<<@chrisb3976 says : A fancy ass diving attack doesnt work on Vader lol. FAFO>> <<@devinsenrick says : Only if Kylo was as brutal as vader.>> <<@frostfang7670 says : Personally (and this is just my opinion) imagine if it was the Grand Inquisitor (voiced by Jason Isaac) that came in and its this big extensive fight between the two who coulda been former friends and Cere distraught he's destroying their legacy and Grand Inquisitor simply doesn't care (despite his extensive knowledge he shows he posseses). To me if Grand Inquisitor was in Vaders place and he staggered off after fighting Cere it woulda been more interesting. Just have her through dialogue from earlier hint she knew of someone who was passionate of the archives and protecting them and then just seeing her former friend come in like the specter of death.>> <<@Rekaert says : Not sure Lightsabers have ever been quite so gentle as they are in these games.>> <<@dankcraft7386 says : Bro who thought of the name of the video cause i’m dying 😂😂>> <<@morgan8789 says : Дарт Сион не одобряет.>> <<@Small_Hollow says : The biggest problem I have with this fight, is that a book shelf caught him on fire and destroyed pieces of his armor. Its supposed to be fire proof.>> <<@Shatter149 says : this is what i liked about star wars. there are consequences everywhere, u wont know who dies. even in the disney trilogy. even though they're hot garbage but it has this kind of feeling.>> <<@dr.muller3243 says : Anyone just click on every Darth Vader video for Jedi survivor to see how many people have made the patience bar joke?>> <<@DefineHatespeech says : He truly brought peace, justice, and freedom to his new empire>> <<@lukewennlund7391 says : That’s not a health bar. That’s Vader’s patience bar.>> <<@Lemarcus03 says : Is that Bonifa Latifah?>> <<@sergeantjameson587 says : 1:40 damn, this force push looks heavy with such little effort>> <<@BalloutNewDregas says : video title brought to you by the emperor or perhaps tarkin>> <<@s8theninjawarrior916 says : Bruh... this looks so much worse than the first game. 😂 what a failure of a game>> <<@mojoman9847 says : Know as former inquisitor Darth Reva>> <<@DinkusDorf says : she jumped out at vader with a lightsaber, he's got a right to defend himself.>> <<@smurrdog5364 says : If only her Estromelanin were higher, she definetly would have beaten Vader>> <<@Neumonics429 says : Knowing Darth Vader was once crushed under Cal's anime and porn DVD collection as well as a few copys of Fight Club makes him sound a lot less tough.>> <<@jkellyid says : that fire looks very 2004.>> <<@Pro_Butcher_Amateur_Human says : Vader: "I killed everyone in a child-kidnapping cult of sexless space magicians, why do people act like I'M the bad guy?">> <<@calebfletcher7528 says : The scene is alright but honestly who wants to play through fight that pulls you into a cutscene every time you scratch the boss?>> <<@TheAwesomeDarkNinja says : You're the real MVP for not spoiling who he was fighting.>> <<@tiny99990 says : Holy shit unlike in the last game this one seems to actually hint that Vader is human... He has a healthbar n everything... not to mention he limps off after the fight, impressive considering it is only Cere.>> <<@tiny99990 says : Both of these games and the series 'Kenobi' made me realize just how bad I want a Vader series following his exploits from the last time we saw him in ep III and to when we first see him in ep IV in that time frame (17 years) Vader was born into existence and then he became the most feared being in the universe (well one could argue thats the Emperor, but only because the Emperor held the leash to Vader) That could be a whole long series needing only to find story to put into the episodes, and since so much of it is unwritten it really shouldn't be that difficult I mean sure an overarching story that he strives for is important and even that is not terribly difficult... the difficult part is writing the nitty gritty dialogue and characters... the overall story is relatively easy... It is Disney and at this point after the wild success and popularity of Kenobi and the over all love for the Vader portrayed there I think its pretty obvious that it'd be a superb investment.>> <<@zach942 says : EMP tech probably exists in star wars, why tf doesnt anyone just shut down vaders life support system lol dumb plot armor bs>> <<@Magnus_Corvus says : Good ol vader clearing out the diversity hires.>> <<@harrisondarenberg9686 says : *Everyone* : WhY dId CErE hUrT VaDEr???!????? Because she dropped a floor’s worth of a burning bookcase on him. Its not like she hit his mask guys. She tossed a bookshelf on him. Really just gave us a really dope ass look for vader in the end. Burning Vader is something i need in Battlefront 2.>> <<@shotscarecrow says : The amount of man-hours that must have gone into this scene, and you still end up watching a sequence where each combatant swings their lightsabre right through the other multiple times without causing so much as a surface laceration.>> <<@devastater97 says : The Empire supports this video title.>> <<@Nimzo25 says : Vader doing his part in ridding the Galaxy of Jedi knowledge since it could inspire new generations of Jedi to rise up against Palpatine and the peace his Empire created since the end of the Clone Wars!>> <<@Madness801 says : I like how just stands up and looks at her then walks away like "im him">> <<@Malbeefance says : Love watching Vader putting down the smackdown.>> <<@Renovartio says : The wicked witch is dead>> <<@zwykyziomek2570 says : "terrorist leader" excuse me what the f>> <<@thomaslardinois6383 says : 4:35 I like his little shoulder shimmy up the wall. That caught me off guard XD>> <<@user-anderson13 says : 4:25 so chill>> <<@ThyFleshConsumed says : So many strong empowered black woman. Should put a redhead in instead.>> <<@djroland9340 says : Absolutely no way vader gettin handled like that>> <<@mattmas6628 says : this fight was an insult t0o Vader and just flat out ridiculous. Vader should have destroyed her>> <<@okwayz4438 says : All vader had to do was force choke her>> <<@fernando8849 says : es un zapato..... }>> <<@15youngblack says : The title of this video is funny.>> <<@vinnythornton2930 says : Vader is cool, but gets his ass kicked by literally everybody>> <<@kirillsibirtcev1481 says : Имхо, графика местами мега всрата, боевка тоже не раскрывает многих аспектов силы и боя на световых мечах. Последний пирует - самое глупое, что можно было сделать в сражении с Вейдером. "Я просто толкну его, а потом кааааак полечу... И умру">> <<@lamshae6070 says : That is so stupid>> <<@Kdotkon says : That was a stupid attack>> <<@willgotrocks5348 says : Shit scene, Vader is over 100 times more powerful, and knows all Jedi training being Jedi himself once, should’ve been cake walk for vader, me and several others are not gonna this as canon, because in reality, Vader would annihilate this person>> <<@halfeatensub1351 says : A thank you to this brave hero for making the galaxy a little bit safer>> <<@vatarants says : FYI : That's not health bar. That's his patience.>>