<<@user-tc4ct8hb2r says : finally rammstein guitarist got his own game>> <<@crimsonmercenary610 says : 6:51-7:06 FULL. STOP. Kojima, you are a GENIUS! (PS: I legit laughed at this part)>> <<@Sam-Fisher says : Masterpiece>> <<@thedarkknight727 says : 6:50 Nevan from the Devil May Cry series would be proud. 😎>> <<@thedarkknight727 says : After watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, I wouldn’t mind if the sequels went this route with their stories. Cause playing Death Straddling, was like exploring the depths of the Spirit World. 😜>> <<@rupertcortes3980 says : Another metal gear reference.>> <<@neofulcrum5013 says : As someone who enjoyed the first game, this new looks even better.>>