<<@theRadBrad says : Finished the expansion last night and I'm still editing the rest. Appreciate the likes and support so far on this series fam. Really means a lot to me!>> <<@ryanrowe1975 says : Love it>> <<@jamesbennett8248 says : OMG Brad is just destroying Morning Star Beast....... oh wait>> <<@kcconnor6407 says : Bro is not kidding when he says he’s got no idea about the online stuff lol>> <<@ericichinose1210 says : If your gonna rest at the site of Grace, why not just teleport there and rest instead of walking or riding all the way to a site then rest?>> <<@bobbyblueholliday says : Big thanks to chat for keeping this playthrough afloat>> <<@subpop2005 says : this game is so cool>> <<@vonmaximoff1742 says : First off two hand then let there be seed is a masterbation joke>> <<@kcconnor6407 says : Changes to a new weapon…. Instantly goes back to 1.2.3 blood I love it miss when you would tell us you play inverted haha would always boggle my brain how>> <<@Sparxx_ says : You missed a talisman and an incantation in the shaman village behind shadow keep>> <<@Karzakh_ says : Daddy Brad 😒😒😒😒>> <<@TysonBites says : Please go back to the old style thumbnails the ai ones are horrible>> <<@BrianSmith-cn2jh says : I've been going through a lot right now and it is great to wake up every day and watch Theradbrad. I am so grateful for your amazing daily content. Keep it up, Legend!>> <<@lilragnaa4897 says : You killed mesmir You have mesmirs kindling you can go to the church of the bud main entrance and get to the shadow area>> <<@TilleyOlsen says : I work Monday to Friday, but these uploads are coming faster than my salary Brad!>> <<@zubaerchaudhari8267 says : Hello there hey there hey Hello hey there>> <<@Maceyee1 says : Feel like you saw everything while looking for that beach except the castle building around you>> <<@lukeomen-op7qb says : here since part 1>> <<@akio1457 says : Have we learned nothing always rest and talk to npc several times the cool sword on npc in church gives you sword and armor if you rest and go back after you kill her>> <<@ripp123m says : Coming from Kai πŸ™πŸΌ>> <<@jreign7567 says : That first NPC you spoke to on *0:42*, he has a questline. Which has an incredible Weapon Art. Dryleaf Art!!>> <<@roninotallow says : Ekane ki Kono Bangladeshi ache>> <<@arthurfrost9004 says : BRAD YOU MUST RETURN THERE! THE KNIGHT WOULD GIVE YOU THE BLACK SWORD!>> <<@silvaspida2407 says : much love brad keep up the awesome workπŸ’™πŸ’™>> <<@Gamer-Animefreak says : After resting site of grace you can find wounded jolan>> <<@andylovescake. says : I'm gonna be sad when Brad the Rad comes to the end of this. Its been so much fun watching him play since its a game I'll prob never get to play. 52 yr old Mum that is nowhere nears Brad's gaming experience & or anyone else's lol>> <<@anthonyp.7446 says : SHAMAN VILLAGE YOU WALKED PASS TWO ITEM TO PICK UP, ONE WAS AT THE TOP OF THE BY THE TREE ITS A TALISMAN AND ONE IS IN THE MIDDLE FEILD AS YOU WALK UP TO SHAMAN VILLAGE>> <<@uncertifiedhater5902 says : 31:42 LMAO whoever wrote that is sick>> <<@YLurki says : brad im looking for a video from a long time ago all i remember is that u have to go to tan incinerator thingy for something in the game and theres these shadowy things and also if u jump off some bridge some black screen pops up pls help me find this game brad i think you deleted it>> <<@anthonyp.7446 says : I LOVE YOU BRAD I BEEN HERE SINCE THE FIRST IPOD TOUCH>> <<@awake1251 says : I can’t play the game, Mr. RadBrad, but I can watch you play!>> <<@imperial_7776 says : 14:58 i haven't seen any dlc gameplay, will watch it after your walk-through brad, i just fell watching you is way better and i really love your commentary. Thanks for covering this.>> <<@wastelandwarrior9738 says : The entire game Rivers of Blood . Like so many new great weapons and you show us none Come on man πŸ˜‚. Whats the point of the same weapon and same build from the entire base game and entire DLC. Thats no fun at all. We wanna see all the new stuff thats been added to the game πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@antibrevity says : After you dispatch the black night, I think that her armor can be found where she was originally standing.