<<@theRadBrad says : Thank you all so much for the likes and support on the first video! Keep it up if you enjoy these longer videos. These bosses got the best of me and I may change my build soon haha Part 1 in case you missed it: https://youtu.be/iHJJgKj7Jdg>> <<@Sss54471 says : πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰β€β€β€β€β€>> <<@SQU1RT5 says : the RELIEF at 26:31 haha nice.>> <<@esper2905 says : Ngl but i rlly enjoy watching you play brad, you rlly are some of the best gamers out there, your videos are rlly helling me take my stress off from work and im all here for it, keep up the good work pal>> <<@stephenbowen2678 says : Hi brad😊>> <<@RangerJosey says : Those swords giving me Pontiff Sulivan flashbacks.>> <<@werlita1 says : Ey bro, Hi, How can I get your sword??>> <<@pho3n1x50 says : The best way to win a battle is to roll into the attack most of the times>> <<@michaelcade3795 says : You need a better gear & set up your set up is not good there are better & stronger weapons you have them there are stronger & better blood loss weapon check your inventory man>> <<@JD-sr3ie says : Awesome boss fight , I would have been like 😑😑🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀯>> <<@GawvyMusic says : Like Kai said you are our hero !!! and I'm all the way from Jamaica !!! One Love RadBrad>> <<@SADDEKMr_k says : I feel like this game is the best right now>> <<@MilanKumarMandal-wc6qt says : Just u and me how many times u actually die by RellanaπŸ˜…>> <<@zephyr6751 says : Him losing 270k runes to a hippo kills my β€œsoul” πŸ˜„>> <<@dakicar1262 says : 48:20 / 1:03:17>> <<@AdnanAli.00 says : Is elden ring harder than Sekiro or not?? If not why am I feeling it difficult 😭>> <<@batrinky7170 says : This fight made me scrinkle up my toes and fingers, it was too cool.>> <<@Kitty-we6il says : thats one hungry hungry hippo>> <<@lordofscars0742 says : 31:12 did that goat just...>> <<@excelsav_6706 says : Lol I feel like a coach the way I was telling him to roll forward>> <<@vonmaximoff1742 says : Roll into boss not away>> <<@magicdmitry says : Wow, what sort of masochist do you have to be to play souls games?? First boss would've been a rage quit for me ;)>> <<@derekgaffoor6597 says : death counter brad>> <<@Pvdtheking2k says : Dude, I just watched your rellana fight now....kudos for not giving up and love that you show all your fails, 25 mins of dying to a boss on Eden ring is so relatable 😊😊😊>> <<@gt57298 says : sorry to break the news but this was an easier boss.>> <<@asaiira says : Does someone here know the reason why brad doesn't use summons?>> <<@haveanameizingday2224 says : Amazing work brad but i love rennala music so elegant>> <<@jaredt7734 says : this man passed 3 good weapons in the first vid i was yelling at the screen...like Brad please...you need this>> <<@Smoke1tl says : Lets get a "hold on" counter going haha>> <<@omarrashid6170 says : The twin moon knight fight was brutal, I was thinking just use the mimic brad. Well done for persevering.>> <<@user-ve1ys7nk5g says : Welcome back to more ....πŸ—£Ellen ringπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰>> <<@mrnutxx7400 says : For the boss fights with swords i can't get one thing it's sword fighting why can't our player block their attacks? And also counter them? That is just senseless there's no logic on why this isn't there>> <<@ryanrowe1975 says : Well done>> <<@rxmy6690 says : I didn't watch the first episode of this or any of your recent elden ring videos but holy crap those stats are wack πŸ˜‚. When I saw it I was like "LEVEL 336?!" and then I looked at the distribution haha. I'd definitely recommend finding a build you like and focusing your points into just the ones you need rather than spreading them out if you want the best results>> <<@thebassassin5507 says : You gotta press the dodge button. Like instead of attacking halfway through its multiple attack phase…keep pressing the dodge button. You’re welcome pleb.>> <<@tcbeast1147 says : 26:30 I said let's go with you bro my goodness πŸ˜‚>> <<@blind_playthroughs says : Nice job on Rellana Brad, she took me about 90 mins also.>> <<@atrainace114 says : I know you're like 5 parts in, but one suggestion roll into more not away from. Not for all attacks, but rolling into tends to work better because you're not at the end of their strikes after rolling away 3 times. Most time it you will wind up behind or in a better position.>> <<@flow_smoke3840 says : They bogus for that gone do it after u die>> <<@fahmibrako8763 says : Can someone help me with elden ring>> <<@jefesteel says : Flask drinking = zero damage to enemy>> <<@ReqchV1 says : Brad learned the hell out of her moveset πŸ˜‚ damn i was cheering so hard when he dodged both moon attacks and got her down to nothing>> <<@szylardagopcsa9804 says : Use a fucking shield nex time.>> <<@novalachyar965 says : Literally best dad of the year! Cookbook is always found for his boyπŸ˜‚>> <<@MrIanRobert says : 'golden hippopotamus' 'feels like a major boss' :D>> <<@clarkymoii says : I love how brad at 15:00 mins keeps quiet for a bit. Hahahahaha kudos to everyone who playes this kind of game. I bet y'all have great loooooooooooong asss patience in real life πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸŽ‰>> <<@jenniferpratt8790 says : Great gameplay>> <<@R3dRiot12 says : Number one rule of souls games: STAY HUMBLE>> <<@scotttappan6345 says : "anything that catches our eye, I am good with that." Hasn't killed the first furnace golem. Use the horse jump the single leg fire, run away from dbl leg fires, still jump it. Your good until he farts/sends fireballs at yoy>> <<@micheler4120 says : You're doing a fabulous job! clap clap clap>>