<<@wumbabumba846 says : welp>> <<@kow__ says : capn't>> <<@omni7886 says : Wts>> <<@kow__ says : last comment lmao>> <<@KishinamiNoMae says : Hope it got resolved soon>> <<@Soten_10 says : By far one of the best streams I've sat through that you've done Ludwig. Well done for beating the dlc!>> <<@timgameryt2862 says : Awesome job dude๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘>> <<@antmac090 says : Free the vod!!!!>> <<@fourhartt says : Dang I watched like 30 hours but missed the end and have to wait for the VOD ๐Ÿ˜ข. Do your thang editors ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ>> <<@hashtagtnt says : I was there for entire stream just woke up..>> <<@ardana0bountyhunter says : when i went to sleep last night i had a feeling he was close to doing it. proud of you lud! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰>> <<@richeyb7145 says : Waited until I went to sleep to finally pull it off ๐Ÿ˜ข Good job Ludwig!>> <<@pikafonz8210 says : I stayed up till 1130 my time. But had to sleep for work in the morning, so i missed the end. Anyone know how many deaths he had in the end?>> <<@KJPLAYZ says : Pretty long stream ngl Must be bad at the game (I've never played it so I don't know how long or hard it actually is)>> <<@TheRealEasyEverything says : left to go sleep, geuss he went and did it, damn really hope to get to see it. ggs>> <<@garethlestrade1107 says : Damn>> <<@LilDodger69420 says : Finally, it shall be over>> <<@HyperVisi0n says : Wanted to watch ludwig sleep once more ๐Ÿ˜”โœŠ๏ธ>> <<@ours7969 says : why are the likes and dislikes same>> <<@RoTtenKiW says : NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i fell asleep at the last boss and now i cant watch it, i watched from the beginning and the dlc the stream everything was good>> <<@methematics. says : number of deaths ?>> <<@sanjayw9878 says : how long did last one take?>> <<@Abisanth11 says : I wasnโ€™t here >> <<@younot593 says : It was the most entertaining livestream I've ever watched, truly life changing.>> <<@askelgsgaard3067 says : 58 hours is crazy>> <<@Suichkaa says : seriously one of the greatest streamers of all time. i said it in chat earlier but this man has insane amounts of willpower. super fun tuning into this over these past few days.>> <<@slimpkns7864 says : Am i reading this right? 58 hours of live? Bro you are insane!>> <<@nebuchadnezzarsaucedo1798 says : Good job lud. Knew he can do it>> <<@livewire136 says : one of the best streams ever>> <<@Nina-wb8qb says : Bye bye>> <<@greed9342 says : FINALLY I CAN WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@reikaze9390 says : damn he did it? insane i wish he did it slower so i couldve watched the end live HAHA>> <<@evanstrong5757 says : congrats lud>> <<@anantgupta_ says : no fuckking way I missed it I was watching since morning ๐Ÿ˜ญ>> <<@VixeyTeh says : Dear VOD frogs , don't panic. Ludwig mentioned before he ended stream that there were a few copyright songs that had to be removed. The editors are working on it. The VOD will be up as soon as they can fix that. Please remember it is 60 hours of live video they have to sort through, so it will take a few days. In the meantime, Ludwig will be live tomorrow, and Unpaid Intern will be premiered. Have a great week!>> <<@JonathanCastellon-rm8ig says : I missed it :(>> <<@Supersonix58 says : Congrats Ludwig.>> <<@Famous_From_Commenting says : The vibes of this stream were insane, with such an entertaining last battle>> <<@walruswarlord5275 says : Anyone know why the stream isn't available?>> <<@Signal4o4 says : Pov: The live stream recording is not available>> <<@Elikernen08 says : He actually fucking did it>> <<@Grill-ub4xn says : I'm pissed I missed the ending because I forgot to check in>> <<@moreFIEND_ says : GG>> <<@NatePlays9 says : W>> <<@MONEYVILLA-yu8ip says : W LAST FIGHT>> <<@cakethecat4492 says : the vibes of the last few hours were awesome. GG ludwig>> <<@jakeh3244 says : Such an amazing stream! Saltwig>> <<@abhishekajit1611 says : one for the books>> <<@codbo25 says : pp poo poo>> <<@emerald025 says : Only real Ludwig fans like this comment>>