<<@jehffvredition2026 says : i love that you can hear the marine in that tomb angrily muttering to himself, at the same time dude is losing himself to rage>> <<@swelch2661 says : The first time I played through this part it was so intense during this scene. I laughed when the dreadnaught turned and just says "WHERE ARE THE TRAITORS" I don't think I've ever seen something so cool and awesome before it made me laugh. The end of the level was one of the coolest things I think I've ever seen In a game.>> <<@JARMAK-MUSIC says : My favourite part>> <<@rngrtt3689 says : *BY THE EMPEROR, I CAST YOU DOWN!* This Honored brother formerly belonged to the Angry Marines chapter>> <<@TheresLiterallyNothingHere says : HONOURED BROTHER, BIG JIM.>> <<@monkey-wrench1027 says : when a dreadnought enters the battlefield on your side, you should either wear your brown or your white pants>> <<@superfrycook6360 says : 0:07 - 0:11 That Dreadnought stabs the Helbrute with his Gatling Cannon before fired it brutally.>> <<@RivanaSentinaRiz93 says : I need campaign of this game. Not some scene.>> <<@DraKulisCinematicGaming says : Sub 4 More>>