<<@hibernate8517 says : MK11 animation is beautiful, each character was developed Soo good, like even if you didn't know who the joker was or is, just the way he walks, his aura, he's chit chat, he's movement, he's fight style, already gives your brain a good perception of who he is. I love MK11 so much. To me, MK1 looks kinda slow, it's like when u play 60fps vs 120fps in a shooter game, it's more fluid, making it look slower. The level of true realism they tried to achieve creates a draw back for MK1, because the gameplay style is quite unrealistic. Creates just too much disconnect for me. MK1 is a good game anyways, but I can't help it, I was disappointed with the gameplay, the cinematic trailers we're so promising>> <<@Jeanssj98 says : mk 11 was just a way better game overall for casuals (who are like 90% of who buy and play), even to watch it was more fun because of the way superior presentation and characters/guests>> <<@Golden-king-o7k says : Mk1 is just better I’ll explain more graphics more kamos more content fatallys are so cool and brutality is great too Mk1 to good and Ermac holy Jesus I’m getting crazy combos Mk1 better just better to good to great to experience to peace maker great 50 50 combos team Mk1 boyyyyyyyy>> <<@jihadiaffairs1198 says : Mk11 any day of the week instead of mk1.>> <<@swed5726 says : While I find MK1 more fun in terms of combo potential and it having a proper breaker system, MK11 takes it for me. The kameo system was system was something I didn't mind at first until months later and you realize there isn't a proper way to work around it. Yes it's a team based fighter but with no proper defensive tools like a pushblock, so we get this super boring scorpion/kano, raiden/kano etc. MK11 just feels faster in terms of combo strings and moves. MK11 also felt responsive in terms of button pressing and canceling, where MK1 feels rough at times>> <<@toritovalenzuela says : I played MK1 for a week and then stopped. I still play MK11 to this day.>> <<@barrytooth4306 says : gameplay wise MK 1 is amazing but the developers always wait 2 months to add new stuff which is killing the hype or interest. They should add stuff or update the game more frequently. Doesn’t even have to be characters. Maybe new events for skins that can be won like towers of time, or new modes and so on also give the dlc characters more winnable cosmetics like in MK 11>> <<@retrox64games says : Withtout a doubt gameplay is far better in mk 11 and mk X is probably better than 11 as well, 1 is just a clusterfuck of clunk mechanics!>> <<@techquad1151 says : xray was boring, and 11 is nice, anyway i thik and hoped for less easy ``super bars kills``, actually i like fight with less superpowers and more real combat. i did not buy mk 1. it seems like not worth it i like mk11, still i want more fighting less cinema boost kills there too. The gamnes looks to much the same on most , however xray agin? so boring watching. its a dlc maybe for me not a new game. its also bring back Mk X as i only liked 20% as much as MK11>> <<@SomaliWarLordIA says : Zoning in mk11 was cool it was frustrating but I loved it when I got close & raw gameplay like KB just more stylish & moves were more creative like ppl would do unexpected things I miss it 😂😂>> <<@Goro_84s says : I hate cameos 😢>> <<@gabrielcisneros3426 says : MK11 is far more a better game over MK1 by a long shot…. It doesn’t even compare>> <<@reeanimationgaming1034 says : I don’t know… I think MK1 has completely lost the charm of the series.. I think this is a huge step back from 11 and 10. Everything is bright and colorful like a disney movie, the fatalities are just dull, and the blood is worse. And then we have gameplay with random cameos flying in to do a random move.. I just don’t like it at all.. I mean. I love watching Super play, but just not MK1 🤷😔>> <<@Kylethejobber says : I would have to say mk11 is more enjoyable>> <<@mknewbie0533 says : Mk1 is dead because of the stupid audience who abused mk11 which was a masterpiece and hyped mk1 so much . Where y'all kids now mk1 is trash>> <<@Kn1ghtborne says : Between these 2 games .. Mortal Kombat 9 is the better game. Both are trying to be like Mk9 but the reason theyre not fun is because they nerfed the whole goddamn roster since Mk9. I'd also like to remind you that Mk1 has worse loops that are easier to effortlessly pull off. Mk9 actually took precise timing where Mk1 gives you time to literally do anything as a counter. You can even counter fatal blows from point blank range on wake up. Plus tag team has everything kameos can do but it was better balanced because you had to CHOOSE whether to use an assist, a breaker, an xray, or a special amp. You only got a free combo switch which could mean a juggle but not guaranteed. Mk9 also has THE BEST neutral in any MK game ever made. You shouldn't be scared to go to neutral because your character has no strings or mix ups. Mk9 made sure every character could throw hands. Mk1 looked for every excuse to cut corners.>> <<@abegomez08 says : Mk11 is better imo>> <<@lenwoodwaugh9526 says : I like mk11 better. I just can't get with the kameos and I feel customizations is so limited and wack tbh>> <<@denseslide366 says : I feel like krushing blows should’ve come back but instead of random ones like “hit this move twice” “Only works if you miss the first hit” should be left out. Instead they should all be “this only works if used as a punish” or “must get this many hits in a combo” They would’ve looked so clean in MK1>> <<@cjirish4750 says : I’m callin this MK 12>> <<@romuluspfeiffer says : I really like MK1 and don't like MK11. I also don't think mk11 is more fun to watch. But I can imagine, if someone don't play the game, than mk11 might have some adventages for the viewer. But in my opinion, I've seen every crushing blow, intro and outro of of every character more than enough. Optics never was a reason to play or watch the the game on yt.