<<@Sahilsingh-pv7kk says : Ubisofts masterpiece installment>> <<@Sahilsingh-pv7kk says : Hey can u do a walk-through for fc new dawn any time soon since this installment was a Prequel to new dawn from 2018-2019>> <<@Sahilsingh-pv7kk says : I can't belive rook would either walk away or fight against seed and become his only family after the 3 marauders with john jacob and faith>> <<@Sahilsingh-pv7kk says : The collapse is upon us : by joesph seed>> <<@xSmudgestickx says : Thank you for this upload enjoyed every moment of it :)>> <<@mking8242 says : Wait so the guy the prosperity people had to beg for help in New Dawn is the asshat who ran things in 5 well damn I did not know that.... haven't played 5 yet I'm on New Dawn rn>> <<@yanarinugroho6940 says : You played far cry 5 i love it thanks for playing this far cry franchise>> <<@milindchouhan5248 says : I hate the thing where you die between the mission and you have to do it from the starting. Their is no manual save option. Sometimes it become very irritating to start the mission again and again😢😢>> <<@ugurarslan255 says : 👍 Very Nice 👍>> <<@texttext3311 says : Pls like him into 1k or 2k in next 4days>> <<@ctl1178 says : We no longer get this quality standard from Ubisoft. I mean, look at the opening scene alone, the acting, facial animation, the presentation are just great. Now compare it to their recent titles.>> <<@wukey9041 says : 🗺🌍🌎🌄⛰️🏕🪦⚰️🚬♨️🐆🔥🔫👨‍✈️Puma-Dead🪷🙏🏼🤧🪆🎭🧨✨️>> <<@hyatowosabah6735 says : نريد الترجمة لغة عربية مثل بقية القنوات❤😢>> <<@saQe3 says : If Farcry becomes a series, I will be the first to support it>> <<@r.octavoc.r says : What's Next? New Dawn or Primal?>> <<@user-uo4ou4mk1x says : WOOOW YOU GOD GAME>> <<@DraKulisCinematicGaming says : More Fc ?>>