<<@banlungx001 says : Thor may have regret not going for the head , but for valius , has he gone for the hand/arms first , he would survive !!>> <<@TheZabPlush says : Fun fact: You can actually see that the traitor guardsmen’s eyes is brown, not purple, showing us that he’s not a true Cadian>> <<@NinjaBray says : Not every space marine is a level of unstoppable force as the Custodes or a Primaris, or a protagonist. In fact, most space marines tend to die normal, borning deaths in battle. Those eye slits are plenty strong, and Varellius now gets the horifying honor of becoming a dreadnaught.>> <<@Synthonym says : It's important to note Varellus wasn't actually killed - after the mission on the Battle Barge you see them holding a vigil for his armour, and hear talk that Varellus may be interred in a Dreadnought>> <<@truth7down says : he’s becoming a dreadnaught at least>> <<@jeremystone8217 says : Man i was starting to like varellus him being the last of his squad and joining titus only to get killed sounds to me he was the carmine of thr squad>> <<@devaughnewards4048 says : 2:47>> <<@demonogdiablo5885 says : He has to be a lamenter with his luck. Ngl definitely the carmine of this game>> <<@samnelson9038 says : Howd that mark on his forearm suggest a trap?>> <<@peppercorn9022 says : The armor recoil when he fell demonstrates the immense weight of the suits, rip varellus.>> <<@buzzlightyearpfp7641 says : ah yes, space marines. known for hesitating to kill traitors and dying to small explosions.>> <<@CptCooked420 says : Bros the carmine of war hammer>> <<@warwarwa says : RIP my man Varellus>> <<@qwertyq2884 says : Did nobody in this comment section play the game??? First off his visor gets pierced by rebar. Second off you can hear two tech priests talking about putting Varellus into a Dreadnought later. He's "fine" lol, calm down.>> <<@harbinger3359 says : Seriously? A guardmen having faster reactions speed that a space marine? Those guys react in nanosecond.>> <<@zphyrum3301 says : Dmn bro must have the lamenters bad luck dude died to a piece of rebar and not from the explosion>> <<@calebblack1420 says : The one second I ignore the game to check my phone I look back and I just see valrellus’s corpse fall to the ground. It was kinda funny. I was like what the fuck happened?>> <<@GhostWalk530 says : Vallerus being only seen for about 5-10 minutes...i immediately liked him.... Killing the bastard Heretics made me feel better. xD>> <<@BlooOcean says : I feel like they need a new cinematography for this scene because some mistaken the explosive blast is what killed Vallerus instead of the shrapnel rebar got lodged into his eye. Instead of medium shot that shows Vallerus upper body and collapsing to the ground, it should pan the camera up from his hip to his head and show the rebar shrapnel stuck in his visor while being still, then it changes camera when he collapses to the ground.>> <<@praetoraaron2966 says : Really should have put a through line in his arc should have been the redemptor dread you meet up with later.>> <<@roniz1 says : whats up with their hip pads, Also I was expecting this game to look, better...>> <<@nutzeeber says : REMEMBER not everyone you see is a goddamn custodes. In the tutorial, titus deathwatch brother got killed because hungry rats got in his suit and tore him inside out.>> <<@riveteye93 says : People who are appealing to realism in the comment section remember: there is no double jump in the real world. Is a boring death realistic and, perhaps, useful for creating tention and contrast? Perhaps, but it forces me to suspend my disbelief, a marine needs a bit more damage to be taken out according to their own set of rules in the game we play.>> <<@johnnoble-eddy9055 says : Could anyone tell me what was with the tattoo design on the traitor imperial guards forearm>> <<@Tampenismall says : Kinda weird he dies from that>> <<@justinelml6933 says : The only person among the four to wear a helmet Dies immediately>> <<@XenosFiles says : Why do the thousand sons die so easily… especially to a chainsword… they are undead chaos-infused cyber warriors that have survived things an ultramarine couldnt dream of… at least have him take more than one swing of a basic weapon!