>> <<@imme2400 says : You missed the cave at the back of cairo's Hidden Grave Northwest>> <<@antibrevity says : This game is about exploring, so I want to see exploring. Another youtuber that I really like spent many, many hours finishing the DLC and it really hurt his upload rate because the bosses are so difficult, *but* this resulted in huge edits where the viewer loses complete track of where they are in the world and why it might matter. He began with exploration and discovery, but wound up with a meaningless series of boss fights to get the DLC finished :(. We want to experience the game *with* the creator, even if they have to use a few hints for such a complex game. Thank you for playing the game with us rather than just showing us a few highlights.>> <<@youngsavage1275 says : So happy you looked at our comments Brad. I love all your videos. I'm gonna buy this game because of your videos. P.S: The guy you started the video next to, if you emote him with "May the best win," you are in for a treat. You also didn't look Yimr's bodyguards body>> <<@brandonfarnsworth7924 says : Brad you can talk to the knight again and get the sword of the night or you can get the spirit summon>> <<@moniquegriffithdsgns says : You keep passing up on the remembrances in hopes you can duplicate, but you'll be done with the DLC before you try any of them. Live a little! :D>> <<@wastelandwarrior9738 says : Brad the giant furnaces running around( that you run from πŸ˜‚) will give you things for your flask if you beat them . Two are armored tho. Attack their legs and then crit strike to their face. You can also throw pots in the furnace heads up high. Like the ledge you seen in the previous video. The flask upgrades are SOOO WORTH IT !!! GUYS UPVOTE SO BRAD SEES THIS>> <<@cuteandfluffypikachu3405 says : Hey Brad what armor you wearing it looks awsome 😊😊😊>> <<@juniornelson4264 says : Head back to the lava area a few videos back you missed a lever>> <<@Mrdedinside says : I would actually love to see you make a new character and start the game over and not use rune exploits, I think it would be outstanding!!!! Comedic gold!!!>> <<@mrwilliamvalentine7020 says : Brad I wanted to say to you that the whole way you did elden ring 2 years ago then to now doing the dlc is amazing πŸ‘ to me like you took a break from the game then it's like you never even left at all also wanted to tell you I have been wanting to play the main game Elden Ring cause it reminded me of the lord of the rings story but beyond versions of it and because of you playing it im planning on getting the main game and dlc as soon as I can to enjoy it the way you have I also have been waiting to save up for a better computer to use it on through steam thanks again for introducing this game and the dlc to everyone 😊 can't wait for the final parts and bonus content Brad much love β€οΈβ€οΈπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘€πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ brother>> <<@jamesbarlett246 says : Always amazed how fast and consistent Brad is getting through games!>> <<@johnnycortez9027 says : Brad are you going to react to the new dead rising trailer?>> <<@TheHuntrees007 says : I'm in fact NOT watching anyone else play. You were the only person doing an in-depth and good playthrough of the first one when I wanted to watch it, so you get the repeat business πŸ‘πŸΎ>> <<@AKF98 says : Why you didn't take the cool sword from the the knight woman after killing the mother Man what a shame i was excited for you try to use it>> <<@AB1Marvellous says : You can actually get that sword that woman is holding, it's called the shadow of night katana, i think not but you can get it(the glowing dark one) But yeah, one of the best DLC's ever if you ask me. But great videos and great fighting done dude! ✌️>> <<@jandreoni says : LOVING THIS SERIES! I feel like there was something to the right of the minor erdtree incantation in the Shaman village, I think I saw a glow?>>