<<@austinmurray7298 says : I never even noticed that holy shit it blends perfectly into the mountains>> <<@SaberEBW says : Black rage intensifies>> <<@azariah_kyras says : Wow i didn't even know that second one was even a titan during my first playthrough i just assumed it was a regular building or something. I wonder how long its been laying there rotting...>> <<@user-pz3si6fl8p says : At first I was like no it can’t be can it and then my brain was blown into bigger fragments 3 seconds after waking forward>> <<@yibrahim7576 says : It seems like the Titan is more than 100 meters tall>> <<@AZURIAN-j7u says : Praise the emperor no DEI in this game>> <<@darkninjacorporation says : Imagine living in a society that often finds ancient artifacts of itself. Imagine if the Roman Empire still existed today in all its power, and was unearthing ancient fragments of its own past>> <<@Numbuu says : That titan has to be at least a kilometer tall>> <<@Plus10Charisma says : How many people do you think it takes to have this thing operating at full efficiency? No way even 100 men could maintain this machine in prolonged combat.>> <<@rabsoul1223 says : I first looked at that and saw a building that reminded me of Gears of War one…then I see the head and think that’s just decor then I look further down and see a body and legs. The size of that thing is crazy.>> <<@seanzibonanzi64 says : Seeing how small the Thunderhawk is in comparison flying around the side is the icing on the cake to how big this thing truly is.>> <<@Luke_______ says : I'm really excited to hear what fan theories and lore people will come up with for these Fallen Machine Gods of war!!>> <<@stephenbyrne2170 says : The Imperium has mechs????????????? *_AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_*>> <<@aarovit4257 says : 50 meters my ass>> <<@SenseiRaisen says : Everybody is gangsta until the church start walking.>> <<@henryheavy8044 says : Mata Nui robot body>> <<@brunokopte1347 says : Sorry Titus, no Titan surfing in this game. Probably on a DLC. Hopefully, we get to see an Imperium Titan holding off a huge Gargant, and Titus enters it to sabotage from the inside. Facing Gretchin/Squig swarms crawling off vents and pipes.>> <<@blacktemplarchaplainmarius42 says : And how did the Adeptus Mechanicus did not notice this huge titan sitting in Demerium dormant and didn't even try to retrieve this God Machine?>> <<@acemarvel1564 says : This game being more faithful to the franchise than modern day GW is lol>> <<@ЖеняБатенёв-к4щ says : Вот хочется думать, что такой титан и есть. Исполин высотой в несколько сотен метров, где даже в стволе его орудия может разместиться целый громовой ястреб космического десанта. Эпичный шагоход, от вида которого кровь стынет в жилах. Но на самом деле его высота 55 метров :/ он ниже статуи свободы где то в два раза (если не учитывать высоту надстроек соборов на его плечах)>> <<@andromedafan says : I'm surprised that the Admech have not retrieved this God machine and began the centuries long process in its restoration.>> <<@gewalfofwoofia8263 says : There's a chance that thing can still be restored... if the AdMech could get their shit together>> <<@Nostroman_Praetor says : Let the god machine slumber. Its time will come again, one day...>> <<@petesmith9073 says : Brother, the church is marching...>> <<@MDRahim-ld8zt says : ❤🇧🇩❤🇧🇩❤🇧🇩❤🇧🇩❤>> <<@putrantogil says : You know, ever since I got into 40K lore awhile ago they always said that humanity in general is on the backfoot. A shadow of its former shelf since the Dark Age of Technology. However, then I remember humans still could send a walking church with volkite cannon to whoever's not praising The Emperor hard enough and realize we might still have a chance.>> <<@justincooper5189 says : So you have to fight not just the child molesters in the church, but the church itself!?!? WTF is that?>> <<@Alphade-rp3qx says : Titans of god shall end this war!!!>> <<@namesurname9598 says : 🎉🎉🎉>>