<<@theRadBrad says : Really appreciate the likes and active support each day! I'm currently further ahead in the game but the comments are helpful still. I'm currently trying out newer weapons I'm finding and may change my build in the future. Missed a secret room here that I’ll return to later 😅>> <<@alexclarke3025 says : Every time I watch these videos he’s like idk if we can do that am I’m just screaming at the phone bruh you can 🤦🏼‍♂️>> <<@kadabur says : Loving this series Brad! Thank you!>> <<@kendricklangford1388 says : Been watching and a fan since 13 and I’ll be turning 25 August>> <<@lucacapone2174 says : We had to be beat pre nerf hippo>> <<@MetaModern87 says : On today's episode of Brad walks past the shit he needs 100 million times...lol>> <<@paulatkins8109 says : Ledge simulator 2024! 😆>> <<@Horizon_Sounds says : Seeing brad breeze through areas I died multiple times in is honestly just humbling😂>> <<@bobbyblueholliday says : GG>> <<@TheDapperDon908 says : The wall at 19:17 is illusionary>> <<@asuraphreak says : Only a rune arc. Brad, you should use them. They put a nice touch on any build. The final part in any min/max build.>> <<@michaelhewan7916 says : Much love Brad. Been watching you still the original MW3 and Far cry 3>> <<@zephyr6751 says : Famous last words “might as well fight him head on”>> <<@gabeweaver995 says : I don’t know if it was just me, but I could swear I thought I saw a silhouette of like a hidden door when he was down below the key next to that dragon painting because we saw an archway on a wall that was just flat>> <<@emoryn4530 says : @29:05 fire knight “no you ain’t son”>> <<@fares3921 says : Sheeesh man I been watching redbrad since I was 10 year old and now I am 22 year old it’s to be so fast and w emit know lol>> <<@thelazybird3006 says : Hello red I enjoy your game. but really felt sad on this episode of elden ring this you have to go back all the way to beginning after death. even I felt frustrated.. and shouting WHERE IS THE STUPID GRACE !!>> <<@Arro81 says : Bro went to end game area early game😭🤣🤣🤣>> <<@Ethanchelsea says : *takes deep breath* ELLLLLLLLLLLLLDEN RING!>> <<@MrExtragamer says : No one gonna mention the messmer fight? He missed out on a big section in SK that leads to messmer>> <<@Death_Before_Dishonor says : You missed the impaler boss!>> <<@mJ-dk7mw says : What is the sword with the gold ash of war to clear groups called?>> <<@Absolute_zero122 says : man flies spit attack deals poison plus damage per sec. Its got maggots when it hurls its projectiles at you>> <<@ryanrowe1975 says : Great gameplay>> <<@rascocilio1477 says : Turn on new item setting brad 😊>> <<@shadywsl8955 says : Random tip for Elden Ring here, if you want to know if you can survive a fall, drop a rainbow stone off the ledge. If it breaks you’ll die, if it doesn’t you’re safe to jump>> <<@Onion_Nite says : the poison these things spew is toxic or a stronger version of it, it melts hp in like seconds.>> <<@1247logan says : Brad needs to trust his horse more cause he could've made it onto that ledge>> <<@pumpkiNN73 says : been watching TheRadBrad for years now, he never failed to pump out the best content!🙏🙏🙏>> <<@toxicmustardwasabi says : 44:11>> <<@bousmarayassine4369 says : its been a long time since we heard "HOW CONVINIENT " , good work brad been watching since the walking dead , clem and lee and here we are>> <<@karenvang4010 says : 31:50 😮😮>> <<@TheQuindy says : I love that you said, "Passed some kind of item back there, I got tunnel vision." I thought, finally, after 13 years, he sees items he just blatantly walks by! LOL!>> <<@surfboy8141 says : i started watching you when i got out of the usmc in 2010 so on and off for 24 years damn long time lmao>> <<@atrainace114 says : Yes, you are absolutely correct. No offense, but you kinda are playing like a wuss.😂>> <<@tonyhavens8231 says : Dude I got to the top of Shadow Keep only to have to fight Mesmer! Oh damn>> <<@Kingjack407 says : You got to get your flow back Brad a lot of deaths ☠️>> <<@goatpocalypse1061 says : Not to be a dick, but I think brad has a learning disability>> <<@jenniferpratt8790 says : Great gameplay>> <<@codymorgan4705 says : Double hand your weapon gives you more damage>> <<@jonny555ive says : I think the game looks fantastic, but there's no quests or goals or end game thing to strive for... It's just go here and kill bigger and bigger and harder opponents. It's kind of boring actually after a while. Sorry Brad but I think I'm done with this playthrough. I'm still going to click on the new ones and give you the thumbs up though. 👍👍>> <<@jonny555ive says : Is there a perry move ? You'd think you would use it more...... weird>> <<@bedd444 says : Bro can fight mystical beasts but can't survive a 10m fall>> <<@curehazy says : That one enemy looked like an abyss watcher>> <<@Oogabooga10934 says : lets just fight them head on, famous last words🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@5stardeee says : I rmb when I was 8 on my iPad watching your videos, really grew up on you man, it’s insane to think about how time can slowly come to an end , I won’t be ready>> <<@randykeyton2374 says : You missed a hidden wall in the room with the painting 19:20 ish.>> <<@svonsdespons1037 says : I just dont now how you got past that hippo, he is just melting me>> <<@awiq3 says : 19:20 there is hidden wall u miss>> <<@doc_hollidaysrt756 says : more world exploration for the tree shards makes this dlc alot easier>>