<<@RustyShackleford-bc9ce says : I wish josh commentated for my lord while I played this>> <<@Ag3nt-MC says : What I would give for another video on this game>> <<@thomasfrye6335 says : I love that the coat of arms commemorates the nuking of the WindowsXP Field>> <<@Aspect8128 says : you sir! sit down or leave>> <<@That_One_Idiot911 says : I swear this man only plays these games for the exploits😂😂>> <<@christianruetzel3855 says : i know someone already said it but Waldbrand would have worked as a name because it means Forest fire in German>> <<@DoFliesCallUsWalks says : 17:36 A cackle worthy of an evil Conan O'Brien>> <<@HappyBeezerStudios says : Walking up to Hildebolt do show how incompetent your army is. Because that way he thinks twice before risking his troops dying from laughter.>> <<@markbernard8312 says : I see your into Spanish post modern archetecture 9:00>> <<@vincenta3472 says : Best Manor Lord Video I have seen>> <<@tpsjoe says : People in 2024 👇🏻>> <<@paulawilliams9790 says : 😢😢😢 Danny DeVito meme I get it>> <<@howtoboring4059 says : 1:04 Magnus Carlsen ♟️ ????>> <<@fishbowls says : my OCD hates u>> <<@MattSuguisAsFondAsEverrr says : biblical ahh event>> <<@MegaJestify says : Blew my mind when he showed the map actually adds your road. This game looks amazing!>> <<@jeffbr93 says : do spongebobdumbpants>> <<@Jasmine_Brooks says : 5.65 million subscribers? i mean its so crazy. i watched him first at around 30 thousand, subscribed at 40k. he always deserved this. props to him for making videos all this time.>> <<@RS4KING says : @6:58 Props for that UO death sound lol>> <<@PotatoMuncher4 says : Hildebolt is such a nice guy>> <<@khanhlinh1416 says : 14:51 OH YES HE IS FROZEN IN THE PAIN GLITCHING ALL FROZEN>> <<@Paco_Gaepedores says : Amazing jaja ❤>> <<@TheGoofyGoobersx says : This man needs a lot of help>> <<@jables9229 says : Today, it’s known as France>> <<@The_Wrath says : If you slow the video down a little it sounds like he is saying «either its Josh» in the start>> <<@AmerdaMysteryOfficial says : The accent is too much!! Hahaha>> <<@RyanLesnerhatesneebsgaming says : Did your guys have machine guns?>> <<@julsmagnus3907 says : "deers hiding in the trees">> <<@rodjanadornonbao5122 says : 19'11>> <<@rodjanadornonbao5122 says : Jxnghchhufvfhchhlhkjhjkghvb cvres6gul fgu 5:59>> <<@calico_ther1an says : Me, seeing the title: So basically the dark days...>> <<@markougrenovic3722 says : Play fallout shelter>> <<@quantum-powered-cat says : "wait, wait wait NO NO NO!">> <<@noxeternus9633 says : lets be real, the devs just give this guy steam keys for free bug finding help>> <<@niklasneighbor6726 says : 0:50 little did you know that "Waldbrand" means "forest fire" in german>> <<@_________.___- says : 14:49>> <<@LowQualityPillow says : Fun glitch in the game: You can build these towers that increase the amount of soldiers you can have in your army. You can however only place a limited amount of them. This limit does not work. You can keep expanding your army infinitely>> <<@Ram-nc1nl says : 14:51 lol>> <<@duphasdan says : That name Failtasia works and sounds so well.>> <<@jayswarrow1196 says : Josh just made a movie, called *"The floor minus-overview_txt: Beyound Below The Infinity".* Falling from just _one_ edge of existence isn't enough for this man.. The rest of it is a perfect illustration of how nato wins wars.>> <<@EkowSword says : Crylandia is like saying "Land of Cryland".>> <<@OliTheTerrible says : Waldbrand means forest fire in German. Funny enough that name would've been fitting.>> <<@MrTinkerbell72526 says : The ai don't care>> <<@MrTinkerbell72526 says : The ai don't 👂 some times 😅>> <<@SilentSigil says : This game looks terrible.>> <<@Mert-uu9ek says : You're just using Hildebolt to save yourself!>> <<@Ratfkr says : I feel like you would love Songs of Syx>> <<@kevinclarke9129 says : New game is iconic>> <<@notMagnate says : lol>> <<@south55metal says : Monty Python would be so proud>>