<<@Greaseball01 says : 1:48:30 PRE RECORDED??????????>> <<@jiyagupta says : L wife comments in chat havent even gone through puberty yet>> <<@jiyagupta says : 7:05 CARRYMINATI IS IN ON THIS SHIT????>> <<@TheRyanHase says : Hey! It's Hase! This challenge was absolutely insane. Hope you liked the vid. Ludwig pretty much nailed my thought process>> <<@Lynkah says : L TRAD WIFE. At no point was she concerned about what he wanted. It was ALL about her struggles. So lame. Getting that mad after only 40 days is fucking crazy. Short sighted, selfish, clearly just frustrated by the being a single mother temporarily. Cliché entitled white women, they never want to be inconvenienced at all.>> <<@Lynkah says : I definitely think that spending 5 years away from a newborn would be bad and long term negative, but I do not believe the impact would last beyond teen. As soon as your kid understands how necessary money is, they'd understand you being gone to earn 5+million dollars after taxes (if you split 10k a day for 5 years lol) so 100% 1 year would be nothing. I think the most damage would be to the wife. But if you end up with a million dollars, I am sure she would be okay with it quickly.>> <<@Lynkah says : The less you weigh the less calories you need, so there would reach a point where 1200 is not a deficit anymore, that's all that would happen. You'd just be very scrawny.>> <<@jsuperhalo1 says : Ludwig the multi-millionaire saying don’t care about money. 1:40:00 his entire rant about throwing away your life working for your family is a perfect reason for why you shouldnt quit the challenge this early. All of that money from staying longer could let him not work and spend more time with his family.>> <<@ryannurburgring says : Stream again fucker>> <<@olojondro73 says : QT always looks so angry when doign anything baking related>> <<@layabstar says : I think three months wouldve been a reasonable ask, but I knew it wasn't gonna happen after they saw their family; that was very intentional on Jimmy's part.>> <<@theflyings1490 says : I wonder if anyone's ever been cheated on while doing one of these isolation/endurance challenges>> <<@Puffpuf says : Bruh there are literally dads/moms in eastern/balkan part of europe that go to work in another country for more than 3 months, for a salary of like 1-3k a month, leaving their family alone. People would kill to be on this challenge>> <<@spawn1524 says : guys can anyone tell me what the song thats playing in the background in the end at 2:05:30?>> <<@XYZeNxghtmxre says : As you lose weight your body will need less and less calories until you reach a new maintenance. Also as your body gets used to less calories it will adjust itself to the new norm. 1200 is a little low but 14/1500 should be fine assuming you’re getting all the right vitamins and minerals. It’s super tough to do that with 1200 short of eating the same meal for the rest of your life. 1500 gives you a little extra leeway to occasionally have more fatty foods or some high in protein or something carb heavy.>> <<@D5dog says : 1>> <<@Henry12151 says : Man that video is gonna be so funny in a few years when Haze's wife cheats on him and takes half of his money and the kids when they divorce.>> <<@oakleyhasafoot7878 says : 1:31:37 this is true, but one year though? Eh that wouldn’t affect much>> <<@joshsnyder3979 says : Sorry lud but that is definitely fake money two of the ones have matching serial numbers>> <<@PDXposadas says : If Michael built a killdozer we would all be done for>> <<@imjustaghostO.O says : I love the ideals of Lud <33>> <<@Deathlynumb says : Poor lily 😂>> <<@Deathlynumb says : If you learn the language coding is a piece of cake>> <<@lukeshirley7258 says : But if you stay in the woods long enough you would never have to work again and then could spend more time with your children then if you worked a 9-5 job. Every day is 5k which is like a months salary. Every day is a month of not working you could spend with your children.>> <<@elementneon says : Interesting that Lilypichu and Valkyrae are not wearing the youtube outfit, guess they are not renewing that contract? Also where has Ludwig been? Either he has not been making much content the past 2 months or the youtube algorithm officially does not exist, because I click his videos whenever it feeds them to me.