<<@davidhouston4810 says : So many things you can do, so many ways you can do things, so many sides you can betray, a true RPG. There is no other game like New Vegas, everything you do, (or do not do), has consequences. That is why I love it.>> <<@I-SaidHello says : BRO PLAYED FOR 21 HOURS STRAIGHT HOLY>> <<@abraxo says : Why don't you just repair things with other things of the same type so as not to stupidly throw them away?>> <<@jokodihaynes419 says : My favorite fallout game>> <<@jokodihaynes419 says : Wild wasteland>> <<@Cyberpunk2025xd says : No anos 2000.000 antes de Cristo não tinha esse jogo não 😭😭 Era jogar pedra na parede Eu nasce foi em 20/09/0001>> <<@WeegeeSlayer123 says : Download the diagonal movement mod so your courier looks less like she's hovering above the ground.>>