<<@harrytraber8380 says : It's crazy that he tried to stop us. Whats practical is to buy 4 more homes for us to keep these treasures in.>> <<@turtledeardevil6322 says : Where's the kinex wheel?!>> <<@-a6833 says : "Hello? Yes? Is this customer support? Yes, I have a problem with your sex swing." - "We're very sorry to hear that sir, what seems to be the problem?" "Our yeti doesn't fit." I feel like that would've made a great conversation, also let's be honest, it's a hilarious way to die>> <<@user-wg6np1wv6z says : CLEAN CUBERT I SEE UR NASTY PRINTS ON IT>> <<@plaguedrat4670 says : I was SO mad when I went to purchase the jumpsuit same day release and they only had xs,s, and m>> <<@bosai746 says : mans looking like cup of mint chip>> <<@schonloesch3640 says : Qt is like we are using the swing sir you just don't know it yet>> <<@user-ti2cu7um3b says : God damnit bro where are the knex this time 😭>> <<@surfingthedarkness says : I almost died imagining that all the off screen convo between Lud and Swingling about putting on the costumes was them trying to figure out the sex swing 😭>> <<@ChrisKarpyszyn says : Where's the water fountain?>> <<@trashyspeeds266 says : Actually, its mint. So both chat and lud are technically correct.>> <<@boscagecanada says : mint hoodie is deffs green in this vid ... the add is blue in the add for sure ahahahaha>> <<@Ray_Vun says : if the ice cream machine is european, then that's possibly why it's cutting power. europe uses higher voltage(220 i think) than america. in fact, americans coming to europe complain that their stuff like flat irons or blow dryers never work because of the voltage>> <<@zaraphim says : Does anyone know the song he turned off around the 51:00 mark>> <<@jackbrasesco2949 says : Perry the Platypus Blue>> <<@qwnshelby says : Lud trying to hang a s3x swing wearing a turtle shell is peak comedy>> <<@emrys9620 says : it looks so green here>> <<@Thine4699 says : The rant at 17:00 made me realize I’m watching the grandpa of streaming>> <<@Bread6778 says : Why is he wearing a baby grow?>> <<@The_Steele1 says : 4:07:40 Absolutely hilarious.>> <<@jakeasmith says : How am I just now noticing the facial hair? That red hair really makes it POP.>> <<@LiveOutLoud321 says : I don’t know how to better explain it but the vibes of this stream felt straight out of Lud’s 2020/2021 streams in such a chill way>> <<@ArgueWithTheMajority says : I love Coots and I love Cubert, but I'm afraid Cubert might kill Coots.>> <<@Foxexar says : man this is bullshit i had the vod up i go to bed , wake up and it tries to load some 15 second ad shit my PC blocked, then I had to refresh again and see that the entire vod started from 0 minutes and now I have no sweet clue where I left off. Fucking thanks a lot youtube. Useless piece of shit>> <<@sarahvarela3558 says : My daughter has B.A.D type 1 btw :]>> <<@KingKnight1280 says : The fits insane>> <<@mrpandamania says : 3:26:54 *loud warning* shout out to Ludwig for not rubbing it in QT's face when he turned out to be right. Not every guy would be as cool>> <<@nichiyobi_dome says : uuuhm... actually 🥸 this ain't an unboxing>> <<@mobu553 says : W for Tungsten>> <<@RiverRockXIII says : Someone timestamp the Cube.. pls All appearances>> <<@bobmarlej9106 says : SHOW DA ICECREAM>> <<@jae_Designs says : Lud and Owen Wilson sleep over stream>> <<@thebean4262 says : Teal>> <<@reikaze9390 says : the hoodie looks nice but i wish it was a color that's easier to wear out / match withh other clothes lol>> <<@antmac090 says : I’m only at 53:30 but I have the strange suspicion we got scammed out of our steam deck that was for display only 2:58:00 called it>> <<@milamber82 says : Polish Cubert , get him shiny as a mirror.>> <<@umbroeon1673 says : Shi what happend to the Alphonse armor?>> <<@stangyl84 says : Why he is constantly saying twitch? He is a YouTube streamer>> <<@stangyl84 says : That is a Mr. Beast green. Who agrees?>> <<@edgaratio says : 3:27:11 I hate it when Ludwig is right. But it's always so fun when he is right.>> <<@shoelace5977 says : Calling an aquamarine outfit green is like calling purple a red>> <<@A59ri says : 3:05:35 i was watching this in 2x speed because it was too long lmao this was hilarious>> <<@dmark8993 says : Bluegreen>> <<@hannahsirmans7566 says : obsessed with yingo, ludwig’s Assistant, sitting and telling ludwig where to put things (this is genuine and lighthearted i’m not making a slight i promise)>> <<@richardnl3452 says : if ludwig take on the nami cosplay again and hang in the sex toy infront off the skeleton he get a good meme>> <<@jaroslavrenda3258 says : As a European, the cooking part entertains me and kills me at the same time>> <<@st8ofgray says : 2:48:50 this is putting everyone on a list for sure>> <<@gingersaremad says : His streams are so much worse than his videos. I really don't understand how he got as big as he did. If it's not an event, he flounders pretty hard>> <<@gingersaremad says : It's cyan. Disguised toast looking mf.>> <<@JMPT says : Super Nice Stream 💚🩵>>