<<@joshputzke5400 says : if sindel kill her other self, would that be murder or suicide>> <<@joshuaChetty-r9g says : Liu kang weak ass god>> <<@Vindaya_ says : Sindel's death gave me a flashback of Jeanne's death from Bayonetta 3 โ˜ ๏ธ>> <<@elizel90 says : She'll be back. Maybe as Evil Sindel though, but hopefully she'll be saved like the OG timeline.>> <<@brandonwells8439 says : 6:15>> <<@rickyspanish2337 says : 6:14 why would she hit her with the bottom of the sword instead of just stabbing her>> <<@stephaniebroadnax8633 says : 7:17 sindel's most cutest adorable moan ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜>> <<@ar-fables4431 says : Why not just steal the other sindel, bring her to the palence, and have Ermac do a sindel soul transfer lmao>> <<@nightmarelogofans says : Which chapter about this?>> <<@NoelRichardsons says : Wow just the same words she said in mk9 ๐Ÿ˜ข>> <<@kinopiko01 says : How does Sindel handle a stab in the neck like it's nothing but just die from a stab in the belly>> <<@ErenXJp says : Dark sindel was the original sindel from first main timeline in mortal kombat her nature is evil more than shao or shinnok ...>> <<@TRAY-D23 says : i love how NRS cherishes sindel and continues to make her OP>> <<@tanjunee7953 says : Sindel will be reincarnated to a young girl that become heroic and will be Lord Angel God Kitana mentor.>> <<@brandonalvarez6040 says : At least they didnโ€™t make her evil for no reason this time>> <<@ldking5132 says : I despise this scene. Absolutely despise, and I actually enjoy Sindel. But this is just straight up stupid.>> <<@beansguy2479 says : Besides everyone using so LITTLE of their powers and weapons against that Evil Bitch Sindel, as well as good Sindel dying, the only thing I hate about this is that they didn't let Mileena mutilate her. Our pink girl needs to double Sai stab that bitch in her stupid white eyes. Knocking her out in a fight isn't enough. She needs some serious Brutality or Fatality for what she's done, similar to her fate in MK9 and MK11.>> <<@i4shaikh says : That scene when they all run outside IN SINGLE LINE always gets me..๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@quintiliousjones8008 says : @4:52 I love evil sindel's laugh๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@xiaoqiaopowergirl5445 says : 5:32>> <<@d-staxworldwidestax7112 says : I hate the evil bewitched Sindel>> <<@keiferbellajaro9917 says : Wait so what happens to dark single after this?>> <<@monav8606 says : One of the smaller details (if even intentional or not) I like about this sequence is Geras only feeling the need to move in on Sindel once Liu Kang begins to engage with her, he's such a bro for trying to back him up>> <<@jasonlorphotofilms says : This was definitely the sindel that we needed. And it's fitting that she faced off against the one we hated.>> <<@warriorofcelestia says : 1:15 well we learn something from this...never trust anything or anyone named damashi. it's always something or someone with deception in mind.>> <<@TheManWhoLaughs2008 says : Glad the real Sindel showed up!>> <<@adriantheadvanced8676 says : 6:27 Evil Sindel: Oh, it's so sad to see a child lose her mother. 6:31 Mileena: *Gets Mad At Evil Sindel Kills Her Mother Sindel* If my mother dies, she won't be the only Sindel to perish!>> <<@jmejocyrus3625 says : Empress Sindel should have screamed back Geras should have regenerated by now Jerrod/Ermac where did their telekinesis go? Just break her arms Liu Kang if you could solo a 2v1 against titan Quan Chi and Shang Tsung you can solo that Sindel, your a god..>> <<@jeannesgm7564 says : So everyone goes down in one hit but Evil Sindel is strong as a God>> <<@lonniedwayne9549 says : I loved the story mode in MK 1 , it was awesome. But no way in hell is Sindel beating God Liu Kang. ๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@deadlyfaster7347 says : 4:53 iBet the fight between the heroes and Evil sindel, is NRS taking the notes from everything wrong with mk 9 and fixing it all, so she gets hit and doesn't kill everyone except her other self>> <<@adad87821 says : it seems that no matter the timeline sindel is always gonna die its like its a canon event>> <<@nighty4185 says : THEY LITERALLY LEFT HER BODY THAT IS NO BURIAL PLACE FOR A QUEEN. AND FUCKING LIU KANG TOLD THEM TO FUCK OUTTA THAT PLACE ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ>> <<@zackeryjmm1794 says : THIS is how you do female characters in games>> <<@_george_jorge2067 says : Thank you for killing my favourite character AGAIN! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜‘>> <<@tgslayer4774 says : Sindel would still be alive if Liu just went โ€œEVERYONE JUMP THIS SOBโ€>> <<@Fallenmonkegod says : Is no one going to talk about how Liu kang lost to sindel because he fell on his back๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š>> <<@IamKevinNg says : Well, the Good Sindel weโ€™ve all waited for is died again. I wish they could made a honor funeral for her>> <<@Findyification says : always weird watching MK story LOL they talk like this after battle>> <<@devinarthur6559 says : 2:00>> <<@ukley___ says : Bro the team she fought now was even stronger than the group she fought back in mk9 and she still soloed all of them. Even defeated herself. I guess being evil just gives sindel a huge power up>> <<@sonicfan2403 says : This could mean Sindel still lives on inside of the host body along with Jerrod, meaning she could pop back up inside Ermac, so I don't think she's completely gone.>> <<@justagamer2091 says : *sindel appears* Me: They got this fight they can jump her Sindel: Come forward if you dare- Me: Oh god it's happening again isn't it?>> <<@xavierhouston4650 says : Liu Kang acting like he canโ€™t just obliterate anyone there.๐Ÿคฃ>> <<@PR1ME98 says : Not a perfect story, but its still really good.>> <<@Aurababii says : I feel like Sindel could have avoided her death maybe if she sliced here right away after she knocked her out even fighting in the air etc โค>> <<@js__brys.o5 says : It is so nice to see the royal family is finally completed But each time when sindelโ€™s in the story mode then she would die -.->> <<@recreantjournals6723 says : Why didnt geras and fire god liu kang whoop her ass? Sindel is good but they could have ended the fight>> <<@bluerosekoro8875 says : I legit got scared when evil sindel referenced MK9 because I really didnโ€™t want a repeat of that slaughter.>> <<@sharparrow7304 says : Why is there two sindel pls explainn>>