<<@LetsGameItOut says : WHO'S READY FOR SPACE FUN: https://play.paradoxinteractive.com/LGIO-Space (and space stocks and space cubes and space squids, space πŸš€ space πŸš€ space πŸš€ space πŸš€ space πŸš€ space)>> <<@amnoirgg8563 says : cat>> <<@Yotta_Guns says : That planet is tiny. Just looks big because it's close. After 18km it had basically disappeared from view.>> <<@3clipse1guess says : i love how 15:03 is somehow the most played>> <<@danielcingari5407 says : "I think we need to make our base look a little more formidable" *builds a Chorus Plant* 25:16>> <<@rushmeme1166 says : Is it just me, or is this game REALLY similiar to astroneer, except its set in space not on the planets.>> <<@MedEvil1c says : 0:58 oddly reassuring whilst terrifying words from Josh πŸ˜… "Don't worry, you dont need it. You've got me">> <<@zacksirola1552 says : "Sorry Josh, I don't give credit!">> <<@aelyx279 says : Josh and conveyor belts are pretty much like a mother to her son lol>> <<@terryleehillyer8264 says : I love is.>> <<@khadijaabdellaoui6539 says : The β€œYOUR WELCOMEE” from the dead bodies 😭>> <<@lancetherocketengineergaming says : what 15:18>> <<@galladegamerletsplays says : the "every surface is a floor" mechanic is super unique, I like it>> <<@Kelsey.Desoto says : This game is basically Astroneer + Hydroneer + a bunch of trash + dead body farms (Josh's corpse preferably) + stupidity :D>> <<@HeroKnight28. says : His ship thing reminds me of Star Trek>> <<@Dovah_Slayer says : I guarantee someone is gonna make a giant borg cube in this game>> <<@jackson_whelchel says : lgio just going crazy in space and getting upset over his dead body "i want it packed up">> <<@zhabiboss says : Did you know? In order for these cubes to pull him like that they have to weigh 1.19 billion kg>> <<@kurotenshi8100 says : 15:56 🀨?>> <<@TheChickenFairy. says : I finally got this game, and came back to watch the video again to find out at what point he went from like 300 credits to 10k+ πŸ˜‚ 24:46>> <<@WooperGoober says : the lighting made me think he was next to a black hole for a second>> <<@remram44 says : Do we need the jump cut between every single sentence?>> <<@Bean_ChillFaceMan says : Games when josh joins: πŸ˜­πŸ˜“ Josh's brain in the game: πŸ—‘πŸ’£πŸ’₯= πŸ†>> <<@MildFracas says : Thanks. I hate it. πŸ’€πŸ€£>> <<@BACMemesandRoblox says : 24:31 AHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh->> <<@hacquergames9601 says : not your best gigga-overkill you did better in Satisfactory>> <<@Thugshaker_thequaker says : 21:45 dude….. built a little something??? You made an international space station.>> <<@jasonalantrahan says : His video always make laugh and feel better>> <<@soup9242 says : β€œ18,000 miles, which is only like 11 miles.” -Josh, 8:58>> <<@stormfire1435 says : "18000 miles away. Which honestly in the states is only like 11 mile" 9:00 that's some great math couldn't have done it better myself>> <<@jimskywaker4345 says : I can't believe Josh made the Narada>> <<@sarah8479 says : Why does the moving belts πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ remind me of hydroneer>> <<@kylestephens1421 says : Not really funny. A rare miss. Sorry, bud!>> <<@ciraxis82 says : CONVEYOR BELTS!!!!!>> <<@brodycharleslong1078 says : What?>> <<@SimonSays-5566 says : 1:11 Favorite game mentioned: Now have to focus on video until over>> <<@McWinnigan says : that one roof is like >: ( WHY YOU SON OF A oh sorry i just burned it>> <<@SkiptheMag says : i wish you uploaded more your video always make me laugh but you do make good videos and that takes time>> <<@freybear8457 says : I’m tired of seeing games and going, OOOO I think I’ll play it, then boom… it’s steam powered, AND I ONLY HAVE A XBOX (and iPad)>> <<@xxspazzattacxx2974 says : the game feels like if its trying to be No Mans Sky>> <<@Rainy_R says : 16:36 Well I sure wasn't expecting that XD>> <<@thefenix8352 says : You always know there is something horrible that’s about to happen when you here β€œhey guys it’s Josh welcome back to lets game it out β€œπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@MrGermandeutsch says : that's meters, not miles πŸ‘€>> <<@Lockheedsr71blackbird says : 2301st>> <<@TheManDude says : 9:50 The first Helldiver.>> <<@notablearray1792 says : Don’t let him touch ship breaker>> <<@chad0x says : "ANd of course it's making our base look... Amazing!">> <<@wadysawkostrzewski8557 says : love Paradox but even more LGIO>> <<@winterbeat13 says : Josh made Soylent Green dippin' dots! πŸ˜‚>> <<@chilaou says : I think the devs have had plenty of time to breathe -- wanna come back and destroy this game some more?>>