<<@jetstreampaul5029 says : >got waked up because some mecha-nerds -fu- messing with ouija board >a good reason to be pissed of >grind some traitors into a dust >see a big piece of chaos filth >casualy turns him into a chunky marinara sauce >now the day a little bit brighter >see the trio of your brothers >"bring me more!" >they propose you to be their ram > -refuse- agree to elaborate further >meat grinding time! >maybe the Big One-Eyed Whiner is here? >he's not here, sadness >see a big flying piece of chaos filth >despise it so much that don't even want to waste ammunition on it >Rock beats Flying ya sucka! >take a place into a biggest shooting range >day beginnig to be a little bit brighter again This big coffin fella and Calgar just came to show who is the real protagonists.>> <<@mrnohax5436 says : He smack the absolute shit out of the other dreadnought then proceeds to want to square up with magnus right there on the spot…. Then threw a fucking statue at a heldrake just because he’s was breathing>> <<@Liocampo22 says : Funny thing is he said "Slaughter" that alone meant that a battle between the traitors are not worthy to be called a battle>> <<@donniglesias3073 says : THAT ABOMINATION IS MINE! Chills*>> <<@RazielSchnitzel says : "Defeat? I thought you said "YEET!" - Honorable Brother HIMnaught>> <<@brettfire83 says : "Lead me to the slaughtah">> <<@kinbolluck476 says : No one ever looks at the dreadnought yeet>> <<@benkilleur05 says : How do you have 4 armor level? I only have 3... Benefits from opération?>> <<@be_quiet_and_drive says : My goodness this is a cool game.>> <<@DioSfak says : Oh the overdrive in masculinity is so satiating. MORE!!!!>> <<@Cringe_Lord says : That dready wanted smoke and he got some>> <<@lcmabalay4646 says : YEEEEET>> <<@GamePlayer553 says : I know it isn't him, but the way the Dreadnought talks always makes me think of Malum Caedo. The pure rage, fury, and brutality>> <<@LordRaky says : "Lead me to the slaughter" best fucking line in the game>> <<@SapphireCrusader1988 says : 0:15 "I see your problem, heretic. Not enough lead in your diet.">> <<@Gaster_021 says : The greatest fuel for war is sheer rage and Hatred, the Heretics give the Imperium the fuel for free!>> <<@sirbiakan1527 says : Did he use a statue of the emperor….to kill that thing???>> <<@Darth1Marik says : Ah yes just how a Dreadnought should be. . .perpetually angry and full of the Emperor's Righteous Fury!>> <<@sum1337 says : don't mess with big bros>> <<@slashclaw1014 says : I was so focused on the dreadnought that I didn't even realize that there were extra guns right there>> <<@the_priest_of_holy_moon_cult says : That brother was ready to face magnus the read his rage for the heretics has no ends for those who stand against the emperor of mankind must be slaughtered!!!!! ALL SO THAT SCENE WHERE HE BURST THROUGH THE WALL SO FUCKING COOL!!!! IT WAS A "YEEEEEAAAAHHHH THAT'S OUR BOY!!!!!!" ✊✊✊✊✊>> <<@toska459 says : First time I’ve noticed the Dreadnaught in the beginning saying “It is the emperor’s will” as he shoves his mini gun into the hell brutes head slot.>> <<@robotdude2206 says : As a Thousand Sons player myself, this scene hurts to watch. But there's no denying how cool it is. Though even I'll admit the Tzaangor slaughter was cathartic.>> <<@BansheeNT-D says : That Guy need to be the main of the a DLC Story mission!>> <<@MinersLoveGames says : Who would win? A millenia-old Chaos abomination? Or a very angry man in a coffin throwing a big rock?>> <<@Meas222 says : Maybe in the next sequel in the game, we gonna eldar and slaanesh traitor or tau and nurgle>> <<@transformersfan24 says : By the emperor’s will, Let Him Cook!>> <<@Baloo106 says : "I CAST STONE!">> <<@vincentmanibusan2460 says : "IN THE NAME OF THE EMPEROR I CAST YOU DOWN." When I get a rifle Im engraving this in to the barrel. for a sword it will be in the fuller>> <<@mitchconner403 says : Literally a Giga-Chad Bro has been in an iron coffin for 20 decades>> <<@harikumar7233 says : What is the music that plays at the end of this video during credits?>> <<@codyarcher3263 says : To bad the thunder hammer doesnt have yhe oomph from the first game>> <<@bakkus1985 says : Lead me to the Slaughter 😂🎉>> <<@PhilipRikoZen says : Why the rotary cannon sounds so weak, whyyyy, just use the real sounds of 20mm fighter guns or something 😭I hope modders will be able to fix that.>> <<@andrewkamoha4666 says : 5:15 So, they entered this big portal. What happened then ??? Heaven ???>> <<@dunkelgelb7744 says : Dreadnought be blasting 'Cast Down the Heretic' by Nile inside his sarcophagus 24/7... and I just realized that the Ultramarines are basically wailing on Egyptian-themed bad guys, too>> <<@Hypastpist says : "MAGNUS! YOU FUCKING NERD COME OUT HERE SO I CAN TURN YOUR INTERNAL ORGANS INTO EXTERNAL ORGANS!">> <<@kevinphilbrick5784 says : I dont want to meet a Brutalis Dreadnought, this one's angry enough.>> <<@arthurcallahan4735 says : look at the action neck time damn>> <<@burhanbudak6041 says : I CAST ROCK>> <<@seanzibonanzi64 says : Perfect representation of a dreadnoughts unquenchable thirst for blood. First words it says are "Where are the traitors?" Like it didn't just solo kill a Hellbrute. Exactly how I imagined them in my head.>> <<@leonidas231 says : We SERIOUSLY need a Battlefield 40k crossover... if done right it would be the game of the century>> <<@todio5484 says : H O L Y T E R R A>> <<@immortanjoe9362 says : 3:06 Holy Terra indeed.>> <<@E1m0ren says : Why are the enemies mostly standing around doing nothing?>> <<@mcsmash4905 says : considering the shit that a chaos dreanought goes thru due to the fact that they are never put to sleep i would consider this a mercy killing>> <<@TheLaluciDaniel says : Thousand Sons: We cast "A Thousand Deaths" Ultrasmurf: We cast "One Angry Boi">> <<@amanofnoreputation2164 says : ALWAYS ANGERY! ALL THE TIME!>> <<@peters6345 says : Need to make that dreadnought into the brutalis variant :D he's got the right attitude>> <<@hoshinoastraea says : I wanna know if this is the same dreadnought that got a pep talk from daddy rowboat girlyman>>