And they're not even in control of their own bodies. Imurah's the one pulling all their strings.>>