>> <<@Noxolsaf says : You dont have to save money for college anymore. Kids nowadays want to be youtubers>> <<@zzquickszzxbl6046 says : The pizza planet shirt goes way too hard lud save some of whatever for the rest of us bcause you my man is taking it allll lmaoo>> <<@sophieekhegfejwgk says : Chat getting grumpy at the dude for calling Grizz manipulative is crazy. Grizz talked the guy into staying for like an extra week, and whilst I don't think Grizz was being actively malicious, he did pressure the other guy for staying longer than he otherwise would have, and I think him being called out for that was important for him to realise he needed to let his friend see his family. Tbh chat had pretty bad vibes all round with how they acted like the guy was being a bastard and wrecking things for Grizz because he didn't want to miss watching both his kids grow up (probably miss his newborns first steps if he hasn't already, etc) and wanted to support his wife.>> <<@rodrigoportugal4402 says : Bro you don't know shit about money, but yes is not easy to judge>> <<@123jbuster says : imagine youre the only person to ever get the opportunity to make 10k a day just to live. you’ll never get the opportunity again. that’s the driving force to stay>> <<@Ruuinx says : The fact that YouTube puts ads on Vods is crazy>> <<@davidboucher4356 says : Catan is frigging dope you should try it me my bro and w of our life long buddies play every Wednesday lol>> <<@zmichalo13 says : It's crazy how obvious it is that chat doesn't have kids. missing even the first 6 months of your child's life would impact that relationship forever, that's not worth any amount of money. It shows a complete lack of understanding of how important that initial foundation is for building up a child's trust>> <<@Silentwulfbot says : Isn't July 13 like Mr beast birthday or something?>> <<@nittani. says : Hi future dad>> <<@brandonvoloch says : 56:14- someone plz clip this im dead>> <<@eccentricbass3730 says : Code-monkey coding will absolutely get taken over by AI. This is most devs. But actual problem-solving won’t be. The AI just regurgitates remixes of what it’s already seen, so if there’s a new or unique problem, AI can’t do it.>> <<@-a6833 says : Now if only Logan Paul handled it well enough to pay back all the people he stole from, wether their stupidity deserved getting defrauded or not>> <<@TrackZero says : Luds so rich he can't equate earning enough money during that year they wouldn't have to work after and could spend far MORE time with their families on the whole.>> <<@anxivial says : Thanks for putting your effort into the video 😊>> <<@dylangilman says : I'd love to see AI try to work on our corporate code-base. Shit's fucked, bro.>> <<@maarten699 says : I actually think it would be really cool for Ludwig to do a leaning to code stream>> <<@lysolmax says : 100% Mr. Beat intentionally booked the worst possible flight back to LA just to fuck with you>> <<@jimmyvbuck1868 says : "Were rich" no, 335k is by no means rich, you can like get an okay house.>> <<@MrLigthsaber says : Wait i just realised that the clip in the beginning where he say's "if you shoot that flaregun i think im gonna kill you" isn't actually what he said later in the video? And it's not said in the video later at all? was that really put in there for drama?>> <<@LowLifeDust says : The amount of people who clearly are too young to understand money making/ family time balance, its really concerning how many people would abandon there family for years just for some money...>> <<@Infamouscritter says : This Mr.Beast video kind of SUCKED it was so boring .. two grown men in the wild is not a fun thing to watch.>> <<@asyc89 says : chat being insufferable during the money vs family debate is actually painful. i dont know how bad the family situation in the US that THAT many people are choosing money over family. and this is not just family, they're already making more than half a million at that point, it is the right thing to do to choose family. i understand if they lose all the money if they get home, but they already got shit ton of money. still choosing money after 2 months leaving family and with half a million is just greedy. the guy got a newborn baby ffs.>> <<@romannoodls1920 says : - Ludwig whining about how “unsafe” birds are. - “24 mph top speed” - Me on my jailbroken boosted board hitting nearly 40… - Never wear a helmet>> <<@xxMilakasiaxx says : to be honest, the 50 hour stream was super boring to me, but I guess its just my opinion?>>