<<@Mrpotato-gs2ur says : BAGHDAD have still enough oils in future😮>> <<@ernestw2474 says : In this universe, it seems Baghdad becomes war torn city for many times and experience a lot of fighting, (1917, 1941, 1991, 2003, 2013, 2020, and 2061). Anyways, although I am excited and looking forward for the upcoming game Gulf War, I am not hopeful for it and will expect the inconsistencies and disappointments; historical inaccuracies, more operators instead of classic multiplayer, crazy skins, more special forces and intelligence agency and so on. 9:16 I'm sure he looks angry.>> <<@ernestw2474 says : Is this thumbnail made by AI art generator? Her gun looks weird.>> <<@rpgsgamer7850 says : Advance Warfare?>> <<@WhatAboutYou123 says : Baghdad : here we go again.>> <<@djricane says : 5:34 I love that shit>> <<@ChiruuuS says : These titles>> <<@izanagisora says : I hate this game series Because it show the destruction of my country>> <<@champagnegascogne9755 says : 6:36 looks like a potential Finishing Move animation>> <<@RubenDarioLopezArteaga says : It's good to see you again>> <<@Roboute-Guilliman says : I saw the notification and thought it was gonna be early gameplay for the gulf war game 😂>> <<@ExoticXOXO says : I know I'm a little late but congrats on 1 million>>