>> <<@ykMasiH says : this game is extremely good but this scene was garbage. Ain't no way a fucking space marine dies from a C4 type explosion. Come on bruh>> <<@darkydrone says : they really inconsistent how strong their armor is.>> <<@thegoofygoblin2081 says : We got the Carmine of Warhammer>> <<@volofant says : Could be worse. Those marines dying from a single bolter round from the Horus Heresy trailer were straight-out bullshit.>> <<@JanellSebastian-q1u says : Martinez Ruth Lee Sandra Perez Robert>> <<@vedymin1 says : Normal humans have survived explosions and traumatic brain damage accidents with pieces of rebar going through their heads...this is a primaris space marine in full armor with ability to go into life saving hibernation and shit plus he has that primaris organ that floods him with stimulants and healing agents, Marneus calgar was literally cut open when crossing the rubicon and it healed him once it kicked it...eh idk.>> <<@Lohengrin88 says : "Traitor Guardsment, just when I was starting to respect them" - Sgt. Avitus, Devastator Squad.>> <<@michaelcharles7757 says : Why is everyone tripping lmao? Is This is 40k? A grim dark universe? The shrapnel fucked him up lmao. Fucking look at the guy 😂>> <<@MrGuyweinstein says : its important to note that the explosive didnt kill him but the steel rod that entered his head through the helmet's visor did. just real bad luck.>> <<@gewalfofwoofia8263 says : Is he dead? Or is he in that spacemarine emergency hibernation?>> <<@khotunkhan3950 says : This world is not forgiving guys. You can die from anything in this warhammer world>> <<@BrianFlyingPenguin says : Do Ultramarines just not have a melanchromic organ?>> <<@junainoakuma says : We do not know whether he's dead or not. Didn't ask apothecary for gene seed extraction. He might be in a sus-an membrane induced hybernation. In War of Secrets, a Dark Angel's novel, we have a primaris whose plasma incinerator overloaded after librarian tampered it with his psychic. His entire half of his face was gone along with part of his head, but fought on. That's how resilient the primaris are. We couldn't be sure, whether the Varellus is dead or not.>> <<@ranger24ff says : When you fail to roll your wounds correctly and the dice gods just laugh at you.>> <<@planetkc says : If only he took his helmet off>> <<@randolphbienmateo8174 says : Ain't no way a sarge would died in a simple booby trap made by heretics>> <<@theenigma8683 says : "Damn, just a piece of rebar?" Less lucky world eaters have died to lasgun rounds lucky striking through an eye piece and frying parts of their brains. Lucius died to a landmine. Not everyone is a Custodian swinging around his guardian spear with half his head gone. 40K has plenty of badasses getting a severe case of "not my day" and dying ignoble, boring deaths. Not everyone dies like Dantioch. A famous Blood Angel died after being wounded in a separate fight and being swarmed by gangers. There was no last stand he just got jumped in an alley. Varellus here is no different. Bad luck caught him.>> <<@happyswing says : Это фиаско братан! На 2:51 видно в его визоре арматура, ахах. На 1080p особо не разглядел, а вот на 4K отчётливо видно. Хотя всё равно как - то глупо вышло. Слили пацана! Своим дурным духом ) )))) Блен, вроде они сделали игру серьёзной, но всё равно смешно) Особенно орнул с Дредноута, который статуи кидает, это вообще нечто 😂 Не, как бы может оно так и есть в Вахе, но я не знаю почему это угарно.>> <<@sekretdokument561 says : Bullshit death>> <<@Madheim777 says : to be honest, the rubric marines design is cool. primaris are good as well.>> <<@HasvenWorld says : He may have had a name But he still had his helmet on His death was 50/50 on being noteworthy or not>> <<@zazry86100 says : Varellus got Yamcha'd.>> <<@magdafredka3766 says : Nice pio mio record better>>