<<@samalvey8168 says : End these Imperials and their accomplices! Naboo will not fall! Not on this day!>> <<@tallestred8245 says : 8:24 Wait that actually happens in canon? I thought that was something you'd only see in multiplayer>> <<@neofulcrum5013 says : It’s very fitting Leia would visit her mother’s homeworld>> <<@joshuastarkloff9602 says : Was the Royal Naboo Defense Forces disbanded after the Empire occupied Naboo? I would of assumed they would help the Rebels in defending Theed.>> <<@-Francisco- says : I recently just got into Star Wars. After playing Jedi fallen order and survivor. I may have to pick this one up too>> <<@shadowtrooper262 says : Imagine getting killed by a small blaster against an armour designed to withstand small blaster fire. Pathetic 😂>> <<@rpgsgamer7850 says : HOLD THE LINE>>