>> <<@CrilpFlorp says : Personally, I’d kill for some Injustice 2 content. My girlfriend and I have been grinding that>> <<@jrm371 says : The answer is MKX. Still the best.>> <<@ThePeej75 says : I love MK 11. MK 1 feels like almost a completely different game. Intros are completely different. Cameos. Aerial combat. Not much customization available. The game is incomplete. The only thing I like about MK 1 at this point is you don't need Scorpion's spear to be amplified for the spear to just bring the opponent to you. At this point, I'm basically forcing myself to play it because is the newest Mortal Kombat.>> <<@owlface2365 says : To me, what I love about 11 is exactly what you didn't like. I love KBs, I love throw escape fail system, I love interactibles, it makes the whole thing more "cinematic" if that makes sense. Watching and MK11 match feels almost like a movie. MK1 might be more technical for pro players, but for the audience (at least for me), it's very boring to watch. Simple as that. Tough choice you got there. Good luck !>> <<@EverettStovall says : Mk 1 is a complete downgrade tbh>> <<@Jasonarthurofficial807 says : Well for me if ur talking about Gameplay without kameo then i will choose MK1 Just compare mk11 doesn't have AIR COMBO but6of course there are some character in mk11 that has better moveset than mk1 for example i like mk11 johny cage move than mk1 also mk11 sub zero and kung lao compared to mk1 but when it comes to gameplay mk1 is better>> <<@TheStatisticalPizza says : My big thing with MK11 is that each fight feels like a battle for resource management and mind games. In MK1 you just fill up bar too quickly, whether it's kameo or meter, and that makes every match feel far too predictable. In 11 there was a lot of meter management and that just doesn't exist in MK1>> <<@WhereIsGhostt says : Ngl people just gotta stop living in the past if you take each game for what it is rather than comparing to the past game they’re all good games and ive played em all, but thats the problem everyones always comparing the next game to the older ones. Now its a good thing they’re not, but just think for a sec what if netherrealm decided to be like 2k and shut servers down on the older games while only keeping the two most recent active what would you X players do ? End of the day you cant please everyone someone always gonna complain but its been damn near a decade since that game came out and everyone knows whenever they release a new game they try to make it refreshing for the players yet the community just complains most of the time about something they can’t/too lazy to perform/figure out (there’s a difference from complaining and giving feedback)>> <<@GavishRaptor says : get well soon bb>> <<@MarkEstratocaster says : The real answer is MKX, bro! lol>> <<@envyvenom2 says : I do agree they gave too many options for wake up, but you can also predict the wake up and punish accordingly, they roll, you grab, up 1 up 2, flawless block and punish…. You don’t have these in mk1, flawless block a wake up, go to punish, hit with cameo….. I’d rather have too many options than not enough! The gameplay is fun in mk1, but it’s just the spammy nature of the game REALLLYYYYYY leans more to the casual players that just meta and spam and it’s horrible cause you’re not losing to skill, you’re losing to cheese everytime… crushing blows were kinda wild in mk1 but I mean…. They go both ways, they could land a cheesy KB and no matter what character you’re playing as you have the same base KBs and ones for your character….>> <<@envyvenom2 says : It’s the shit cameos that prevent you from punishing your opponent, and it’s the absolute DOMINATION of pokes in this game…. They’re way too op in mk1, mk11 gave you options for people spamming plus’s frames with the up2 or up1, you don’t have these options in mk1, which is what makes it so frustrating for me, I get rekt with raiden stormcell for 10%…. String into stormcell, cameo, rinse repeat…. And other op characters have the same formula and it fucking blows>> <<@Bunkopops says : I'm gonna keep it real with you MK11 never had great gameplay. The annoying wake-up mechanics didn't help either, or the fact maybe 30% of the roster could do decent kombos without using two bars of meter. I think it was Robocop who made me realize "okay, this is ridiculous".>> <<@pandumoanium7269 says : Mortal kombat 1 is less interesting to watch. The top tier characters have more options but feel like they dont because nobody uses them all. On top of the boring top tiers, Netherrealm isnt significantly changing up meta. Some characters have come up, but youre still gonna see Johnny, Raiden, sindel. So, lack of matchup variety. And Kameos just dont help. Between cheesey top tier characters, and boring Kameos, the game is just not as interesting to watch. This wouldnt be bad if there were MORE fan favorites. But DLC is slow to release, this game has less throwback skins than any other. Last part may just be me. But I feel MK1 lacks alot of the fan favorites that modern watchers of the series know and care about. No playable special forces, no kano. No frost or noob. All things that Mk11 has...