<<@CZK76 says : This is revenge for Japan not taking in more immigrants.>> <<@user-yh8gr6hm5k says : Looks like a Ubisoft game>> <<@leoralev2416 says : Next Ubisoft game. The black viking that discovered america>> <<@Rennyblue says : Love how the bamboo just said peace out and disappeared after being cut down>> <<@cerveshred says : I missed a black ninja women twerking>> <<@orcave8802 says : This looks pretty bad>> <<@redchinhunt721 says : Man my wallet never snapped shut quicker>> <<@hongquancand2248 says : What surprised me was that the whole village didn't rush around him and start watching his every move.>> <<@demon66King says : main player is a monkey🍌>> <<@demon66King says : looks boring>> <<@kylejacobi5372 says : sounds like bayek>> <<@FlipNasty1 says : Is it called shadow because he is... umm>> <<@Official_Cameraguy3d says : the game looks promising>> <<@izzyci says : we wuz sam-i-rize !>> <<@djandxalia says : I don't see any Japan in this game>> <<@Foolish4ya says : When u play as the black samurai it starts playing hip-hop beats and shi- lmaooo>> <<@blatzstats says : Best joke of the year UBI SOFT ya'll ain't done your homework😂 *Yasuke was a servant *No samurai goes alone into a village you would get killed on the spot *Samurai don't wear armour unless it's on the war field *If he was part of the Oda clan he wouldn't wear his masters kamon but his own *If a warlord comes into town villagers would get killed on spot for just bowing their heads...they have to get on their knees a bow down until the warlord passes the village *Everyday Japanese were not exposed to foreigners so seeing a black man would be like seeing an alien to them *Torii is an entrance for shrines not villages 😂 *4seasons all going at the sametime😂 I can go on&on no research at all what a botch of a game 😂>> <<@BALLzDeep1986 says : Why would you want this cancelled if you want to see it fail?>> <<@theshadowistic says : I dont care what people say i will still buy this game and Enjoy it to 100%>> <<@dyl.px.w says : how can it be assassins with only one assassin, in real life this wouldnt of happened>> <<@mickeyoneil1337 says : hiphop musician cosplay samurai>> <<@marcinchlodnicki8229 says : 😂>> <<@iBe_Vybin says : Can’t believe Ubisoft is gonna drop Ghost of Tsushima 2>> <<@robertvzz1598 says : I have heard that the next part is to be set in Africa and the hero is to be a noble warrior of the ku klux Klan>> <<@awowolol says : Any1 knows how much the white or asian skinpack will cost?>> <<@dualism70 says : I as an Asian, I think this is really racist why is this only assassin the protagonist is different from the culture, imagine if the assassin syndicate the protagonist is Indian it must be the headlines>> <<@scofield_lucas says : I do not care black samurai>> <<@shortstacks497 says : lol ghost of tsushima>> <<@krishnamalpotra9481 says : Ghost of Tsushima from wish>> <<@biggusdikuss6134 says : when will a city's npc's feel alive in an assassin's creed game?>> <<@mujaffarhussain5961 says : Copy on gost of tusima>> <<@Di4m4nt says : O.o what is up with that voice acting......it`s horrible it`s monotone .....best way i describe is an edge lord with the personality of a dead fish., maybe sounds better in Japanese.>> <<@chriscuts7029 says : This game looks fcking ridiculous. Dread head samurai. Big ass thors hammer. Hiphop music. Ubi is so out of touch its a joke.>> <<@user-kc9rn5vm3m says : black guy in ancient japan what?>> <<@XGN05 says : Is there an option to rob shops?>> <<@gjbsarmeri3957 says : Lowkey looks like a reskin of Valhalla>> <<@gjbsarmeri3957 says : So basically a shittier version of Ghost of Tsushima>> <<@thefox1799 says : Can Naoe be used exclusively the whole game?>> <<@fahlevisix says : Game is so racist>> <<@Pakaniel says : Voice actor suck, at this point try ai it will have more emotions, this is so bad the fight suck everything is just like an empty shell, no personality, i cant get it how they manage to make this crap>> <<@vincentrogister5006 says : The stealth gameplay looks tight havent played ac games in awhile looks like their back on track with this one>> <<@draltar says : because when I think of a Samurai, I immediately think of an African guy in Samurai's clothes... bring the Zulu Wars game with a blond Norwegian as Chaka Zulu... what a joke>> <<@andrealcenenrico3751 says : What ubisoft expect from the comments: this game is LIT!!!! what actually is in the comment: this company will be on fire for quite awhile>> <<@Monshet says : Is that GOT?>> <<@iliyantopchev4925 says : i miss the eagles>> <<@dorycekkcc6802 says : Looks like mirage i know its work in progress but idont know these new ac games arent it. Origins and sometimes odyssey were very good names>> <<@emir9667 says : what a fucking joke of a game... hate from turkey>> <<@ArsenalMagus68192 says : Ubisoft announces a new AC in Japan. But out of all the historical badasses we get the "first black samurai" (Whether he was a Samurai is actually very questionable) simply because well... he's black. He wasn't important at all compared to other figures but sure cos he is black... The left wing wokes will love it. Shame they aren't the majority, never were and are being grinded to dust because people have had enough of their bullshit. Also the graphics look great sure whatever but what's with all the inconsistencies to reality? Like for example, those monkeys aren't Japanese monkeys, the rice paddies don't seem accurate either, the bows aren't how the Japanese bowed then and I swear I could have heard Chinese music?? Also none of this compares to HIP HOP FUCKING MUSIC WHEN YASUKE FIGHTS?! WTF!!!? :D 🤣>> <<@Azeryn_Sylver says : While I will admit that the stealth does look fun! From seeing the UI and how Naoe climbs, it seems that Ubisoft are once again using their god-awful Anvil engine, which while having good graphics ruins parkour with its clunky-ass movement!!! And please dont tell me that it isnt the engine's fault, because from playing the last 4 Assassin's Creed games which all had the same awful movement, I'd have to disagree...>> <<@tlankimalianhna9019 says : Ghost of Nigeria>>