<<@darklucario7214 says : "Rise, Son of Guilliman." -The Emperor of Man>> <<@FFVogter.-em6zz says : See that glowing ultramarine icon on Calgar’s back? That’s an Iron Halo and it’s powered by the size of his Adamantium balls>> <<@graysnake8585 says : We march from Macragge!>> <<@helmyrazani5212 says : Is that Big E telling Titus to rise up? If it is im bout to cry>> <<@arc0006 says : What a lame way for the sorcerer to die.>> <<@MigZ018Fuentes says : Better than a Movie>> <<@japz321 says : 4:14 was that Big E?>> <<@papaslickgaming says : Gotta check this game out looks nice 😊>> <<@AllYourPals says : When the living nightmare starts bending the laws of time and space but you are an ultramarine without a helmet>> <<@Kncperseus says : THE EMPEROR PROTECTS!>> <<@somerandomguyfromtheintern480 says : For Space King>> <<@TheREPPIX says : Now that we've seen Carios I really wanna see Ku'gath Edit: DANG IT! I thought I saw two heads 😡>> <<@nathanhaley1353 says : I’m just so happy you get to watch the final boss fight on a video game, instead of actually getting to fight the boss. In a video game.>> <<@Yig_al_Gaib4242 says : I swear, the Lord of Change sounds like Gamera.>> <<@Witzemacher-p1v says : Heftige Nahkämpfe mit Ork-BoyZ wäre das i-Tüpfelchen auf dem Spiel>> <<@nathanhaley1353 says : @Blightknight1337roflkoppturz Forget your meds today pal?>>