<<@theRadBrad says : Really interesting concept and I appreciate the likes you dropped on it so far especially since I'm covering it almost a year late. My guess is next part would be the ending but I'm still editing everything. Much love fam>> <<@devvytm says : "It's like you watch these movies and try to one up the dumb protagonists who die early" - Jessica. Easily the quote that sums the entire game up. Against all the survival instincts millennia of life have granted our species, you choose to ignore them all...just like a dumb protagonist would. Makes for good content though as the game would be much shorter if you simply did the smart thing and left like a more rational thinking human being would have.>> <<@syntec_101 says : What is this? walking and talking simulator ? 2 parts in and i see zero reason for this to be a video game tbh in all conscious i can't even call this a video game this is just video with option to hold walk key .>> <<@axx012 says : Jack was so weak in that "fight" against Wyatt. I mean he barely put in any effort.>> <<@rsvng says : “I ASKED YOU A QUESTION” meanwhile is beating him up without letting him speak 💀>> <<@rembaru1339 says : 30:45 Let him answer!>> <<@edstatueson says : If employees can just copy a key card's access level to their pipboy, what's the point of physical key cards? 0/10 too fantastical>> <<@igormalusevic says : You miss another locker and i think those separate locker behind glass it have circle icon. Maan you dont have so much attention to details. I saw in many games you don't miss a lot of things, dont rush.>> <<@xxwolfowitzxx1984 says : I just realized who the main character actor was 😂 no wonder I liked the voice it's Arthur Morgan, so in the end the tuberculosis didnt get him 😂>> <<@tbas8741 says : Wyatt wasn't possessed he was just being a Typical Psychopath staring & acting like that.>> <<@FrankenthingYax says : its all about position raises>> <<@ethancusack1033 says : Brad we need to talk about your reaction time💀>> <<@StreetSoldier975 says : This is a good Game>> <<@GeneralDravus00 says : 20:20 it’s crazy how he dislodged the dead guys jaw.>> <<@slurpeeboi9390 says : I'm with you. if everyone is calling preflop im calling with my crappy hand on the off chance I get a better hand lmao. idk why but Q/5 always does me solid whenever I get it>> <<@IsUserADuck says : This game is a perfect example of wasted potential. If they spared a bit of expenses with the visual spectacle and spent a bit more on writing it would have been so much more.>> <<@Majki70 says : Dude, every 2 minutes ads? For 1 hour? Are you kidding me?>> <<@kurexeno says : Brad: breaks dudes jaw after falling on top of him Also Brad: i wonder why that guys face looked like that 😂>> <<@chadprince4868 says : Loved the first chapter Brad is the best always love watching his videos>> <<@Archerdaboi says : Yall make sure to like and subscribe to a og 🎉😊>> <<@jonathandiaz4997 says : 6 days ago 😮>> <<@codylim1 says : 39:33>> <<@Btriller96 says : Keep it up bro.>> <<@andrerafaeldias5643 says : As far as I've watched it I've liked it!>> <<@yashokamatsuda5467 says : 🛡 Spoiler Shield 🛡>> <<@janicecopeland9083 says : Not much of a game.>> <<@Lulasemu says : it's bugging me but doesn't LTV stand for Lunar Terrain Vehicle. like it mean on the moon? and they said they were on Mars. It's just a weird observation. anywho, I love your videos, Brad!!>> <<@Midas2010 says : One problem with a game that is sooo linear and story led like this one, is that there’s no point buying it now. It’s like watching someone watching a film…. Why would you then go out and buy it yourself?! Just my thoughts 🤷‍♂️>> <<@leeparker7571 says : I really enjoyed "Observation" similar sort of mystery in space game.>> <<@D-Unit1117 says : This is an enjoyable watch!!>> <<@ryanrowe1975 says : Entertaining>> <<@williambarbosa5511 says : Good evening! I've been playing a lot of Microsoft Flight Simulator on my Xbox Series S since I got it but, tonight, watching you playing this game and by the way, I've been distant from games like this for a while now, I'm feeling that vibe again, the old "nights of Brad's series vibe and I am enjoying it. This game looks amazing. I'm actually Flying right now on the Simulator and watching these parts 1 and 2 during the cruise of a very long flight and I feel like I need to play this as soon as I can. Thanks, Brad, for all these years of incredible nights watching you playing. I've been away from your channel too but I think I'm definitely back. There isn't much of things besides the Flight Simulator on my days lately but this one here will change the things a little bit. I need to play it this Sunday. As always, all the best for you and your family. See ya!>> <<@austinstockton9221 says : Idk seems off to me, you are still cracking jokes and being so casual after seeing deadies jusy kinda ruins the "i just saw dead people a second ago" vibe>> <<@dylandeveza3966 says : i love how it was like something was going to happen....then it never did!>> <<@mohamedelyamni9869 says : Nice play>> <<@skarrabex1154 says : 20:56 he broke his jaw when he tried to get up>> <<@CautionManic says : Brad he whooped your azz lol fight back! 🤣🤣🤣 30:11>> <<@sureshkumar-qw9ny says : "why is his face like that" - mate you dislocated his lower jaw when you tried to get back up by pressing on his face and it popped with a sound.>> <<@edenhill422 says : Just curious, do you regret not playing this when it first came out?>> <<@XxdjforrestxX says : @theradbrad are they going to remake deadspace or Dino crisis?>> <<@sunnysimmons says : ❤❤>> <<@ahmedog219 says : Royal flushes are my favorite ones in poker. Its always good to see you play Brad. :)>> <<@lukeomen-op7qb says : here since part 1>> <<@Ahlywog says : Just starting the second video. The number of times they've talked about both plants and zombies... I feel like this is going to be a complicated game of plants vs zombies.>> <<@kjsilver192 says : Suited one gappers. Particularly 9 7 suited (spades)>> <<@Sube-Tube says : 31:50 can companies stop making female characters with thus ugly ass haircut already? Yeah we get it, man weak wamen strong, wamen get strong haircut. It's just so boring and ugly>> <<@fredsalter1915 says : 26:40 it's written "off-suit" not "off suite">> <<@gojkobanda1921 says : Thank you , i will never buy this game>> <<@jasonhall947 says : I don't think this game is worth the price they're asking on Playstation Network. Your playthrough has been entertaining though.>> <<@mrknite_4u says : Love u all n lets get this,bro said hes not gonna google game to spoil it but we watch his vids n later on we still buy game n play ❤😊>>