>> <<@Groaznic says : I'm a mediocre MK player so for me it's mostly about the presentation. MK 1 is not MK in my book, too colourful, joyful (they made all the good guys sound innocent uwu soft like a pillow, there is no more menacing good guys like MK always had, remember when Raiden showed up in the first MK movie everyone pooped their pants), too much magic-like effects all over the screen and too many superheroes with capes flying, even if they're cool, again I barely recognize this as MK. The story cinematics are kinda OK, while MK X and MK 11 cinematics were incredible and could have been a stand alone movie in the theaters that I would have loved to see. So MK 1 is just a bad taste in the mouth, like a game made by the numbers by people who are not MK fans (presentation wise I mean; I understand from you that the gameplay is super good). I really wanted to like e.g. Raiden and Smoke but they're unbearable, very artificial "goody good guys" exaggerated innocent uwu voices, these guys have no idea any more how to define a character.>> <<@whiplash364 says : The egregious lack of features that have less than zero excuse to not be present in the game from even early access week (multiple custom loadouts with AI presets from MK11, gear previews with descriptions of how to unlock them, actual 3-piece intros, customizable intro character walkups, towers of time/ injustice 2 multiverse towers that give players gear and actual progression, private match room in online outside of just your friends, etc). The mountain of bugs that STILL aren’t completely fixed even after SIX MONTHS of release, and the further introduction of new bugs into the game from rushed, half-assed patches is UNACCEPTABLE! Especially after doing the most to sure the store works right before everything else! And the store! Oh boy, the store! The place where every skin worth using crystals for is $10. More than a literal completed and fleshed out character but who’s counting, right?! Don’t forget the drip fed content either, where they artificially lock everyone out of base game content, all after they paid $110 for the completed ultimate edition of the game! All this bullshit. All the lies. All of the corpo greed. This scam, this betrayal of a game to so many millions of fans who loved Mortal Kombat and NRS. This is the true Mortal Kombat: Deception. And until things change from something like an actual boycott of the game which is truly, genuinely, justified at this point, Mortal Kombat is dead to me. The only thing that might bring me back is Takeda, and he’s probably been delayed until 2033, lol. Lmao even. What a joke, NRS & WB>> <<@dmcfail987 says : I've deleted and Installed this dumb game so much i hate kameos and etc i know injustice fans feel like they dodged a bullet>> <<@SaintsFan09-z3s says : I re-download mk11 and deleted it after an hour. Mk1 has absolutely ruined it for me, mk11 is straight garbage.>> <<@bonfirelit1429 says : mk1 has better gameplay bases and roster, but mk11 is a better game, customizacion, game modes, speed, lobbys, art design, the shop, and probably the netcode are better in mk11>> <<@kingorin9442 says : MK1 has better combos, style and creativity and a great breakaway system.... but the kameos that guarantee plus frames after every unsafe move is the most stupid thing...... MK11 was fast and fun, but breakaway and lack of combos ruined it. I do love the KB system though>> <<@Jjbird17 says : Graphics wise I think mk11 is better I like the dark mk lore and graphics in mk1 is so campy and they made most the male fighters look way less intimidating.. also kameos is a dud but I think if they came out with a awesome single player conquest mode people would be a lot less upset with the game but instead they put out invasions a complete utter waste of time>> <<@AdamBanks323 says : Mk11 was my favorite to watch use to never miss a video>> <<@baraka99 says : Maybe switch to Tekken 8. Im done with MK1 and I preordered it unfortunately.>> <<@LiquorGang-m6g says : Mk 11 & X the best Mk games>> <<@roostir666 says : Hope you feel better soon man! And I’ll watch and like whichever MK you play. I love them all for different reasons. Like they’re my children lol. I’m starting to think, from what I can gather, that somehow, Mk1 is more fun to play, than to watch. Maybe vice Versa with MK11? I don’t know man. I love playing and watching them all. Some day MK1 will just be added to my rotation of “ which MK will I play today” but for now I’m loving playing MK1 👍>> <<@StealWhoWhenAndWhat says : Gameplay wise, I don’t think that it’s fun to have to go through multiple sets of you having to guess if Lao’s hat it’s gonna hit first or not. Being on the defensive end of this game against these hard to blockable is not rewarding, if you block it you pretty much don’t get rewarded for it, and skill wise is way more difficult to block it than it is to set it up. (You can’t even armor through it, you have no options against it. ) I don’t think it’s fun that the game enables players to shut their brains off and just do whatever into special for chip damage for the entire match (Yes you can flawless block it and avoid chip… but if you’re playing online, the way that the servers are trash how often and consistently will You flawless block? Considering that they can switch up their timings and so on)>> <<@jonathantsoi2951 says : I think cuz the combos in mk11 / mk10 were more stylish than it is in MK1.>> <<@flixap5150 says : i was watching waz mk11 and i was so entertained but then i saw a waz mk1 video and it felt so dead, the fighting looks like attack poke block poke attack, mk11 had variety for these things>> <<@dartawnasailo4449 says : It's just a bit of nostalgia,, not that it's been that long but I kinda miss watching mk11>>