<<@neglectfulsausage7689 says : I know 40K has been about fantastical armor suits and stuff, but there is tasteful and then there's TRONicized. They have crossed that limit. 40K apparel used to be interesting, but its becoming the micheal bay of tabletop gaming. Where transformers just got more glowy, more widgety, and more ridiculous looking.>> <<@ichimandrei4523 says : Since Astartes and death of hope, i cant look at low quality warhammer videos.>> <<@bregenoranthoran1820 says : Space Marines dies way too often and two easily in these Cinematics. Though I just came from watching Astartes recently so I might be Bias there's only 1 million of them, the imperium can't withstand this sort of casualty rate. That's what the Imperial Guard is for.>> <<@zel3996 says : Always sucks when you see terminator armor get ripped open like a wet paper bag, but I fucken love tyranids>> <<@Basilisk650 says : Deploy the hulks>> <<@galeforcebeach says : "His angels" always hits me like a truck>> <<@strvinar says : Course its some american looking dude>> <<@robertotenreiro says : JUST FUCKING GO TO YVRAINE DAMN IT!>> <<@skbproject5589 says : Anew shall never die, for in death we are reborn anew, and anew shall never die.>> <<@boydy1598 says : just make a fucking movie, or tv series, idc which omg..... imagine how proud the emperor would be!>> <<@kibblenackle431 says : I just pre-ordered space marine 2 yesterday I’m so excited for it>> <<@andrew-rn9ui says : God i hooe henry cavil olays some badass primarch , hooefully sanguinius and he dies to horus , which could be played by the dude who olayed gabriel in legion snd proximus ceasar>> <<@defdaz says : The alien? Xenos, you mean.>> <<@nomercyinc6783 says : youtubes new layout fuckin sucks>> <<@Ett.Gammalt.Bergtroll says : This must be early in the timeline of Humanity’s first encounter with the Tyranids. Before they learned that there is no such thing as “reclaiming” a Tyranid-infested planet. You can only count your losses and nuke it from orbit and declare it quarantined indefinitely.>> <<@crunchtcg says : Is this a 40k game trailer, series, or movie? I want to watch more content like this. Thanks>> <<@traderjo9552 says : "The alien" really took out not going to lie>> <<@ZiggEnt86 says : Space Marines are so obnoxious.>> <<@Mighty_Mr_B says : Correct me if im wrong but the one with the big ass axe and glowing runes was a Space Wolf right?>> <<@djmaxxsaint says : NGL They need to roll more 6's.>> <<@chitskirits says : Yes, you must be a real hero to fight wild animals with modern weapons even in games>> <<@DamienLavizzo says : I came to Warhammer 40K through Warcraft, so imagine my surprise and delight when Warhammer 40k was the far superior media and I had so much material to discover.>> <<@dimitriskolaitis6404 says : These are the most pathetic space marines i've ever seen. 0 tactics, 0 combat capabilities, 0 dodging, they just walk and shoot. The imperium's 'smartest' guys, huh? Tyrranids tearing through Terminator armor like wet paper too. If this were representative of the Space Marines, where a couple of cheap-to-make tyrranids roflpawned squads upon squads of them, Terra would be a Tyrranid breeding ground already, battling Chaos forces and orks.>> <<@richardrichardhaleysguitar8810 says : Bible says swearing is wrong>> <<@denyssadoudi6313 says : i dont understand, in one hand yoo see space marines being very strong like an elit force with insane and powerfull armors/weapons but held back by the fact that they are rare and not many, and sometimes you just see them getting one shotted like the most shittiest of guardsmen with paper armor and water guns. Is that just for the scenario of some cinematic/story that they go from Godlike to Dogshit or is there a real explanation?>> <<@NorthernMouse52 says : FOR THE EMPEROR MY BROTHER'S 🙏>> <<@Tikimohn says : Guillimans speech is so badass here.>> <<@turinthalion8784 says : WHERE ARE ALL THE WOMEN!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? WTF IS UP WITH THESE SEXIST SPACE MARINES, CHOSEN BY BIRTH MALES??????? DON'T THEY KNOW THAT WOMEN ARE BORN TOO???>> <<@Anonym-yr4qn says : 7:04 Kinda sounds like woke feminism, lol.>> <<@davidxin628 says : Not gonna lie, but Guilliman really looks like Putin in the CGI>> <<@clydedoris5002 says : For how much work goes into them space marines are way too expendable>> <<@maizetoken377 says : Why are they fighting on foot with bullets forty THOUSAND years from now?>> <<@fyfe206 says : Needs more girl power>> <<@michael6090 says : we are In the End times also Jesus is the only way! Jesus is coming / rapture soon!.. Jacobs troubles ( 7 year tribulation / hell on earth ) is coming ( Israel formally declares war against Hamas / But now Israel is Surrounded on 7 Fronts... ) If we Christians disappear soon, Your know the Lord has taken us Home! Now we need prayed for the Jews and to get many people saved as possible... also Jews going sacrifice red heifers soon or already have! Iran declared war on Israel!!!! Romans 10:9-13 King James Version 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on haim shall not be ashamed. 12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:38-39 King James Version 38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. 39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.>> <<@Cicciorocky says : FOR THE EMPEROR!!!!!>> <<@freshjnew says : Kneecapping a swarm lord is just nutty>> <<@NikSwiftDigs says : I always get so excited to see guardsmen. They’re just regular stiffs trying to survive a galaxy of horrors. Their saviours, the Space Marines, aren’t human any longer, as alien as the Xenos they fight. But guardsmen are just men. This part of the lore I always enjoy.>> <<@TheSpiritOfTheWest says : Nice of chris hemsworth to voice this>> <<@sonicusr says : I don't see how 1,000 ultramarines can survive against tyranids if this is how the fighting goes. They need to more often illustrate the point that a few dozen space marines dying in any single battle is a HUGE deal rather than just expected battlefield losses.>> <<@ff-pj3de says : "Belief will not save us" Better not let a Comissar or Inquisitor hear that.>> <<@jermanizer says : if you dont understand the satirical metaphor of the "heretic alien", opposing the righteous god emperor human worshippers, claiming themselves the centre of all that is good, then take a highschool english course, pls>> <<@rakeemnasim7390 says : Why there isnt a game like halo wars is beyond me>> <<@czolgistta says : The animations are great but I can't stand how in the books Space Marines are super fast and can take on hundreds of ennemies, but in every game they die to a single ennemy, are slow moving and evidently are a super mediocre unit.>> <<@IIXxSLAYERxXII says : This is better quality than anything i saw at Warhammer TV.>> <<@comradezero says : Amazingly poor writing. Another fine example of satire being co-opted by the satirized.>> <<@bungmonkey2295 says : Can whoever made this just make 40k movies please. Horus heresy ftw!!! Would be better than any garbage being made in hollywood these days>> <<@Bear_AU says : i feel like every time i see a space marine video its always ultramarines, do people know there are other factions?>> <<@urielruvalcaba7484 says : Guillermo, dile a tus hermanos que ya dejen de jugar y se pongan hacer para lo que fueron creados, herramientas para luchar a favor de la humanidad...>> <<@craigunshallach4951 says : That terminator died a bit quick, didn´t he>> <<@DarkROSkull013 says : If only a few of the Space Marines are deployed in an area at a specific time, then these Tyranids must be fearsome indeed, seeing how they slaughtered more than a few from the first scene.>>