<<@theRadBrad says : Been an incredible series all because of you. Thanks for all the feedback, likes and support on each video so far. Means a lot fam! Recording wise I'm like 11 parts in but comments have been helping me find stuff I missed so if I miss anything I will most likely go back in a future video.>> <<@Neg.Lakayy says : Love me some dragons and this did not disappoint.>> <<@toxicmustardwasabi says : Man what an insane buildup to the final boss fight. Dragon after dragon after dragon until you get to the one that crazy Igor NPC named - who you hid in the title to this video!>> <<@Rajdeep-md3yk says : I tried to kill this dragon the honourable way...but after almost 3 hours i just had to use "other means"😂 there is a way to sneak up behind Bayle without him noticing and just kill him with poison cloud. Not proud of doing this but this boss was literally out of my league 😂>> <<@pineapplelord2422 says : 7:01 what is that greenmarker marking? also i wonder why the jagged peak is covered in clouds now in the map? before we could see the reddish area on it.>> <<@ryanrowe1975 says : That is a lot of dragons>> <<@bousmarayassine4369 says : Brad in 2016: "How convinient" Brad in 2024: "Are we chilling or what?">> <<@jeffspicoli1897 says : Your videos rule 🤙>> <<@kar31000 says : Bard it is realy Pau nto wtch you not collecting runes es aftre you win boss fights>> <<@silencerr514 says : Super thumb up just for the singing 🤌🏾😂>> <<@Noneyobusiness851 says : Probably the most boring boss fight I've ever had in Elden ring I got my Loretta's bow out and I just kept distance between me and the dragon and it didn't do anything but chase me around I might have gotten lucky and maybe caught like a animation glitch I'm pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be that easy.>> <<@Noneyobusiness851 says : I came to this video because this boss was so easy to kill I thought for sure I must have done something wrong and that there must be some special way I was supposed to defeat him? But I guess not?>> <<@moonlessnight1851 says : You know brads in the zone when he quits talking>> <<@Vladichov says : 51:58 rare moment of singing Brad>> <<@k3y155 says : Every time he says Bayle I immediately think of captain holt yelling bone>> <<@idkwho1103 says : the whole Senesax battle make me think "am i even watching theradbrad?" not only it's so quiet but he also suddenly start singing, im so done i laugh so hard😂😂😂>> <<@SaraH-qj8sl says : I love your reactions when you play>> <<@tusharkudnekar7381 says : Please paly with different weapons pleasee we all want to see all the weapons 🔥🔥 love ur vids ❤️❤️>> <<@Rogerwestt says : I like how Jack and the dragon were ganging up on the other dragon 😂😂>> <<@theradshoom6929 says : the good dragon was the dying one, the evil dragon is the evil one(the Lightning one) but nothing special happend though>> <<@1247logan says : While fighting the dragons I found myself yelling at my phone "stop moving damn!" Bro out here just getting seen>> <<@Lt.Dan5768 says : Using the horse as a “human shield”…epic.>> <<@Dreadfulwarrior7679 says : Honestly dragon boss fight is a true cinema>> <<@crusifyng says : Brad i watched u as a kid>> <<@Takizilla says : Kill monster hippo for fragments. Please equipment that katana it was OP weapon.>> <<@Suisolo says : Monster hunter vibes>> <<@TheDontletmedie says : I love your playthrough! Crazy how I found you when you had less than 500k subscribers and now you are at 13.5m!!! Well deserved Brad! Can't wait for many more years!>> <<@HEADBANGA34 says : Dude, what is his build for his river of blood katana? I need to know I’m struggling on his boss. I can’t sleep. I can’t eat.>> <<@jadelmpesi97 says : Me watching this video with my level 168 character watching Brad throw away 400k+ runes like its nothing>> <<@mikhailskribans3952 says : thank you Brad!>> <<@evilrellik says : Brad singing at 52 minutes is like he’s slowly dying inside from being killed from the cheesy AOE attacks from the Ancient Dragon.>> <<@mommajaae says : When you fought Senessax you could’ve used spirit summons — funny that you don’t use them. I get it tho it’s not for everyone>> <<@dayveeddavid4207 says : 38:22 brad said “instant death, sounds good to him”😂>> <<@erinstill2547 says : Brad hyping up with Sleep Token. I guess in that fight you were the winged insect and the dragon.. well..>> <<@Romans828KJV says : Dishonest game devs this is a incomplete part which the release as new and make you buy it 😂 it’s years old>> <<@user-di8ne9ku6q says : THERADBRAD BRO WHY IN HELL DO YOU KEEP ON PLAYIJG THESE RETARDED ASS GAMES BRO YOU STARTED TO ACT WERIDO AND SHIT, PLAY SOME RESIDENT EVIL OR SOME SHIT YOU GETTING WERID ASF>> <<@shaheral-amri9810 says : 51:45 the best round ever>> <<@Hollow_2-12 says : For every subscriber I get I’ll ng+ and beat the game and dlc>> <<@phaethonchristodoulou8561 says : He doesn’t want you to hop in the jar, he is talking about the tragic fate of the Shamen tribe which were forcefully whipped with the infectious tooth-whip until the skin is full of puss and open scars. Then they are put in those jars until the bodies merge with them hence becoming these sad twisted parodies of their former self’s. Quite a tragic end if you ask me.>> <<@miguelsantos5762 says : why arent you saving your runes? are you max leveled up?>> <<@luwiverge1698 says : When Brad went like 'instant death instant death, sounds good' 😂>> <<@Glaz- says : That senessax dragon had the homie reconsider his life choices uk its bad when a man starts to sing 😂😂>> <<@matty808pyro8 says : Thought I was bad😂😂😂>> <<@LeniasBlax says : Bro it's only been like 7 videos of this game and I'm already feeling nostalgic. Good work ma man👍🏾>> <<@Pandanitis says : Brother man at this point I don't even know when I found your channel>> <<@cjmf1987 says : So I'm 47.41 in and wondering why Brad isnt using his summons. They pull focus from you and the bosss attack them which allows you to get into the dashing and slashing. He might use them after this point but come on....use the summons Brad 🙏🏼 😂😂>> <<@tiki02. says : DONT FORGET TO USE RUNE ARCS TO ACTIVATE THE GREAT RUNE BUFF>> <<@dinokaki says : I'm screaming to the screen...Why dont you grab your soul back first when attempting fighting the dragon?>> <<@travishenderson4663 says : Probably the best episode of this DLC so far. Those dragons are insane.>> <<@Dragonkiller2299 says : I love your content. Keep up the good work, and you are the best>>