<<@austinbutcher8106 says : Nice to see Calgar just ragging the magic off>> <<@BrielFiddler says : 0:33 lead me to the slaughter>> <<@orobogamer3.040 says : IN THE NAME OF THE EMPEROR I CAST YOUR FACE DOWN>> <<@dan271291 says : "WHERE THE FUCK IS MAGNUS!?!?" - Dreadnaught, circa 40,000AD (Colourised)>> <<@DeNihility says : I could audibly hear the Dark Souls/Elden Ring parry sound when the Dreadnought countered the Helbrute's hammer before riposting with the rotary cannon.>> <<@tacochaos5127 says : I pity da fool who thinks this is how space marines play on the tabletop>> <<@ryleeculla5570 says : Maybe they used the burial world to create and operate the dreadnoughts>> <<@maturin1919 says : "WHERE ARE THE TRAITORS??!?" 👀👀👀>> <<@robrockstar9648 says : That’s usually what happens when I primaries Dreadnaught fights a hellbrute in my experience.>> <<@unitbob says : LOCAL MAN LITERALLY TOO ANGRY TO DIE>> <<@Monkeynuts2.0 says : Dreadnoughts are one of my favorite characters in the 40k, they are always ready to fight, I also love how they also don’t care how big the enemy is, they always come victorious.>> <<@mojo_joju says : "Dodge this, ya fucking heretic!" *yeets an entire statue*>> <<@ZeroDegg says : I love how apart from the hellbrute and the helldrake, he isn't one massive scripted event, but actually a stupidly strong unit in game>> <<@The_Jedi184 says : I don't know about you all. But this made me rock hard.>> <<@RotokEralil says : In the name of the Emperor, I cast you down!>> <<@MrDonut99 says : That's one angry ass dreadnought>> <<@earthquaser6204 says : ,,Lead me to the Slaughter!''❤🫶👍So nice❤ For the Emperor 💪💪👊>> <<@tytoalbasoren9457 says : > Bursts through a wall > Bodies a helbrute > "WHERE THE FUCK IS MAGNUS?!" > Based>> <<@JohnWayne-xy1gs says : AMAZING GAME to bad we don't get more like this politics ruins everything it touches,>> <<@СлаваЧекистов says : Ваха, это Довн оф вар. Ваха, это дарк крузейд. Спасти марину 2 это что угодно но не Ваха. лично по моему, это мусор. красивый, но на столько же и глупый и скучный. это не Ваха. это поделка на тему.>> <<@ryannguyen7466 says : 4:50 Calgar: "Fock your punny magic, I'll solo you all">> <<@adambors4658 says : Sorry to say that, but I've got impression, that this game is based in a wonderful Universe, but was done horribly...>> <<@tigerfan826 says : I’m new to WH40K. Can someone explain why these guys are killing people that look similar to their own? Are those sons of Magnus under a curse or something?>> <<@spamreciever4208 says : >wake up from 50 year nap >Absolutely dumpster a posessed sentient walking tank >Demand a 1v1 with a warlock >Randy Johnson 20 tons of granite into a literal demon fucking chad>> <<@jarlbalgruufthegreater1758 says : This game is so fkin cool. The ultramarines are still soyboys 😄>> <<@i4mthenoob says : I once saw him killed Helldrake in a battle with a statue!With a fucking statue!>> <<@talosn497 says : "YEETUS DELETUS" - random dreadnaught who was too angy>> <<@sadhappy8860 says : Brilliant design, I was like okay, another hell-brute let's go, i'll do it again and then that! And to show respect to a dreadnaught is proper, to be a dreadnaught is no small thing, must have been a badass>> <<@leoromeli7611 says : Brother Valius makes a fine Dreadnought...He brings honour to the Chapter.>> <<@tylerbryanhead says : I love how its personality is both indomitable, revered, killing machine and angry, mildy confused, old man>> <<@swordmonkey6635 says : Dreadnought: "Lead me to the slaughter!" Dreadnought: **takes the lead**>> <<@Theofficialkuyyy says : 0:45 Anyone else know what he mumbles about? Like u can hear him talking to himself>> <<@GarC170 says : That initial scene where he just massacres that Hellbrute might be my favorite part of the game>> <<@GoldenTiger01 says : I wish they'd stop taking their helmets off. It's so cliche.>> <<@ultrajd says : Just an FYI. Killing that Chaos Dread was doing it a big favor.>> <<@Trid3nt861 says : Wait. Is the Marine/Astartes in the metal coffin fully intact or just a torso and arms?>> <<@WiseArkAngel says : (In Dreadnought's voice) "THINK FAST, CHUCKLENUTS.">> <<@Stormtrooper990 says : There is some DOOM level of rage in that dreadnought!>> <<@Knuspermonster says : Bro was ready to throw fists with Magnus and got even more pissed after hearing that Magnus is a bitch by not beeing there>> <<@Rick-sb1rg says : Warhammer Lore: 20/10 The Actual Game: 3/10>> <<@gustavchambert7072 says : Fffffffffuck. What did they do? The you can tell just from this snippet that the gameplay is soulless as fuck compared to the first game. And what the fuck is up with Titus constantly spewing "I'm doing this now, like you told me to mr player"-phrases in a dead voice? Eat shit Chaos, the curse of capitalist media production has corrupted our boy far deeper than you ever could...>> <<@justaman1537 says : That helldrake got fucking DECKED>> <<@MetalsirenIXI says : I feel like we need a Dreadnought game now by the same studio. The first level starts and you basically are just a space marine like this game but then you're mortally wounded and placed into one.>> <<@tunasandwich8049 says : I love the detail where you can hear the dreadnought praying/preaching just to remain sane>> <<@tunasandwich8049 says : I love the detail where you can hear the dreadnought praying/preaching just to remain sane>> <<@juanjosemendivil1626 says : 2:35 smooth transition from melee to parry kill.>> <<@CrniWuk says : This is still a very calm Dreadnaught.>> <<@thedawkturr4481 says : Squad Talasa: **// Spends 40 minutes trying to kill a Heldrake** Honored Brother Valtus: I *CAST* *_ROCK!!_*>> <<@KenshiImmortalWolf says : there is evidence that the dreadnaught's pilot is the brother lost to the heretics ambush attempt>> <<@disgruntledtoons says : The Chapter master walks through hell's front gate, and his boys run to join him. To be a loyalist Astartes is to be a hero-worshiper.>>