<<@AtharvaSalkar-nb7iq says : Dummy that ain't a date>> <<@BofaDeez-ys8li says : My boy buddy hit the biden stride>> <<@christora1898 says : If it’s ice cream I feel like paying for it is kinda given, cause if I asked someone out on a date and it’s just ice cream and hanging out it’s not expensive at all so paying for that ice cream is just normal>> <<@SAyGOoDByEToOldLIfE says : No you're not supposed to pay. Its an option, never an obligation, that can be communicated upon.>> <<@namelessyakult. says : Bro has messi watching and commenting on his streams>> <<@JeremyLionell says : The girl he dated: I dated Ludwig, he's a fraud.>> <<@Smokey_Blue says : Yeah, whoever asks the date pays, no matter the gender.>> <<@happy123968 says : That eyebrow slit....🤔 Please grow it back bud.>> <<@ivorycxxxx says : Yeah… you ask them on a date and you pay for it lmao. Don’t matter who you are, if you ask, and you don’t discuss before, you’re paying, like my boyfriend is paying for our date tomorrow.>> <<@Nuller_Manden says : I mean if you get mad about not having your fucking ice cream paid I'll pass on you lmao 💀>> <<@julesking1303 says : the comments on this are crazy to me. If it’s something as basic as Cold Stone, then whoever asked the other person out on the date should expect to pay for the date. It’s basic etiquette and manners. Once you’ve got a few dates between the two of you and you’re going to some place a little pricier, then you can discuss it. Another way to do it is to agree beforehand about who pays for what, like if you go on a movie date and drinks after, one person pays for tickets, and the other pays for drinks and popcorn. There are a lotta ways to split this. Unfortunately for Lud, he picked the worst possible way, not even knowing the ramifications of his choice.>> <<@asherthegamerYT139 says : I can tell he’s done a lot of bad things on dates.>> <<@ElDragow says : This is so cringe. If men are expected to pay for the damn date. Women should be expected to have sex after. NEVER PAY ON FIRST DATES, unless you have so much money that it doesn’t even matter to you. But most of the times women are just out here going on allot of first dates to get free meals. Literal friends of mine do this. Have some respect for yourself.>> <<@CRAZY-Redacted- says : "What was the most embarrassing thing you did on a date" bold of you to assume i have one>> <<@VixeyTeh says : This is why if I don’t have enough money to pay my own way plus enough to cover the uber home safely, I just don’t go out. You can't rely on the date to cover things. You are in trouble, possibly real danger, if you can't just peace out and go home. Sure, it is nice when they do pay for stuff, and most social conventions are for the guy to impress the girl with paying for her... but if he doesn't, girls always make sure you have enough money to pay your own way and get home safely. My dad taught me that.>> <<@destructorzombis1735 says : On a first date i kissed her in front of her dad XD>> <<@duelweld92298 says : It's 2024, women are strong and independent 💪>> <<@runl6117 says : You're not supposed to pay for her. Especially if you didn't discuss it beforehand>> <<@greenomendoseno says : Ludwiiiiiig>> <<@369Maniac says : Man prioritizes sweet treats 😂 but to be fair, she's the one who had the expectation and let herself just be mad instead of realizing your love for Cold Stone outweighs everything else lol>> <<@madskillissue says : i dont get it why should thr guy pay for the girls ice cream because their on a date?>> <<@JoaoMalzahn says : Wasnt it the "How do you do that with your small fingers">> <<@grassylawnsama says : ludwig stop lesbian baiting omg>> <<@mustafafatihavc724 says : Well this one may be on you but paying for the entire food is dumb>> <<@iberisguard8670 says : Imagine having to pay for your 2euro ice-cream by yourself and fuck a day over it 😂>> <<@bebu0815 says : based>> <<@Playopedia says : that wasn’t even a date, he just… ice cream>> <<@McBozo966 says : women: i want men to buy everything for me also women: i want to make the same amount of money as men the entire point of men paying was that generally they had more money. not trying to be sexist just pointing out what i see as a blatant double standard.>> <<@NecrozmaJade says : I think it's completely fine and even normal for people to pay for their own food. That being said, I once asked a guy I was dating if he wanted to get frozen yogurt after work and after we had already filled up our bowls and got up to the register, he told me to pay for him.>> <<@pedrostormrage says : The true date was with the ice cream (the girl was a third wheel) 🍨>> <<@Demortalix says : It could be way worse, my dude. I once went on a date with an Indian exchange student who brought her best friend/roommate (who I had matched 3 weeks prior and ghosted) AND a third exchange student from Japan who didn't speak a word of English. Then, after the girl I was with had literally 1.5 pints and got silly drunk, both of her friends insisted I help escort her home with them then just abandoned her with me, a stranger, and I had to try to explain that I don't want a Cosby record as I backed out of the apartment. Then the doorman told me I couldn't leave without tenant approval and I had to beg him to open the doors just so I could go home. (For absolute clarification, I didn't do anything with the girl. She was extremely sweet and I still feel bad that alcohol ruined that night.)>> <<@DrDuckMD says : Nah man, you don’t always have to pay.>> <<@wallegg1499 says : the slit looks fucking stupid aren’t you like 35>> <<@detectfevi says : As a woman with multiple dates in my lifetime let me say it's fine to split the bill. If you don't know them, better to mention it beforehand to avoid conflict.>> <<@joonlee7884 says : Lud was too focused on swallowing cream to remember the girl he had with him 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨>> <<@islandsicedtea says : Coldstone is like $8 for a SCOOP TOO 😭😭>> <<@godidi3160 says : Wait is that not normal?>> <<@NorthSeaRaider says : I always offer anyone, friends too, to come up and order with me that way it’s part of the same order.>> <<@sentient.dumpling says : getting that mad over ice cream is wild>> <<@AgonizinglyHappyGuy says : W icecream ngl>> <<@dwarkrer says : Y>> <<@Big-boned_Pikachu says : I don't see an issue with this. Sure, generally, you would talk about it first, but like to be mad the rest of the date is kinda wild.>> <<@faytleingod1851 says : The first time lud didn't get scammed.>> <<@CoolGoblinGuy says : This is why you had to settle for Locklan>> <<@greeny.official says : Silly first timer mistake>> <<@LordJupiter1 says : Not so smart>> <<@AloneEnder says : Bros just trying to get some ice cream>> <<@Wiltac says : That is ...kinda funny bro. haha Ouch. *I only learn lessons the hard way.*>> <<@Roman-Noodlez says : Ludwig’s Subathon made 1.4 million dollars (1.6 now because of inflation)>> <<@ladybellatrixge9276 says : Where the 6 pack pics... ? 😈>>