<<@Sahilprakash1999 says : 7:13 Command: Outlaw be advised we have a situation here over Outlaw 2-5: Go ahead Command over Command: SEAL Team 6 has located a possible nuclear device at Al-Asad's palace to the West NEST Teams are on the way until the device is verified safe, all forces are to fall back, to the East over>> <<@Sahilprakash1999 says : 1:00 Sgt Paul Jackson is reloading the MK-19 Grenade Launcher>> <<@Sahilprakash1999 says : 0:15 Command: Marines we have a possible fix on Al-Asad in the capital city 1st Battalion is on route intel gathered by SAS indicates that Al-Asad may have a Russian warhead speed is critical NEST Teams have been deployed to the area Force Recon and Wild Weasel units have taken out most of the air defenses but Al-Asad's Ground Forces still pose a serious threat>> <<@Sahilprakash1999 says : 9:28 Command: All US forces be advised that we have a confirmed nuclear threat in the city. NEST Teams are on site and attempting to disarm i repeat, we have a confirmed nu...>> <<@kpat5655 says : Bro I’m 20 years of age and this came out in 2007 I was 3 years old now I played the game and I just wonder how revolutionary this must have been back then along with No Russian>> <<@ooiyushen7046 says : 8:48 Sgt Paul Jackson : I Get You Out Captain ( Captain Pelayo ) , You Will Be Ok ! Hand On ! 9:06 Sgt Paul Jackson : Alright Captain ! You Sit The Place Here To Rest ! You Will Be Fine ! Cpt Pelayo : Thanks ! Sargent ! I Own You One ! 9:44 Sgt Paul Jackson : Grab My Hand ! Sir ( Lieutenant ) ! Lieutenant Volker : Thanks ! 9:49 Lieutenant Volker : Arrgh ! Sgt Paul Jackson : No ! 12:34 Sgt Paul Jackson: Arrgh ! I Can't Breathe Now !>> <<@zodiacmartnio7256 says : that is how retaliation could work>> <<@seniorordenanza2387 says : The fact that this one mission was a pivotal moment in both Gen. Shepherds career and Yuris viewpoint on Makarov just shows how even though this mission seems minor, it was a way bigger deal than we realized. And Shepherd was kinda right, iirc at the end of OGMW the media spins it as some crazy accident not as a “oh yeah a terrorist group literally nuked a part of the Middle East and wiped out who knows how many platoons” so even in the world it was just a blip in history.>> <<@spade1172 says : "5 Years ago, I lost 30,000 men in the blink of an eye... and the world just fuckin' watched"- General Shepherd, MW2>> <<@Mizura1987 says : 9:36 "Thousands of souls... extinguished... by the push of a button. This wasn't war... it was madness." - Yuri, Modern Warfare 3>> <<@samo6670 says : >> <<@DraKulisCinematicGaming says : Sub 4 More>>